
i'm fine

So after last nights event i have taken it upon myself to safety proof my room, tape my curtains down and add locks to my window; am i paranoid yes.I mean am i the only person who thinks that would be creepy? I hope not, anyway i'm just walking over to the group when i trip and fall flat on my face; ow... Everyone around me laughs and i just pick myself up and hurry to my seat next to spencer.

"Umm bill.." I don't respond because i'm too busy fixing my binder, it's no an utter mess... "Dude calm down are you okay?" "I'm fine.." I squeak not even realizing how high my tone was, why is this such a problem for me?"Your not fine your acting funny now spill.." I take a breath "i'm fine perfectly calm and nothing has changed that, or will ever change that." I wait until they shrug it off before letting my posture fall and my eyes wander.

I spot gabe in the corner with his little group and would i like to hide right now? yes please but i know i can't so i just watch as girl after girl is seated on his lap, i don't care but a part of me wishes it was me on his lap; but then again with his eyes dead set on the guy he's talking with i could care less.

The bell sounds and gretta links my arm walking me to class,"now you need to take a volume this isn't the bilvy we can all tolerate." I smile relaxing just a little i mean why am i so worked up anyway? I take my seat and pull out my book, time to get carried off in my thoughts; let myself get immersed in the words. Then i hear him and ever so slyly i look over my book watching him sit down, he doesn't even turn around all class.

The class drags on and i'm finding relief maybe i'm being paranoid...

"Now william.." "But mom!!!" She huffs dropping her dish rag "no buts your going to your aunts funeral, she loved you very much.." I raise an eye brow "how can she love me if she didn't know i existed? I didn't even know dad had another sister until right now.." She rolls her eyes "don't fight with me young man, now go to your room and pick out a suit.."

I make sure to stomp up the stairs she doesn't get me, she never has and never... Okay there was a point and time she got me... The point before i became open i guess, she kinda hates me now;but whatever i can live with that i think....
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sorry guys i wanted to update and i know this isn't the best i chop my own head off for it..