

William is a liar.

He's manipulative and rude and a straight up liar.

He's been complaining about this guy for how long? But what does he expect when all he does is prarade himself around like a protitute, when he clearly LOVES the attention. Then he has the odasity, to feign innocents when all I want to do is help him through his sins.

" It's not like I want him all over me-" He doesn't even realize how obvious he is, too idiotic and weak to fight his hideous tendencies.

I tried to forgive, tried to help him with every curb ball he seemed to throw at HIMSELF, and I all I got was lies. How can he claim he hasn't brought this on himself, that he begs for the attention, does he honestly expect me to believe him?

Then you know what he did? He accused ME of being a liar. He said that I wasn't trustworthy. I thought I deserved a reason for his accusations, and when I asked, he said I was no better than himself.

" We're not stupid Brendon, we've all seen you, In the halls, at lunch, letting that fucking FREAK hang all over you-"

So let me take you back to that moment, so disgustingly wrathful, I could feel Gods eyes boring into me, testing me, he was testing me.

And I failed...

" You're being ridiculous Brendon! You think I want this?"Williams brows are furrowed, shoulders slouched forward desperately, but I'm not going to buy it.

" Don't lie to me William, you know what you are, you KNOW your tendencies- So don't you dare give me grief, when you so blatantly bring this upon your self." My voice is course, but not raised and not nearly as upset as it could be.

I watch Will as his expression falls, lips parted in a momentary disbelief, and just as I'm about to speak again and try to remain peaceful, he cuts me off, "You don't seriously think I enjoy this fucking creep do you? I mean for FUCKS sake Brendon-" I always thought William sounded so immature and vulgar when he used such words.

" You tell me William, because it seems to me that everytime some convenient situation like this comes along, you take full advantage of it." I take a quick breath, looking around the diserted doorway of the school. " And don't give us some lane story about how no one excepts you, because honestly Will, I've tried so hard to look the other way, ever since you decided you were- like that- I've tried so hard just to help you through it, I prayed for you EVERY single night, and you repay me like this? You repay God like-"

" Don't you dare, belittle me with all your religious bullshit Brendon, because honestly, you're just hurting yourself." I have to take a step back, because I don't know if I can stay composed much longer.

" Because no one else may notice Brendon, but I do. I've known you WAY too long, to not notice the way you look at other people, other GUYS, and if you're going to stand here and hark on me for being a fucking faggot, then look in the Goddamn mirror!"

He just went way to far.

" Shut up-"

"And don't think we don't notice you in the halls, at lunch, letting that fucking freak hang all over you-"

" Shut up!"

" And God only knows how much it gets you goin' when he whispers all his dirty fucking bullshit to you-"

" Stop it- no, shut UP!"

" Does he call you 'baby', Brendon? Does be make you feel so fucking great about yourself?" But he won't stop...

" Please - Just stop..." My voice cracks, and my body feels sweaty and tense, breath labored and OH GOD... He's right, he's just so FUCKING right.

I feel the heat pricking at my eyes, my checks stinging with the same humiliation, and suddenly William knows he went to far...

" Brendon- I'm sorry ..."I can't listen to his voice right now though, can't even look at him.

" N-no, just, leave me alone! God can see what you're doing, you're going to burn in hell-" Then I'm moving, running I assume, but I can't really see through my bleary vision.

I leave William far behind, leave him to know his sins, and leave to run from mine. I'm back behind the school now, winding down the covered path that's my shortcut to a happy home, but when I turn the corner, I run into something so hard, I fall back onto the ground.

My mentality is broken, and I'm just so desperate to get away, that I really dont think I can deal with this...And I'm right, when I look up to see that I didn't hit something, I hit some one.


" Get off your ass, you look stupid just sitting there crying..." Nonono.

" Jesus fuck, do I have to help you?" Then I feel strong hands under my arms pulling me up, forward, then I'm bracing my self on his slouching clothed chest.

" Why's your world crashing down? Huh, baby?" I really Hated that word. Especially when Ryan said it.

I once again feel a strong hand under my chin this time, forcing my eyes to his, and all I can do is bite my lip and cry like a pathetic little infant. But Ryan won't look away, he just studies my face with a mixure of discust and fascination, until " Your mouth was meant to be sad,babe," His thumb runs across my quivering lips, body still pressed between his chest and an unwanted fence.

" Ryan-No..."And I feel so pathetic.

His fingers are massaging less than gentle cirlces into my neck, but it's nothing and so easily forgotten, with a hand at the base of my spine,beneath a once tucked in shirt, pressing me closerclosercloser, and please no.

" Please don't-"His mouth forming those ugly words regardless of my plea, " Your lips would look so good on me baby," I want to get away but my arms won't react, my legs won't move.

" I think I'll try them on..."

Then his mouth is pressed to mine, demanding, brutal, DISCUSTING. I want to get away, have to, but then his tongue is forced past my parted lips. It's so uncomfortable I'm forced to keep up, I'd never admit that I let his tongue practically down my throat, and that I gagged. I'm struggling against him as the hand that was on my chin suddenly grips a fistful of my hair, other hand ripping the buttons of my shirt. I cry out, muffled by his pestulent mouth, and his fingers only leave my hair to force my fighting arms down as the other still pulled violently at my shirt.

I'm sobbing when his mouth pulls from mine, sinking to the ground when he steps away, just smirking at my bare chest, and bruised lips. I'm doubled over with silent tears on my face, and as I sit there on the pavement, in the dimming light of day, a demon kneels by my side, whispering sweet lies to me.

Ryan was right.

I'm just a planned disaster...
♠ ♠ ♠
Hehe yay! I've been waiting for this chapter, now shits gonna get fucked up :D
