New Found Glory

"What did you get yourself into this time Ali...?"

I dropped my school bag and coat and ran to the ladder. I began to climb as I could hear Leah screaming my name.
I ignored everyone and got to about 40ft and looked down.

'Bloody hell. What did you get yourself into this time Ali...?" I asked my self as I carried on climbing.

It took me about 5 minutes to reach the top and already it took all my willpower to not climb back down again. I pulled myself up at the top and I looked down.
Wow...big mistake. I could see faint dots of people and a tiny flashing light. I guessed it belong to a fire truck or police car. But the adrenaline in my body kept me going. I walked over to the man and stood on the edge next to him.
what the hell was I doing, standing on the edge of a 700ft building trying to talk to a man about to kill himself.

"Hey," I said gently. "Why are you doing this?"

"Go away!" he screamed.

I didn’t move. "What’s your name?"

He didn’t answer but I saw his name card on his chest.

"Mark..."I couldn’t think of anything to say.”You know, my friend used to be severely depressed. She nearly killed herself to."

He looked at me.

"Why, why do you want to kill yourself?" I asked slowly.

He looked at me.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, moving closer.

"I have nothing to live for" he whispered.

I looked at him. He avoided looking at me.

"Your mum is down there," I pointed to the black specs down on the ground. I noticed a wedding ring on his finger. "You have a wife." he didn’t answer. "Still think you have nothing to live for?"

I saw his wallet in his pocket and edged closer to him. I slide his wallet out his pocket and opened it.

"Your son," I asked, pointing the picture of the boy inside.

He shook his head. "My brother."

"How do you think he would feel if you jumped?" I asked him whilst looking down.

I saw tears well up in his eyes. I grabbed his hand gently.

"Come back. This isn’t what you want." I didn’t pull on his hand but I squeezed it gently.

He looked at me and then let go of my hand.

He shook his head.

He moved closer to the edge.

♠ ♠ ♠
Shall I carry on???