Sequel: Priceless & Broken
Status: Finished!(:

A Beautiful Mistake

Moving Day

I groaned as I was being shaken awake.

"Aubrey, baby, you need to get up so we can go ahead and start packing." Nick's soothing voice made me want to fall into a deeper sleep.

"Out of all the mornings, you choose this one to be the one where you wake up early," I muttered.

"It's only 8:30 A.M." Nick stated

"Exactly; point proven," I said, causing Nick to chuckle.

"I promise I will let you sleep in the morning. But, right now you need to get up and help me pack my stuff up so we can go to your house and pack yours."

I nodded before climbing out of the bed to go pee. After doing my business, I started dumping Nick's drawers into boxes. It didn't take us very long -- maybe three hours tops -- to get everything packed up. I knew that my room was going to be a job, though. I had about four times more clothes than Nick. I changed my clothes and threw my hair up into a sloppy bun before helping Nick carry his boxes down to my car. When we finished that, we went back into the house to grab his guitars. He put those in his car before we went over to my house.

I trudged up the stairs to my room with Nick trailing behind me. I stopped in my doorway and looked around trying to figure out where to start. I decided my clothes were going to take the longest, so I decided to do them first. I walked over to my closet and started throwing clothes off the hangers and onto the bed. When it was empty, I went to help Nick fold and place them in boxes. It took us about two hours just to do my clothes, thirty minutes to do my shoes, and two hours to pack up the rest of my stuff.

I looked around at my now empty room. I couldn't believe I was actually moving out. I had always dreamed of this day, but I didn't know it would be this sad. Or, maybe it was the hormones. I didn't know, but I knew that I felt like crying. I turned around slowly and started helping Nick carry out boxes.

I had the radio on as I drove to our new house in my car behind Nick. I noticed Nick constantly looking in his rear view mirror. I tried my hardest to smile, but I just couldn't. I looked at the scenes around me as I drove, taking everything in. Nick typed in the code before driving through the open gates. I parked beside his car and slowly got out. I shut my door to open the back door, only to have Nick shut it again and lean against me.

"What's wrong?" He asked softly.

I shook my head.

"There's something wrong; I can tell. Now, tell me." He reached out and grabbed both of my hands and wrapped his around them.

"I don't know. I'm just scared. It's just my hormones. Don't worry," I reassured him.

"Scared of what?" Nick asked, concerned.

"Of being alone," I whispered.

"When? I'm always going to be here with you."

"What about when you go on tour? I can't just get up and go with you. I'm pregnant and when the baby's born I don't want to have to drag him or her all around the world."

"We'll think of it when the time comes, but for right now, let's just think about us and having our very own house." Nick's lips moved against mine, making all my worries go away.


"Do you want any cereal?" I asked Nick, walking down the aisle.

It was about eight something, and we were at the grocery store. We had spent all day unpacking and making the house our home. We would start working on the nursery as soon as we found out the sex of the baby. We were getting groceries so tomorrow I can begin learning how to cook and do my wifely duties.

"Sure. How about we get Captain Crunch?"

I nodded and grabbed a big box and put it in the buggy. Two buggies later -- when I was completely sure we had gotten everything -- we checked out and left. I had to put the small things up while Nick brought everything in and put the big things up; he didn't want me hurting myself or the baby.

"I will be glad when this baby is out of me. I'm tired of people treating me like I'm so breakable. Can I at least order a pizza by myself, or do you have to pick up the phone and dial for me?" I muttered, going to sit on the couch.

I dialed Papa John's number and ordered the pizza.

"I'm going to take a shower," I told Nick before getting up and finding our room.

Once the hot water hit my back, I began singing "Party in the USA" by the one and only Miley Cyrus. When I was finished with that song, I heard a chuckle. I screamed and spun around to see Nick leaning up against the wall. I immediately tried to cover myself, realizing that it wasn't going to work, considering I was surrounded by glass walls.

"What are you doing in here?"

"Listening to you sing and getting a nice view," Nick said, smirking.

"Not funny. Now, get out."

"Come on! I haven't seen you like 'this' in a long time! It isn't like you give me my own personal shows..." Nick said, walking out of the bathroom, pouting.

I got out when I heard the doorbell ring and dried off. I threw on my robe over a little something I threw on and went to the dining room.

"Why are you wearing heels and a robe?" Nick asked, taking a bite out of his pizza.

"Um, you'll find out later," I mumbled awkwardly.

He looked at me confused, but I just looked down at my pizza.

"Do you want anymore?" I asked before getting up and putting the pizza in the refrigerator when he shook his head.

"Now, are you going to tell me why you are wearing your black pumps with a robe?" Nick asked, following me into our room.

"Depends," I said with a smirk.

"On?" He pushed.

"How bad you want to know."

"Will you please just tell me?" He whispered, walking over to me slowly.

"Well, I thought about what you said earlier, and I figured why not."

"Why not what?"

I took a deep breath and opened my robe to reveal a piece of lingerie that I had bought while I was at the beach. I watched his eyes go wide. I looked down trying to hide my blush.

"Are you serious? We're really going to?" Nick asked, quickly wrapping his arms around me.

"I guess if you want to," I said shyly.

He pressed his lips against mine, pulling me into a passionate kiss.

"I love you," he whispered while pulling me over to the bed.

"I love you, too," I said before kissing his lips.

Then, we made love for the second time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Moving In
Making Love

Sorry for not updating sooner. Had some technical difficulties. But it's all good. If I get three comments from three people I will update tomorrow afternoon.(: And I got some prewritten chapters, but I'm having trouble writing. If you could send me a message on some drama you might want to see in the future I would be grateful.
