Sequel: Priceless & Broken
Status: Finished!(:

A Beautiful Mistake

The House

I woke up and stretched. I felt an arm around my waist and looked to see Nick beside me. I smiled at the sight of him sleeping; he looked so innocent.

"You can stop anytime," Nick said with a hoarse voice, causing me to jump.

"I-I wasn't --" I stuttered. His eyes fluttered open and met mine with a soft smirk on his full lips.


"Why does it matter if I was staring at you?" I asked softly.

"It doesn't. I just want you to admit it."

I nodded my head slowly. "All right. I was staring at you, but it was because you looked so innocent." Nick chuckled.

"I'm anything but innocent," Nick whispered, his hot breath falling on my lips. The air caught in my throat.

Before either of us could say anything, Joe busted into the room. "Breakfast is ready."

I jumped out of bed quickly—almost falling—and raced out of the room. I sat down at my regular spot at the Jonas table, out of breath.

"Thanks for just leaving me up there," Nick whispered in my ear before sitting down. I let out a breathy giggle before saying good morning to everyone.


"I'm so huge!" I yelled. Nick and I had come back to his room after breakfast to lie on his bed.

"No, you aren't," Nick protested.

"Can you see this?" I asked, pulling up my shirt so he could see my stomach. "I'm as big as a hippo!"

"I don't see anything. You don't even look pregnant. The only change I see is that your boobs have gotten bigger. And that's not a bad thing," Nick said with a big grin. Of course he had to bring that up. But he's a guy so I guess I should have known.

"Oh, they have? And how would you know?" I asked with a smirk.

"Well, you're my girlfriend, and I'm allowed to look," Nick said confidently. I ran my finger through my hair and shook my head.

"Well, I'm about to give you something to look at," I muttered.

"Oh, you are?" Nick asked, smirking.

"Not like that, you pervert!" I yelled, slapping his chest. "I need a shower," I stated after a few more moments.

"There's a shower right behind that door," Nick said, pointing.

"I think I know that. I just don't have any clothes." Nick stood up from his bed and walked over to his drawers and started looking through them. He pulled out a bra, a pair of underwear, a shirt, and a pair of shorts. I looked at him with wide eyes as my mouth dropped open.

"How did my clothes get here?" I asked as he handed everything to me.

He shrugged before answering, "My mom likes to shop, and she bought you some clothes that you can keep here." I nodded carefully as I got up and made my way to the bathroom.

I got out after about thirty minutes and got dressed. The clothes that Denise got me actually fit really well. They were cute, too. I opened the door and walked out to see Nick on his laptop.

"What are you looking at?" I asked, jumping beside him on the bed.

"Houses," he said, scrolling down the page.

"Why?" I was slightly confused.

"We're getting married in a month, so I figured we should go ahead and buy a house, so we can get it decorated and furnished." I smiled at Nick taking charge.

"Have you found any that you like?" He nodded his head and began showing me. "Can we go look at them?" I asked excitedly.

"If you want." I clapped my hands and jumped off the bed to put my shoes on. "But I got to take a shower first," Nick said, closing his laptop.

"I'll be waiting somewhere in the house," I told him before leaving the room.

"Joe, I swear that you'll be the death of me," I said in between my giggles. We were sitting on the couch watching some show.

"Then, I might need to stop because I don't want Nick to kill me."

"No, he wouldn't," I reassured him.

"Well, you wouldn't be here to find out, now would you?" I shook my head as he went on to talk about something else.

"Are you ready?" Nick's voice sounded, causing me to jump off the couch and nod my head.

As we walked out to the car, I exaggerated my steps.

"What are you doing?" Nick voiced, interrupting my thoughts.

I blushed realizing that I must have looked really stupid. "Um, n-nothing."

Nick chuckled and opened my door.

"Thank you, kind sir," I said with a fake accent.

"You're welcome, my lady," Nick said, playing along.

I turned the radio on as soon as soon as Nick cranked up the car. I hummed along to the song that was currently on as Nick drove to the real estate's office.

"We're getting a house!" I sang as we entered the cool building. Nick put his hand on the small of my back and guided me to a desk with a woman smiling up at us.

"You must be Nick Jonas," she said, standing up and shaking his hand. He gave her a small smile.

"And you are?" She asked, turning to me.

"Aubrey Johnson," I said softly, all of a sudden shy.

"Well, what can I do for you guys today?" She asked while sitting down. We took that as our cue to sit down, too.

"Well, we were actually looking to buy a house," Nick spoke up beside me. I looked around the building, tuning Nick and the woman out completely.

I looked at my clock on my phone. It was 6:30 P.M. We had been looking at houses all day, and I was exhausted. One house caught my eye, though. I could imagine Nick and me raising our kids in it. I told Nick, and he agreed. I spoke up and told the woman we would buy it. She smiled and explained that we would need to go back to the office to sign the papers. I couldn't believe it. We were finally buying our own house.


I called my mom on the way back to the Jonas' and told her that I was staying there again. I asked if she could bring over my keys and an extra pair of clothes. She quickly agreed, and we said our goodbyes.

"So when were we going to start moving in?" I asked, looking over at Nick.

"Well, considering it's completely furnished with all new furniture that no one has laid on or touched, I would say anytime," he glanced over at me, and I nodded my head.

"So we could tell everyone tonight and start moving in?" I asked excitedly. He nodded in response. I clapped my hands.

Everyone was happy for us. Of course Denise started crying when we told her that we were moving out. She said her baby boy was growing up and she was going to miss each of us too much. We tried to explain to her that we'd still be in L.A., but she still insisted on moving in with us. My mom came over with my stuff, and we broke the news to her, and I could tell she was upset, even though she put a smile on her face.

Nick and I ate the dinner that Denise saved us before heading up to his room for our last night. I looked around the room knowing I was going to miss it; it's where we conceived our baby.

"What's on your mind?" Nick whispered in my ear as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm going to miss your room. And mine. Shoot, I'm going to miss our houses."

Nick chuckled taking us over to his bed. "But we're going to have our own house. No one but us in there until the baby gets there. We can finally be free. We can finally satisfy our needs without the family hearing us!" I laughed at him.

"What needs?" I asked, deciding to play stupid.

"Oh, you know what I'm talking about. You and I both know that you're a screamer, and that's why we haven't done anything since that night." I blushed an extremely dark red. "But I don't consider that a bad thing since you were screaming my name." I slapped his chest trying to sit up from our laying position, but he wouldn't let me. "I'm just kidding," he said, kissing my cheek.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aubrey's Outfit
Their House

I got another comment so I had to update. Hope you like it! Love you guys!
