Take It Slow, 'Cause I Can't Be on My Own


“Goodmorning baby!” I shrieked through the phone. “Just three more days. Three more and then you’re home!”
Matt laughed and yawned, still waking up. “I know Emily. I’m excited too, although there is a time difference you know, and it’s 5AM.”
“I know. I just miss you so much.”
“I miss you too.” He said blankly.
“I wish you could stay forever. Why can you only stay for a couple days? The rest of the tour is unimportant. Just stay with me.”
I could feel his smile through the phone. “I want to, but then we only have to wait one more month. And then I can stay, for however long I want.”
I sighed. “Go to sleep baby, but you better hurry home. I need to see your face.”
“You have no idea how much I need to see yours. I love you.”


Matt’s POV.

The plane landed in Maryland, and I felt a feeling wash over me that I hadn’t experience in a long time. A sense of familiarity, comfort, a sense of truly being home. The car ride was excruiciating, I felt so many emotions boiling up inside of me. Alex stared at me as we got closer and closer to home. I hadn’t told Emily yet. It had been two weeks since I’d slept with Megan, and two weeks of lying to Emily hurt me worse than I could ever imagine. But I knew I at least owed her the respect of telling her in person. Alex had kept his word, and not spoken of it once since that morning. He and I were the only ones who knew, but not for long.

“Alex, I... I can’t. I can’t go see her right now,” I whispered in the back of the van quietly so no one else would hear.
“What the hell do you mean? It’s been months and now you don’t want to go all of a sudden?”
“It’s going to destroy her.”
“Don’t be a fucking coward, Matt. I can guarantee you she’s sitting at home right now, watching out the window, eager to see her beloved fucking boyfriend. Waiting to hug you, kiss you, and have you all to herself for the first time in months. You want me to go to her house and have to explain to her WHY you didn’t come see her first thing? Yeah, I didn’t think so. Man the fuck up.”

I regretted even saying anything, seeing how pissed off Alex got at the thought of it. My stomach flipped the entire way there, I honestly felt sick at the thought of telling her. I knew the second I said something, she’d be gone. Out of my life. And I’ll have lost the woman I’m in love with because of one stupid fucking mistake.

We approached the Barakat’s house, just me, Alex, and Jack. I didn’t know what to expect. I was supposed to be ecstatic, eager to see Emily, but I just wanted to turn around and run. I couldn’t bare to see her face, knowing what I had done.

Jack parked the car on the street and I opened the door. Before I had even taken three steps, the front door opened and Emily stood there, staring. She was wearing a large t-shirt, jeans, and moccasins to keep her feet warm from the snow that had piled up everywhere. As I walked towards her, my heart melted just at the sight of her. I still had no idea what to say, all I could focus on was her face. I walked faster, just wanting to reach her. When I finally did, I stood there in front of her, speechless for a moment.

She stared up at me with huge green eyes and I could tell she was close to tears. My chest ached and I felt the need to cry too, but not for the same reason. “Hi,” she whispered in her angellic voice. With just a single word, it felt like the first moment I fell in love with her all over again. I closed the gap between us, cupping her face with my hands. I felt her soft skin rub against mine, and I couldn’t wait another moment to kiss her.

She closed her eyes as I placed my lips to hers, feeling the warmth of her stomach pressed against mine and her hands rested on my neck. Our lips moved together for a long while, they worked in sync, like a machine of some sort. It was the desperate kiss that happens when you haven’t seen the person you love in a long while. A kiss that begs for closeness, that reaches into you, that pulls everything from you, wanting more and more. It’s a kiss that consumes you, and pushes you further, makes your body numb, your head spin, makes you breathless. It’s the kiss of two kids, hopelessly in love with secrets and heartache buried deep inside of them. It was a desperate kiss, begging for more, because I knew this moment was the beginning of the end.
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Hmmpf. Cant believe I'm still writing this story.