
Those Things Will Kill You

Beyond first and second period, when lunch finally rolled around, and I actually got to see my friends, I just sighed, relieved, because guess what? That Ryan guy is in like 3 of my 4 classes...

My relieve kind of disintigrated though because Will was complaining that some guy in one of his classes had grabbed his butt, which was so inane and rude I could barely believe it. It made me think of Ryan though, he seemed like an inadvertent butt groper. If some one ever grabbed my butt, I think I'd have an emotional breakdown... But there is alot to grab.

" But I'm not like Brendon! My ass is skinny just like the rest of me! I don't have a diversion!" Wills claiming hysterics and repeatedly pointing out the fact that I have a 'undouptably full ass' in ya know, Wills words, not mine.

Hmm, I wonder if I should intraduce Ryan to everyone. I think they'd all think I went mad though, and Will would probably just hit on him... That's the problem with homosexuals, they always hit on everyone, it freaks me out... I mean wills been my friend since vegetales though, so it's okay I guess.

I'm in the middle of all these rediculius thoughts when I see Ryan walk past the library window in the crowded hall. I quickly yell at everyone that I'll be right back, causing Ms. Adams to 'shh' me, as I run quickly after him. When I catch up, I totally foget why I had chased him down in the first place, and when be asked me( more like demanded) what I wanted, all I could do was be socially retarded and say , " Uhh, how are you?"

Somehow I'm not offended when he stares at me like I'm a loon. I really just expected it,actually. What I am surprised about though, is when Ryan smiles at me alongside his other big intimidating friends and asks," Hey uh, were heading to the bleachers, you're ah- welcome to join us-" He cuts the classier half of the statement off with a dry laugh in chorus with his friends, because of the sheer mockery of it all.

On principle I want to decline, because I'm not a drug addict, but if I wanted to be, I'd hangout by the bleachers. That term was so ominous in my friend group, even William didn't say something like that. But here I am, holding this lovely conversation with Ryan and his lovely friends, and I won't lie, I'm on the harsher side of petrified right now. I feel like I'm so obligated to say yes, but I know what I will and should say.

" Sohow about it, boss?" And his tone was crooked, it matched his smile, but that term of superiority was so belittling somehow.

" Uhh, well you see- I kindof haveto- um-" My stuttering goes so waisted though, because next thing I know Ryans wrapping his lanky arm around my tensed shoulders, pushing me along with his friends, humming," Don't worry big man, I'll make sure you're not late..." Smug, and grinning like a fox. I feel powerless as I'm led outside, down to the schools arena, and up a couple of steps.

This was weird, it was new and really 99% of the people sitting around stared at me like I was mentally handicapped. They'd look away once they'd notice Ryans arm slung over me though.

I noticed this one guythough, that Ryan struckup a conversation with. He was dark, deffinately tall, and he had these three girls with him, you know the type, with clothing that looks like they grew out of it years agao, and who wear higheels everyday until they're knock kneed and crooked because of them. He spoke to Ryan in this low voice that I couldn't make out the words to, I think he had some kind of accent, but then what was weird is that he looked at me. Me, with me button up tshirt and loosely fitted corduroys, it didn't help that I pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose nervously. He smirked, then looked back to Ryan.

I haven't been at Ryans side for a couple minutes now. Just lamely standing there taking In all the strong smells around me, and I know what cigerettes smell like, I'm not stupid, but what I was smelling was not only cigerettes. And I couldn't fingure out what it was. Mixed in with that same smell of engine greese.

My eyes absently started to travel up Ryans body though, I couldn't help but be interested in his attire. Careless hair pushed lazily off of his face, those awkward tight hoodies that look so uncomfortable, with some obnoxious shirt with an equally obnoxious saying on it, underneath. Then some how I skipped to his feet, sleek black leather, is what I see, and I soon realize that these kids, if theyre not wearing slouchy run down converse ripoffs, then they have leather boots. But not the construction worker type, not that clunky hardcore type. No, these were more like, pointed toe, vintage faded leather boots. Classy in a way, seeing how Ryan kept his undone, relaxed.

But then I couldn't help it, my eyes started drifting, up his thin legs, tightly bugged by jeans that looked like he painted them onto his skin, over his odly curvy thighs(odd because of how emaciated he was) , and how unaware he was of me staring, ogling him as he stood there, slouched over and smoking a cigerette like he just didnt give a damn. So episcene, so ... Enthralling really. I felt Gods eyes on me, I felt him studying me, just another thing to tally up. If by now I'm deemed worthy of being saved, and god would I try.

I'm so desperate to keep my mind off it though I can't keep my mouth shut. " Those things will kill you ya know..." That is what I say, and Ryan turns to me, eyes half lidded drawling, " No, I don't think so, this is what keeps me alive, baby." Tone not anything that it usually is.

I feel my chest tighten at the word 'baby', and I can't really tell you what possesses me to do it, but I can tell you that it was the worst choice I've made in my young life.

" Can I, can I try?" It doesn't even sound like my voice, and the smirk on his face makes me sure I didn't just ask that, but I'm doubting myself again when he comes closer, right in front of me. Ryan holds out the cigerette, even holds it to my lips for me, face so close to mine as he lights it, telling me to 'do it', like I didn't understand what the concept was. I almost didn't understand, but I'm not that stupid.

As soon as the smoke bits the back of my throat, I'm coughing, choking and and making myself look like an idiot, which I'm apparently really good at. Ryans face stays close to mine even after my fit is over, he's smiling, and when he speaks it's just loud enough for me to hear.

" Not bad for a newbie. But don't worry babe, we'll fix you up." Ryans whole personality was so unnerving, but dangerously intoxicating.

They say that's what the devil is like...
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Short and kinda shitty, sorry but enjoy :) comment plz