Sequel: Priceless & Broken
Status: Finished!(:

A Beautiful Mistake

The New Family Member


"I'm so glad to be home!" I yelled as I entered the house with Nick following behind me.

"Me too."

"I mean, I love New York and everything, but I miss my home." I took my bags upstairs and threw them on the bed. "I'm going to take a quick shower, and then, I'm going to start doing laundry. I haven't done it since we moved in here." I began walking towards the bathroom.

After my shower, I climbed out and wiped the steam from the mirror. I threw on a pair of pajamas and carried my dirty clothes out of the bathroom. I threw my hair up into a sloppy pony tail before I began gathering all of our dirty laundry and separating them by color. I stuck a load in the washer and went into the living room. I sat on the couch and began watching whatever was on the TV.

"Joe is dropping Elvis off tomorrow."

I looked over at Nick, and then, back at the TV. "I want me a little Yorkie. Can I get one? She could be Elvis's little friend," I said with a smile growing on my face. I could see Nick smiling too.

"How about you get one tomorrow? You can go with Miley and Stefanie. You haven't been around them in a while, and I'll stay here and hang out with Joe."

I took a moment and thought about it. I quickly nodded before turning my attention back to the TV.

I got up as soon as I heard the washer cut off. I stuck another load in as I put the other clothes in the dryer.

"Are you hungry?" I asked, walking back into the living room.

He looked at me and nodded.

"What do you want?"

"It doesn't matter. How about spaghetti?"

I thought about it and realized we hadn't had that in a while. "All right." I walked in the kitchen and began pulling out ingredients.

I put the last plate in the cabinet and closed the door. Dinner was extremely quiet, and I'm the type of person that hates quietness. I know Nick's quiet and everything, but he could work on being a little more talkative.

I told Nick I was going to bed, not even caring what time it was. I crawled into my warm bed and went straight to sleep.

Nick wasn't in bed when I woke up the next morning. I figured he had just gotten up earlier. It was ten o'clock. I slowly got out of bed and went downstairs to find Nick on the couch. I walked over and shook him a little.

"Nick, wake up."

He groaned a little before opening his eyes.

"Did you seriously sleep down here?" I was completely confused. "Why didn't you just come to bed?

He shrugged a little before sitting up.

"Whatever; I don't even care. I'm going to make bacon," I muttered before going into the kitchen and making my breakfast. I made about twelve strips of bacon and when I was finished, I climbed on top of the counter and began eating.

When I finished, I got up to go get dressed for the day. I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my purse. "I'm going out," I grumbled before walking out of the house.

I pulled up to Miley's house and cut the engine off. I sat there looking around at nothing in particular, feeling numb. I didn't literally feel numb, but I didn't emotionally feel anything.

I finally got bored and got out of the car. While I was walking up the sidewalk, Miley came to the door.

"Why did you sit in your car, looking around for twenty minutes?" She did this funny thing with her eyebrows that she only does when she's confused.

I shrugged. "I'm getting a dog. Want to come with me?" I asked bluntly.

It took a moment for what I said to process through her mind, and then, she nodded. "I just got to throw some clothes on. Come inside."

I followed her in, closing the door behind me.

"Didn't you just get back in yesterday?"

"Um, yeah. The honeymoon stage has already worn off." I held on to the handrail as I walked up the stairs.

Miley laughed a little. "What do you mean?"

"He's already sleeping on the couch. I woke up this morning, and he wasn't in bed; so, I went in the living room and sure enough he was asleep on the couch."

Miley looked at me skeptically as she got dressed. "Are you sure he didn't just fall asleep on the couch?"

"I'm pretty sure he didn't. The TV was off, and if he did just fall asleep, then it would have still been on. And, he's been extremely quiet since we've been home."

She put on some eyeliner and mascara before sliding some shoes on. "Nick's always been a little strange. What's he doing today?"

"I'll say. Joe's coming over to drop Elvis off, and then, they're going to hang out. Should I call Stefanie or just go over there?"

"Well, maybe he'll be normal when you get home. And, neither. She didn't get home until, like, seven this morning, so she'll probably be asleep all day."

We walked out to my car and got in.

"Why did she come home at seven? Who was she with?" I asked, amused. I didn't know that she had made more friends here.

"Hayley Williams. They met at Target about a week ago, and they've been hanging out a lot."

I nodded my head as I drove down the busy streets of Los Angeles. "Where would I go to get a Yorkshire terrier?"

"A pet store, I guess."

I nodded my head as I began driving towards the nearest pet store.

I walked out to my car holding my new little dog in my arms. She was so cute.

"What should I name her?" I asked, handing her over to Miley so I could drive.

"How about Misty?"

I thought about it, and it did fit her. "All right. I like that name. Let's go get her some food, and, toys, and maybe a few outfits, too."

We went on a shopping spree to Pet Smart. I bought her everything that I thought she would need and more. I went to Panda Express and picked up some food to take back to Miley's. I wasn't ready to go home yet.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aubrey's Outfit

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It's the one of two prewritten chapters I have left. I hope I get some comments. I recently lost my flash drive and it had EVERYTHING on it. It was my life and I have no idea where it could have gone. I had it Tuesday night and I lost it sometime on Wednesday. I noticed it was gone on Thursday morning when I felt the urge to write in homeroom. But I'm getting a new one and I'm locking everything on it.(: If you want updates from me you can follow me on Twitter. I tweet quotes and my feelings. I tweet what's going on in my life and when I update.
