Sequel: Priceless & Broken
Status: Finished!(:

A Beautiful Mistake

The Surprise Contact

I knocked on the Jonas' door as soon as I reached it. Joe answered the door. I greeted him with a hug. I rolled my suit case into the house and took it upstairs. I walked into Nick's room without thinking about knocking. He was sitting on his bed texting and jumped when he saw me, quickly shoved his phone in his pocket.

"You brought your suit case up here all by yourself?" He asked, getting off the bed and coming towards me.

"Yes? Should I not have?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Well, you're pregnant. You shouldn't be lifting heavy things."

"I can do things on my own."

Denise called us down for dinner a few minutes later. While we were walking down the stairs, Nick had his cell phone out texting again. I tried to see who it was, but Nick saw me and put it back in his pocket. Something was up because Nick never hid things from me.

"Well, hello, Aubrey," Paul greeted me as we walked into the kitchen. I said a shy hello and smiled at him before sitting down.

When Nick was seated, Paul began prayer. Denise told us to dig in, and I looked down the whole time I ate, not wanting to look at Nick. He was not on my good list right now.

"So, Aubrey, do you want to go down in the basement and play video games after this?" Frankie asked.

I looked up for the first time since I started eating and smiled at him, "That would be awesome."

"Can I come, too?" Joe butted in.

I looked at Frankie, and he nodded his head, "Sure."

After dinner, we all headed to the basement to play video games. Joe and I were playing Call Of Duty, and I was beating him... bad.

"BOOYAH! I WON! OH YEAH!" I yelled, jumping off the couch.

Joe did something I didn't think he would do. He stood up from the couch and threw me over his shoulder.


He didn't answer. He just opened the back door leading outside and started walking towards the pool.


When we got beside the pool, Joe pulled me off his shoulder and held me bridal style, "Well, I figured you would want to go for a victory swim."

"WHY WOULD YOU -- " Before I could finish my sentence, Joe jumped into the pool.

I came up to see Joe making his way to the stairs.

"Oh no! You're staying in here with me!" I told Joe, jumping on his back.

Joe climbed out anyways but instead of getting out for good, he walked over to the deep end and got ready to jump in. I started squealing as soon as Joe jumped in the air. I started laughing as soon as we came up. I looked toward the house and saw Nick looking out of his window. I wasn't going to let him dampen my mood, so I looked away. Joe and I sat outside swimming for I don't know how long.

Denise heard us and eventually came outside to see what all the commotion was. I blamed it all on Joe, and she believed me! After she brought us some towels, we dried off, and I headed slowly up the steps. When I reached his room, I slowly turned the knob and walked in to find him lying on his bed watching tv. I shut the door softly and got my pajamas before muttering that I was going to take a shower.

Once I was in the bathroom, I noticed that my make up had already been washed off, thanks to the chlorine. I turned on the the shower, let it warm up, and climbed in. I heard the door open and close. I saw Nick's figure go over to the sink and brush his teeth.

"I'm going to bed," I heard before the door opened and closed again.

After my shower, I got dressed, brushed my hair and teeth, and walked out of the bathroom silently. I heard Nick snoring, so I knew he was asleep. I walked over to the side of the bed and saw Nick's phone. I grabbed it and went back into the bathroom quickly.

I sat on the counter as I went through his contacts, sending them to my phone. I was finally down in the N's when I came across a name: Nicole Anderson. Everything made sense. I exited out of his contacts and went to his messages. There was her name again. I read through the messages, disgusted.

I went back and finished sending the rest of the contacts, leaving her name out. I walked out of the bathroom and put his phone back where I found it. I looked at his form lying on the bed before walking out of the room. I walked down the hall to Joe's room and knocked softly.

I heard some grumbling before a half-asleep Joe opened the door.

"Can I sleep in your room tonight?" I asked quietly.

He nodded his head before moving aside and letting me in. He closed the door before walking over to me.

"Why aren't you sleeping with Nick?" He asked, more alert.

"I'm not exactly talking to him right now," I said, looking down at my feet.

"Uh-oh. What happened?" Joe asked, guiding us to the bed.

"Well, I was going through his contacts because I wanted to throw him a surprise birthday party. Well, I saw Nicole's name in there, and it upset me because I asked him to delete it back in August. And it might not have been as big of a deal until he started acting weird this afternoon. He was really jumpy, and he was hiding his phone. Turns out, he's been texting her too," I explained.

"Nick's a good guy. He's been stressing out about the wedding and the baby. He probably just needed someone to talk to," Joe said, taking up for Nick.

"But he could have talked to me. I'm stressed out, too. I have to carry a living thing in me for nine months! But you don't see me sneaking around talking to people Nick doesn't want me to talk to," I said, reaching my breaking point. I didn't try to hold the tears back. This is one of the negatives to being pregnant: stupid hormones.

Joe didn't say anything. He just held me in his arms and let me cry.

I woke up the at 8:30 the next morning to the sun shinning in my eyes. I got up, being careful to not wake Joe, and went back to Nick's room. I walked in, shut the door quietly, and began to tip toe over to my stuff. I about screamed when I saw Nick sitting up in his bed, looking down at his hands. A big knot formed in my stomach.

"Why didn't you sleep in here?" Nick asked hoarsely, still not looking at me. It was beginning to really scare me. Then I remembered why I didn't sleep in here.

"Because I didn't want to," I said, grabbing my make up bag and going into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and cringed at what I saw. My eyes were red and swollen.

I decided to do my morning routine of brushing my teeth, face, and putting on some makeup. I saw Nick leaning against the door frame as I began to put on my foundation.

"And why didn't you want to sleep with me last night?" Nick asked, looking at me intently.

I shrugged. I wasn't planning on answering any of his questions until I got the chance to talk to Stefanie and Miley about it.

I quickly did the rest of my make up and threw everything back in the bag. I shoved past Nick to get my straightener.

"So, what? Are you not going to talk to me?" Nick asked as I walked past him and into the bathroom.

"I have nothing to say to you," I said as I plugged up my straightener and turned it on. I turned to Nick as I waited for it to heat up.

"When ARE you going to have something to say to me?" Nick asked.

"Tonight," I replied, turning back around to do my hair.

When I was satisfied with my hair, I unplugged it and let it sit on the counter to cool off while I got dressed. Nick left me alone and went downstairs. I stripped down and grabbed my clothes for today and quickly slipped them on. I slid on my heels and put my cardigan on before I started putting all my stuff back into my suit case. I went into the bathroom and got my clothes from yesterday and my straightener, and threw them into the suit case.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aubrey's outfit

I decided to go ahead and post tonight. Hope you like.(: