

So gretta and i decided to hang out at my place, i mean she can help me with my homework and all that stuff. "Bilvy do you still have the notes he passed you?" I nod i don't even know why i kept them really , maybe it's the fact he was really cute. "Let me see..." I sigh grabbing my binder off the floor i pull our each square and she starts reading, "this one says your a cute little thing,I want your dreams and hello you is very nice...." I cock a brow staring at her "when did you learn spanish?"

"I had the class last year, so you were really scared for life from the hand grabbing your ass?" "YES!!!" I squeal covering my face with my hands, "It was awful like seriously who would do something like that!!" She's about to answer when my mother calls up the stairs telling gretta her mother wants her home, i don't want her to go though that just means solitude in my room; i refuse to join my parents downstairs.

So instead of thinking about earlier i reach onto my side table and grab my book, i'm at chapter three and i swear none of this helps what so ever, i'm just turning the page when i hear something hit my window."What in the world.." Then something hits it again breaking a hole and landing on my floor, "william what was that?!?" "Nothing mom just uhh... Dropped my lamp," wow so smooth.

"Be careful! " I roll my eyes and walk over to the window when i open it i look down and it's the guy from english class, what is he doing here?!?!! "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!! HOW"D YOU FIND MY HOUS!?!?!?!" He smiles " i have my ways and it's a secret ,what's your name bonito?" "William.. WAIT WHY!?!?! " My throat aches from the whisper yelling i really need a halls right about now.

"I need to put a name to the nice piece of tail, i'm gabe by the way mind if i join you up there?" Mind no i don't have a major creeped out level right now, i'm not hyperventilating and my throat isn't killing me, so why not right? I watch as he climbs the tree and perches himself in front of me."What do you want with me?" i question crossing my arms in front of my chest "I want a lotta things lolita , your hips don't seem to lie when you ran away i watched them sway."

Okay creepy "well you need to go..." "que? Why bonito?" I pout "because your creepy and this is all freaking me out..." He laughs and brushes his fingers alnog my jaw line, i shiver but i swear it's not because he touched me, it's cold out there and he's freezing.... Okay so maybe it was possibly his touch but it's because he's cold. "How long have you been outside my window?" "A few hours..." Woah what?!?! "Why?" He smiles "you really like that question huh? I wanted to wait till you were alone..."

I sigh and looking to the clock i realize it's nine pm "You uhh wanna come in? It's kinda cold..." He shrugs and slips in i shut the window only to be reminded of the hole,"Sorry.." He pulls his jacket off and stuffs it into the hole, this is so wrong right now and i'm scared...

But why is it i've never felt calmer...
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kay i know i suck in comparison to mah buddy but hope you like comments please