Sequel: Priceless & Broken
Status: Finished!(:

A Beautiful Mistake

The Family Dinner

I woke up the next morning feeling a little sore. I smiled when I remembered the events from last night. Just then, the bathroom door opened and out came a shirtless Nick.

"Are you all right? Are you in any pain? We shouldn't have had sex last night. I completely forgot you were pregnant. What if we hurt the baby?" Nick panicked.

I giggled a little. "Nick, we didn't hurt the baby. I asked the doctor if it was okay to have intercourse during pregnancy before we did that last night."

"Are you sure?" He asked as his breathing went back to normal.

"Yes. We wouldn't have done that if it could hurt the baby. I promise." I climbed out of bed and stretched quickly, realizing I didn't have any clothes on. I rushed over to the drawers and pulled out some undergarments, then went over to my closet to pick out an outfit. "Quit staring at me like that, you little pervert." I smirked as I turned around just in time to see Nick look away.

I unplugged my hair straightener and sat it on the counter before walking out of the bathroom.

"Our parents are coming over for dinner tonight," Nick said as soon as I jumped off the bottom step, almost falling.

My eyes went wide. "A-are you serious? I don't know what to cook. Better yet, I don't know how to cook." I was completely freaking out.

"Calm down. We have all day, and they're not coming until eight."

I nodded, telling him that I heard him.

Nick and I googled recipes all day, and then began cooking at seven. I about had a panic attack when I heard the doorbell ring. Nick kissed my cheek before going to answer the door. I put on a smile as I walked out from the kitchen.


"That was a wonderful dinner," Denise said, looking at me and Nick.

"Thank you," I stated confidently. For my first time cooking, I thought I did pretty well.

I gathered the dishes up and took them to the kitchen. Everyone moved to the living room. I walked in and sat next to Nick.

"This is a nice place you have here," Papa Jonas said, looking around the room.

"Could we see the rest of the house?" My mom asked.

I looked at Nick, and then looked back at my mom, saying, "Sure."

Nick and I guided everyone around the house and showed them each room.

"I've noticed there are a lot of bedrooms. How many children are you guys planning to have?" Denise said with her brown eyes bright.

I looked at Nick and silently told him to answer with my eyes.

"Um, maybe three or four," Nick said, unsure.

We haven't really talked about it before. My mom nodded thoughtfully.

We showed them the pool before going back into the living room and sitting down.

"This house fits you two perfectly," my dad said, reaching out and grabbing my mom's hand.

I nodded my head agreeing completely.

We continued to make conversation, and after about two hours, Denise and my mom started yawning, signaling that it was time for them to go. Nick and I gave everyone hugs before walking them out

"I'm so tired," I groaned, leaning on Nick. I felt him chuckle.

I walked into the kitchen and began washing dishes off and putting them in the dishwasher. Nick had already gone upstairs, leaving me to turn off all the lights downstairs. Nick was lying in bed when I got upstairs.

I grabbed one of Nick's shirts and stripped from all my clothing and put the shirt over it. I went into the bathroom, washed my makeup off, and brushed my teeth. I turned off all the lights, leaving me to find the bed in the dark.

"Oh crap!" I muttered as I tripped over something.

"Are you all right?"

"Yeah," I said, standing up and climbing in bed. I rested my head on Nick's chest and fell asleep listening to his heartbeat.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aubrey's Outfit

I got the comments!! Could I get 5 this time?!
