Falling for Someone Unexpected

Falling For Who? Chapter 6

I woke up slightly confused and out if it.
I blinked a couple times and looked around.
I saw Zane on his bed doing something on my computer.
“You,” I said sitting up a little. “You jumped through the window last night. I saw you,” I said. My words were slurred together and I sounded crazy.
“What are you talking about?” he chuckled. “I think you dreamed that,”
“No, I didn’t, I say you,” I said a little more clearly.
“Blake, I’ve been here this whole time. Besides, I can’t fit through the window and I’m afraid of heights,”
“We’re on the first floor,”
“So. I think you need some thing to eat and some rest,” Zane said getting up.
“No, I know what I saw,” I yelled.
“In your dream?” Zane asked leaving the room.
“What are you?” I asked in a loud whisper.
“I’m a human,” he smiled.
“No your not, your something…something more incredible,”
“Are you trying to tell me something?” he smirked.
I ignored the comment and followed him into the living room.
“What are you? Seriously,”
“The Loch Ness Monster,”
“You shouldn’t say such things, cause, I’ll believe you,”
Zane sat down on the sofa with a sigh. “Let it go Blake,”
“No, you’re a very odd boy. The first day I meet you, you wore glasses and didn’t speck. I have never seen you eat and the only sunny day we had you were sick. Why?”
“I have sensitive eyes, it took me a while to get used to the light. I’m a shy guy, I hadn’t warmed up to you guys yet. I’m usually never hungry, but I do eat. I tend to get sick when the weather is nice,” Zane answered.
“So, your either a warewolf, a shape shifter or a vampire. Which one?”
“I think you need to get out of the house. Call Liz,”
“Okay, fine, two can play this game,” I said as I walked into the kitchen.
I grabbed some garlic and a glass of water.
I threw the garlic at Zane and it hit his stomach.
He picked it up and chuckled. “Nice arm,”
“Ugh,” I sighed.
I purred the water on him and once again nothing happened.
“Thanks,” he said. He took off his shirt and threw it next to him.
I glared at him. “I’ll call Liz,” I muttered.
“Thank you,” he smiled.
I headed to my room and texted Liz.
‘Are you doing anything’ I sent the text.
As I waited for her reply I changed out of my pajamas.
I pulled on my favorite pair of jeans when my phone beeped.
I picked it up and read her text.
‘Sure meet you at the smoothie shop’
‘Sounds good’ I said back and slipped the phone in my pocket.
I looked around for the shirt I wanted to wear but I couldn’t find it.
As I looked on my bed, Zane walked in.
I turned around and looked at him.
We both stared wide eyed at each other.
Our eyes roamed each others half naked bodies.
I’ve never really looked at his body before. He was a lean but he still had some muscle.
“Um, I thought you … I should have… sorry,” Zane said closing the door.
I blushed as I grabbed a random shirt and threw it on.
I opened the door to our room.
Zane was standing there waiting for me to be finished.
“You can come in now,”
Zane walked passed me and walked over to his area of the room.
I walked over to my dresser and fixed my hair and applied a little make up on.
I watched Zane in the mirror. He put on a shirt and walked over to the door.
“Do vampires appear in mirrors?”
“No,” he said and left.
Okay, so Zane isn’t a vampire so that lives shape shifter and warewolf.
“Later,” I said slipping on my shoes.
“Bye,” Zane said as I left the house.
I walked to the smoothie shop in the cold winter morning.
I couldn’t wait for spring. Although our springs are cold, they aren’t this bad.
I opened the door of the smoothie shop and the warm air hit my face giving me goose bumps.
I saw Liz sitting at a table with Matt.
I rolled my eyes and joined them.
“Hey guys,” I smiled.
“Hey Blake,” Matt and Liz said together.
“Matt wanted to tag along, is that okay?” Liz asked.
“Yeah, as long as I’m not the third wheel,”
“Don’t worry, we’re not like those gross couples,” Liz said laughing.
Matt and I joined her.
We ordered our smoothies and talked about anything that came into our heads.
“Can I ask you guys a weird question?” I asked.
“Sure, babe,” Liz said as Matt nodded his head.
“Do you think magical creatures exist?”
“Like Edward Collins, Jacob Black, and Casper?” Liz asked.
“Yes, and the Lock Nee Monster, meridians, Big Foot all of them,”
“Well, I like to think they do,” Matt said. “Some of them might live among us,”
“I don’t think they do, I mean, when I was younger yeah, but who knows,” Liz said.
I nodded my head. “Thanks guys,”
After a while, we left the shop and Matt drove me home.
I waved bye two them and walked inside.
“Hey,” I smiled at Zane who was flipping around the T.V.
“Hey,” he said looking up.
I joined him on the sofa. “Did you eat anything?” I asked him.
“I did,” he smiled.
“Oh really?” I said as I walked into the kitchen.
Everything was neat and tidy. There was nothing in the sinks and they were bone dry. No crumbs no nothing.
“Zane,” I called.
“Come here,”
“Yes?” he asked walking into the kitchen.
“I see no mess,”
“I cleaned up really well,”
“What did you have?”
“Would you like more eggs?”
“No, thanks,”
“Oh really? Why not?”
“I’m full,”
“Oh really?”
“Blake drop it, I’m normal,”
“Fine, maybe you are. But where do you go at night?”
“To dream land,”
“That’s not what I mean. You must be some sort of super hero or something,”
“What?” he chuckled.
“Yeah, are you like superman or batman or better the gold lantern?”
“Gold lantern?”
“Yeah, like the green lantern. You wear that gold ring a lot,”
“Right. Why don’t you let it go, I’m telling you I’m just a boy. Nothing special,”
“No, your not, your hiding something,”
“You sound crazy, no one will believe you,”
“I don’t care. I know I’m right and I won’t stop until I prove that I am,”
“Why is this so important to you?”
“Because, around here, nothing exciting happens. I’ve been longing for something to happen since I was three. I slowly gave up on that when I realized that I was an outcast. So even if you could run fast like flash I would be excited,” I giggled at the end.
Zane smiled at me. “I’ll give you a hint,”
