Sequel: Priceless & Broken
Status: Finished!(:

A Beautiful Mistake

Hanging with Miley and Frankie

I heard knocking. I wasn't sure if it was in my dream, or if it was really happening. That is until I heard my name being yelled, "AUBREY RAE, ANSWER THIS DOOR!"

I shot up out of the bed and ran downstairs. I opened the door and saw Miley. She was scowling at me.

"What WERE you doing?" Miley asked, walking into the house.

"Sleeping?" I said, wrapping my arms around myself.

"Well, go put your bathing suit on. It's supposed to be really hot today, and I want to work on my tan," Miley said, giving me a light shove towards the stairs.

I ran up to my room and searched for a bathing suit. When I found one, I quickly put it on knowing Miley isn't a patient person. I grabbed a towel, ran downstairs, and out the backdoor that was already open. Miley had already gotten situated in a chair. I laid my towel on a chair before realizing I forgot a few things upstairs. So, I ran back upstairs and grabbed my iPod, the dock for it, and baby oil.

When I got outside, I hooked everything up and put my iPod on shuffle. Satisfied with the first song that came on, I took my seat, spread some baby oil on for better tanning, and relaxed to the music.

After about an hour, I took a dip in the pool so I would cool off, then came back out and laid on my stomach. I got Miley to spread the baby oil on my back before she went into the pool. As I was laying there, I started laughing.

I opened my eyes to see Miley looking at me funny, "You mind sharing the joke? I could use a good laugh."

"It's nothing. I was just thinking about how I'm not going to be able to lay on my stomach any more until after the baby is born," I explained.

"That sucks."

I agreed before shutting my eyes and falling back into my relaxation mode.

We stayed out by the pool all day until Miley's mom called her and told her it was time to come home. We said our goodbyes and, after she left, I got up and dried off. I took everything up to my room and decided to take a shower to get all the baby oil off of me.

When I was done, I heard my phone ringing in my room. I sighed and went to get it. It was Denise calling. Thank goodness.


"Hi, Aubrey. Frankie wanted me to call you to see if you wanted to hang out with him tonight?" Denise said, laughing a little.

"Yeah. Sure. Let me get dressed, and I should be over there in about fifteen minutes?"

Denise said that was fine, and we said our goodbyes before hanging up. I put on some clean undergarments before picking out some clothes. I put on just a little bit of make up and decided to let my hair dry naturally. I slid on my rainbows and grabbed some money before leaving the house.

I walked over to the Jonas', taking my time. It was only about five. I rang the doorbell and waited. After some yelling and some other noises, Frankie opened the door.

"Hey Frankie."

"Aubrey!" He stepped out and gave me a one-armed hug. He took my hand and led me into the house.

"So. what did you want to do? I'm up for anything!" I said. running my fingers through my quickly drying hair.

"How about the park?"

I nodded my head while he ran upstairs to put his shoes on. I heard some laughing coming from the den, so I slowly walked around the corner. I saw Joe AND Stefanie sitting on the couch, watching something on Comedy Central.

"So, this is where you've been all day?" I said with a smirk on my face.

Stefanie and Joe jerked their heads around. I could see a light blush on Stefanie's cheeks.

"Well, um, you see, what happened was -- " Stefanie said, trying to come up with a story.

"It's fine! Don't worry about it," I said, laughing.

"So, what DID you guys do today?" I asked, leaning up against the frame.

"Well, let's see. We played video games, played Chubby Bunny with Frankie, watched some Jersey Shore episodes, and I think that's all," Joe said, naming the things off with his fingers.

"Oh gosh. Stefanie got you to play Chubby Bunny?!" I asked, completely shocked. (Which I knew Joe would probably play something like that.)

"It was actually fun until she beat me," Joe said, looking down.

"Well, you have to understand that Stefanie has probably stretched her cheeks out from playing the game so much which gives her an advantage. And let's just say marshmallows are NOT the only things that could have stretched her cheeks out," I said with a smirk.

"SAYS THE GIRL WHO'S PREGNANT!" Stefanie yelled, turning red with embarrassment. My mouth dropped open. I felt someone grab my arm. I looked down and saw Frankie.

"I'm ready," he said once he saw that he had gotten my attention.

"Where are you guys going?" Joe asked.

"The park and wherever else Frankie wants to go," I said.

We said bye to Joe and Stefanie and told Denise our plans before leaving. We walked across their yard and got into my car. I drove to the closest park which was about three minutes from our house.

We hung out at the park for about two hours before Frankie said he was hungry. So, we went to Wendy's. After Wendy's, Frankie said he wanted some ice cream, so I took him to Baskin-Robbins. When we finished our ice cream, we road downtown for awhile with the top down and the radio on. I took Frankie home at about nine because it would soon be his bedtime. I walked inside and told Frankie to go get a shower while I found his mom. I looked in the living room and den, but she wasn't in there, so I figured she would be in the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Denise drinking a cup of coffee, so I walked over and sat in front of her.

"How was the park?" She asked with a small smile.

"It was great. We went on the slides, and we played on the swings. I haven't had that much fun in awhile," I said with a big smile on my face.

"How long did you guys stay there?"

"For about two hours. Frankie told me he was hungry, so I took him to Wendy's and then, we went to Baskin-Robbins after." Denise nodded her head. "And we road around town before coming home."

"You know, he's scared that you'll forget about him after the baby is born," Denise admitted.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, "He shouldn't be! I'm still going to hang out with him whenever he wants."

Denise and I talked some more about Frankie before I saw Nick pause at the refrigerator. I didn't even see him come in here. Nick slammed the fridge door shut. Denise jumped and turned around. The smile slowly fell from my face. Nick left the room and went upstairs and slammed his room door.

"I'm going to go talk to him," I muttered, standing up and running up the stairs.

I didn't bother knocking. I swung the door open and saw Nick sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. I closed the door, not wanting to bring anyone else into this.

"What do you think you're doing? You had no reason to slam the door," I scolded. "You might be pissed at me, but you're not going to act like that in front of your mother."

"What do you mean by 'that'? How was I acting?" Nick asked, looking up to glare at me.

"You were acting like a little baby. I can't believe that last night I was actually thinking about saying sorry to you." I said beyond pissed.

Nick didn't say anything.

"You know? I don't think this is a good idea anymore." I walked towards Nick, took off my engagement ring, and handed to him. "Bye, Nick."

I ran down the steps trying not to cry.

"Bye Denise!" I choked out before running out of their house and into mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hanging out

Here you go! Comments encourage me to update faster....(: