Status: I'll add when i finish each chapter!

Pentagon of Love

Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater!

Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater!

When we got back from our walk, it was still early, we went back to the house. I plopped down on the couch and waited for Luke to come over to the couch, but he didn’t, so I propped myself up on my elbows and looked where I last left him. “Luke?”
“RAWR!!!” he jumped out from behind the couch and scared the crap out of me so I threw my shoe at him. With my luck he caught it and laughed at me.
“ Your NOT funny.” I turned to look at the tv, I crossed my arms and made a pouting face. He came over and stated playing with my lip with his two fingers. I started laughing up until a voice said, “ what are you doing?” defensive, I turned to look and it was my dad. I jumped up and ran over to him.
“ hey dad.”
“ hey pumpkin, what are you doing here?” he looked at Luke.
“ oh mom and Craig said that Brad died so we came here for the “funeral”, but only to here to see that he was perfectly normal.” he raised an eyebrow.
“ And who is this?” he pointed to Luke. I went over to hug him.
“ This is Luke my boyfriend. Luke this is my dad.” I did the while introducing thingy.
“ I’m not going to have to kick you out, am I?” he asked all macho man while shaking his hand.
“ No sir, that wont be necessary.” they smiled.
“ Good. Hey I’ll talk to yens later.” he nodded his head and walked inside the kitchen, I guess with mom.
“C’mon. we are going to bed.” we walked up stairs.
“ Awe. Is that all?” I turned around and smacked him.
“ Yeah. We kinda have family in the house. And you know me.” I winked and he said, “ yeah that is true.” he laughed. We went to bed. In the morning I woke up to the sweet smell of bacon and pancakes. I love that smell in the morning. I stuck on jeans and my favorite softball hoodie and walked into the kitchen to see Luke and mom eating.
“Hey sleeping beauty.” Luke said with a mouth full of pancakes.
“ Good morning sweetie. Are you hungry?”
“ Yeah. It smells really good. Where is Brad?” I looked at mom.
“ Still sleeping.” I got up and walked over to the pots and pans cabinet and grabbed a pot and a spoon. “ No, don’t he needs his sleep.” she laughed. I smiled and walked to his room, with Luke and mom following me.
I opened his door and said, “AWWWW. HOW NOT SO CUTE!” I jumped on his bed banging the pot and jumping up and down. “ GET UP HONEY YOUR LATE!” I jumped off his bed and walk into the kitchen like nothing ever happened. Luke and mom were both cracking up.
“ They do this every time their together.” that made him laugh even harder. Brad walked in rubbing his eyes, “ Thanks Rox, I REALLY needed that wake up call.”
“ No prob-lamo bro.” I turned and smiled at him. He smiled his fake smile.
“ Dad at work?” I asked mom.
“ Yes.” she shook her head. A car pulled up into the drive way. Brad go get the door. He looked at me.
“ Why cant you?” he looked confused.
“ Because if I talk to him he wont ever be seen again.” Luke’s face went serious. Mom shook her head and mouth don’t. “ I wont.” I looked at Luke, ” Are you ready?”
“ Yeah where are we going?” he raised his eyebrows.
“ I don’t know I’ll figure it out when we get there.” we got up and headed for the door as soon as Brad opened it. Craig was standing there Laughing, I gave him the death stare and got up in his face.
I talked to him real quietly, “ Do you think this is funny? Faking my brothers death? And I actually considered to forgive you for what you did. Now I don’t even WANT to see you again. You disgust me.” while I was talking his face turned from laughing to dead serious and pale. I grabbed Luke’s hand and walked past him while bumping into him. We got into my black mustang I got for my 19th birthday.
Later, when we came back from no where, mom and dad where in the kitchen talking. I walked in, “ we here. where the nerds?” they shook their head.
“ Out!” my mom said, so I turned around and went to watch tv. “ behave you to!”
“ awe. But I don’t want to.” Luke cried. They laughed. We kissed on the couch for awhile. Lights shown through the front window, so we got up and went upstairs. We heard them talking really loud about a movie they just saw. Luke layed down on my bed and patted a spot beside him. I cuddle with him, and of course kissing! How much fun would cuddling be if I didn’t kiss him??? None at all!
“ Hey Rox, can I talk to you for a minute?” dad called from downstairs.
“ Yeah sure dad!” I got up from Luke and went to go see dad. I walked down the steps and he motioned me towards him. “ Yeah?” I sat in the chair beside him.
“ Well do you know how we used to go fishing once every month?”
“ Well its me, you, two rods, and the open water tomorrow morning 5:30 sharp.” he winked.
“ YAY! I’ll go tell Luke. Thanks dad. I miss beating you at fishing.”
“ Yeah. Me too.” he shoved me to go. “ Don’t be late.”
“ I won’t.” I hugged him. I walked down to Brad’s room to ask him if he could chill with Luke tomorrow, while I’m fishing with dad.
I walked into my room and told Luke that he could hang with Brad tomorrow and that I was going fishing with my dad. He was okay with that. We fell sleep holding each other. Dad woke me up 5:30 sharp in the morning. I rolled over to find no Luke but a note in his place, great. It said:
Good morning babe,
Sorry im not there, I decided to head back.
So I love you and have a great day! Ill see you tomorrow.
Cant wait.
With love.
Your love Luke.
P.S. we need to talk…
Well this is just lovely. Luke’s not here and he said we need to talk great this should be fun. Notice the sarcasm.
* * *

The fishing trip went great. I beat dad, which was fun.
I was sitting in the airport thinking bout the note Luke left me. When someone sat down next to me I came out of day dreaming. I turned to look at a guy with black, spiked hair, really tan skin with dark brown eyes.
“ hi?” I said feeling stupid.
“ Hello. I’m Jake.” he paused for a minute. His smile fell, “ you don’t remember who I am, do you?”
“ No. I’m sorry.” who was this guy. He looked like the same guy from eat n’ park!!!
“ Well I used to be your neighbor…in Florida.” neighbor in Florida. Gosh! We lived like everywhere. Then it finally hit me!
“ OMG!!! Hi. I haven’t seen you in forever! How have you been???” he smiled and we hugged.
“ Good good. What about you?” now my smiled dropped.
“ Good. More drama lately, well you know how that is.”
“ Yeah. You can never get away from it can you?”
“ Nope! Everywhere I go its there!” I looked at him, “ I hate it.” we both laughed.
“ Yeah. So where you headin?”
“ Back to school. In Illinois. How bout you?” he smiled
“ haha, Illinois too, but Lakeview. That weird, ha ummm what seat are you sitting in?” he looked down at my ticket.
“ Hey my college is in Lakeview, The University of Wolferine. 23B you?” his eyes got real big.
“ haha,” he laughed nervously, “ 24B. Man I need to play the lottery.” wow it was really good he was here, he got my mind off of the “ ‘we need to talk, ”’ problem with Luke.
We talked the whole way there, and I don’t think that there was a topic we didn’t discuss. No shocker there.
“ hey would you wanna have dinner sometime with me?”
“ Yeah that would be great. Here is my number.” I gave him my number.
“ okay great. Here is mine. Thanks Roxy it was nice seeing you.” I gave him a hug.
“ Yeah you too.” we both walked off the plane. Luke wasn’t there to pick me up so I got a taxi to take me back to school. I was at my room when someone touched my shoulder and scared the crap outta me. So I turned around to see Sarah, who yelled, “SURPRISE!!!”
I turned around and hugged her saying hi.
“ I wondered where you were when Luke came back without you.” she shrugged her shoulders.
“ Yeah, I think hes going to brake up with me, but I’m not sure.”
“ WHAT? WHY? HOW?“ She freaked and then her eyebrows went up. “ he cant do that!!! I’m going to talk to him you guys are soul mates!” she kept rambling on so I opened the door and dragged her inside.
“ SARAH! I said I think! So shut up! And I’m going to talk to him now!” that hushed her up quickly.
“Okay! Oh hey there is going to be a party in my room later. You better be there. Bye!” she ran out of the room. I moved all my stuff into my bed room and went to go find Luke. I stopped at his room and no one answered, so I stopped at Brett’s room to see if they were hanging. I knocked on the door and a few minutes later he opened the door.
“ Hey, Roxy. How was the Funeral?” he asked motioning the come on in sign.
“ it was fake, they played a trick which wasn’t exactly funny to me.” I smiled.
“ that’s not good. So what do you need?” he shoved his hands in his pockets.
“ looking for Luke. Have you seen him?”
“ No, but hey ill help you look for him.”
“ that will be great, thanks.” he stuck on his shoes and we walked out of his room.
“ we’ll go check the library, then the café, and of he aint there then I don’t know where he at.”
I nodded. We were almost to the library when I asked Brett,” Hey, from a guys point of view, what does we need to talk, mean?” he looked at me. “ What?!?!”
“ did Luke say that to you?” this should be great!
“ yeah he left a day early and came back here and he left me a note saying that we need to talk. So what does that mean?”
“ hmmm. Im not totally sure.”
“ c’mon! you’re a guy! You should know!”
He laughed, “ well I don’t, okay!”
“ ugh, FINE!” he laughed.
We looked in the library and in the café, and no Luke. I tried calling him and he didn’t answer.
“ okay so hes not answering his phone and his not in the library or café. Well have fun with that Rox. I got class so I gotta go. Sorry we couldn’t find him.”
“ thanks for helping.” I walked to my one friend Kendra’s room, she knows where everyone is and anything that’s going and/or did happen. She’s the one who you go to to find some good gossip. I knocked on her door and she answered in a man’s button up shirt. Her faced dropped when she looked at me.
“ Hey did I caught you at the wrong time?” she scratched her head and she nodded. She looked over her shoulder and I pushed the door more opened and looked in her room and saw Luke laying in her bed naked. He started to get up. “ just don’t!” I closed my eyes and I heard him put his pants on. I backed out of her room and walked down the 5 rooms to Sarah’s room and walked in. I was soooooo mad. Luke was walking down the hall saying something but I couldn’t hear him. I saw Kendra with her mouth over her mouth. I walked into Sarah’s and she closed the door and locked it. She came over and hugged me.
“ He cheated on me. With a friend!” I told her. She was cussing him out through the door. “ I’m good,” I told her getting up and walking to the door.
“ you sure?” I hugged her.
“ yea I’m good Sar.”
I opened the door to Luke standing there. I pushed past him, ignoring him, while he was talking. All I heard was mumbling. I walked 2 doors down to my room and that’s when he grabbed my arm and turned me around. He kissed me, and I didn’t move and didn’t kiss back. I just stood there waiting for him to quit so I could flip some major crap on him. He finally stopped and I looked at him.
“ I love you.” I looked at him then to Kendra who was still in the hall, looking at us.
“ She’s wearing your shirt.” I pointed to her. “ and I think you need to go finish her off while you got her.” I turned and faced Sarah, and said “ ill be at your party tonight.“ I turned to look at Sarah and said,” wow. You’re a friend.” with that I turned around and walked inside my room.

It was about 5 o’clock so I called Jake.
“ Hello?”
“Hey Jake it’s Roxy. I wanted to know if you wanted to go to diner with me? And a party later?”
“ oh hey, yeah. Sure. Sure when and what time.” he got real excited.
“ How bout now and Linda’s Bar and Grill.”
“ Yeah okay…hey are you okay?” he quitted down.
“ Oh it’s nothing ill see you in a little bit. Bye.
“ okay. Bye.” Fine if he wants to play this game then I will two. Deep down inside my heart felt like it had been ripped out and ran over by a semi truck…
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