
All my fault

I called, do I feel guilty, yes and no. Am I scared shitless, yeah I am. I mean for fuck sakes there's a girl and he and Ryan were fighting, even as I follow Brendon out I can't stop feeling that this is all my fault.

 Were turning a corner when a green muscle car pulls up along side us, " Want a ride?". I look at Brendon who just nods and we slide into the back seat, taking a clear look at the driver it comes to some relief to see Travis looking back at us. 

"Some party huh?" I just nod staring out the window, I hope calling the cops was the right thing to do... " That Gabe's one dick head, should just leave and make everyone's lives easier."

 I bite my lip " H-he's not all ba-bad..." my voice is small and holds very little to any conviction, Travis just scoffs and I hear Brendon sigh.

 " William how the fuck can you say he's not that bad.. If you hadn't, he would of-"  I stutter, stumbling for a good response but, I can't seem to find one so I just let myself slump into the seat.

Fuck this has to have been one of the worst nights of my life, " So where do you two wanna go?"  I turn to look at Brendon who looks at me with disgust and disappointment in his eyes," I would like to be dropped of at the motel six....."  and it was obvious in the way he said it that I was not included in those plans.

We drive  to the motel and Travis barely had time to stop before my best fr... Brendon get's out we pull into the busy streets the car remains silent for a few minutes, and I keep my eyes on the window. 

" So William, where can I drop you off?" As of now I have no where I can really be,  " Any corner wo- would be fi- fine..."

There's a momentary pause " Bill, do you have a place to stay tonight?" I just shake my head my throat feeling tight, I pick at my shirt at the only sound again is the rumble of traffic around us.

 We turn another corner before pulling into the driveway of a really nice house," You can stay in my guest room tonight if you want to." 

I manage a false but steady smile, he's too kind , I don't deserve this I betrayed so many people tonight... I feel like the other cub in the lion king, I was brought into the  pride but just fucked everything up even though I didn't mean to.

" Come on let's get you situated, your not the first stray I've taken in..."I tag along with him as he unlocks the door to this beautiful home" Welcome to my home, let me give you the guest tour..." He leads me around showing me from room to room until we reach a tiny room across from the kitchen.

" So this is where you'll be sleeping, if you leave before I get up leave a note, just so I know you'll be fine for a while... That sounds kinda stupid but I like to live in a false state of knowing about things," he lifts a hand and brushes the hair from my shoulder.

" Night beautiful," I give him a real smile but it seems so much smaller than my fake one right now.

" Night Tra- Travis , thanks a lot." he just waves me off disappearing into a room down he hall , I close the door behind me and carefully crawl into the bed pulling the soft blanket under my chin. 

I hope everyone's gonna be alright and I really hope Brendon will forgive me for my stupidity eventually... And I really hope Gabe's not too mad at me for calling the police , I really hope it was the right choice...

Spell doesn't really come to me all that easily and when I wake up I don't feel rested one bit.

I got up at two am and I've been staring at the wall for two hours, I guess I should get up. Tossing the blankets off I get up and quickly make the bed, then I quickly and quietly scurry out to the kitchen, scribble a quick note and slip out the back door. 

I walk down block after block, I'm just turning another corner when I see Gabe, and I freeze when his eyes fall and narrow upon me. Fuck my life...