Status: in process of updating

Dry Your Tears

first day

A/n: okay so A7X is recording there self titled. Fred and the other guy will not be there since its now Ashlee and Leah.

I can’t believe we’re late. I’m never late; it looks bad to your clients.

“We’re so sorry guys. We had a little mishap this morning.” Ashlee said to the group of boys waiting outside of the studio.

“Aw baby cute!” I girl ran up to me, gushing at the sleeping Rose in my hand. “This is Rose my sister past away so I’m taking care of her.” She looked up at me with a sad frown. “I’m so sorry about your lose, Warner bros told us about it, we were going to reschedule but the manager said you were alright.” Of course George said that, anything for money.

“It’s fine really.” Taking out the keys to the studio out of my pocket and handed it to Ash. “Go ahead and go in. Oh I almost forgot no taking the couch in room B.” They nodded, I sighed grabbing the bag of clothes for Rose and making my way to room B.

I had readjusted the cuisines for Roses liking. “Okay sweetie you need anything and I’ll be in the bigger room.” She nodded and smiled at me.
“Okay let’s get to business. I’m Leah and this is Ashlee and we are going to help you make this bad ass album.” I smiled over the group of boys. “So I need names with faces.” I pointed at the one with snake bits. “Zacky V.” Next to him was mister tall and lanky. “Jimmy or the Rev.” I nodded “and buff man is Matt and his girl Val and short shit Johnny is taking a piss and the guy drooling over you is Synyster Gates or Brian.” I looked over and there is in fact a man drooling. I laughed and turned in my chair.

“Ash set up the mic.” She ran over to the booth and plugged everything in. “Matt you know the drill get warmed up, then get in there.” I yelled and laughed at his face, it was between shook, sleep deprived and excited.

“Zack attack and Brian do you have everything to go on scream?” they shook there head. “Alright, I’m just here to help so get a move on it.” I smiled at the boys.

An hour or so later the boys got used to me being at a fast pace and me getting used to the whole ‘you can’t tell me what to do I’m Synyster Fucking Gates’.

“Syn get your head out of your ass.” I said hitting him. “You said you can play but all I’m hearing is noise concentrate.” He glared at me then smirked. “It’s hard to concentrate with a woman as beautiful as you sitting in front of me.” I rolled my eyes. “Concentrate.” I pointed to the guitar.

“Wrong Lyric Matt.” I said through the speakers, We’ve been at this for about an hour until Rose graced us of her presence. “Hey Sweets did you sleep well?” She rubbed her eyes and nodded walking over to me. I smiled and picked her up. I think she’s getting used to me as well.

“Guys this is my niece Rose.” The guys waved then got back to work.

“I give up.” After about 15 minutes I threw the remote at Syn. “Maybe he’ll listen to you.” I glared at Matt, who was also getting tired of my bitching. “Wrong pitch." Brian said looking back at me and winked, once agian i rolled my eyes "Matt you should listen to her, she not only hot but she knows whats she' s talking about.” I nodded, then my widdened as the words sunk in. "Shut up and give it back. You abuse the power!" I yelled.

“Aunty I’m hungry.” I looked down and calmed down.
“Guys watch her please and if anything happens to her your balls are as got as dust.” I glared at the boys.

Brian’s pov

“What a bitch!” I growled rubbing my temples. “Concentrate on this, concentrate on that.” I heard little foot steps and soon followed a little girl. She walked up to me and smiled. “You have pretty drawing on your arms.” She giggled while touching them.

“Well look at this beautiful young lady. What’s your name princess?” She blushed and giggled some more. “Rose Marie Crawford.” My eyes widened. She couldn’t be Leah’s.

“Is Leah your mommy?” her eyes filled with tears. “No my mommy died a couple of days ago and Aunty Lee is taking care of me." She whimpered. "First I thought she didn’t like me but' She paused for a second. then looking back at me. "She looks at me like I’m special like the way mommy does.” She whipped her tears away.

I sighed; who knew Leah had a soft side for kids. “Do you miss your mommy?” I asked picking her up and placing her in my lap. I always had I soft spot for kids ever since Mckenna was born.

“Yes.” She cried. After about ten minutes of trying to get her to stop i gave up and called Val over. Soon Val came rushing over. “Oh baby its okay." she said taking her away from me. I frowned, then smiled Val want’s a kid so bad anyone could see it even a blind person could. But Matt on the other hand I don’t know if he can or it’s just he doesn’t want one.

“Shhh Rose its okay. Your Aunty will be here soon. God Brian what did you do?” She said worriedly. “All I asked if Leah was h-“I was interrupted when I heard Ash gasp. “What happened in here?” Running up to Val looking over rose to see if she was hurt. “Brian did it not me.” Val said pointing a finger at me. After about a couple more tries from everyone to get the poor girl to stop before Leah got back and remove us of some important tools of ours. But of course cause i'm so lucky that was Leah who just came back.

“What is going on in her?” Leah walked in with a couple of bags, when she saw that Rose was crying she dropped them and ran over to her. “Who made her cry?” She growled, everyone pointed at me.

“Thanks guys.” I mumbled. I looked back at Leah to see she was red in the face and coming right at me. “Fuck! Leah just wait a minute!” I yelled throwing my hands up.
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Sorry its like 2 in the morning and im tired as fuck, sorry if it has bad grammar did feel like reading it over. Tomorrow I will if there is any I’ll fix it right up. Oh and I know there wasn’t a lot of Brian and Leah action in this one wait till next one.

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