Sequel: Priceless & Broken
Status: Finished!(:

A Beautiful Mistake


I walked outside and stood on the sidewalk waiting for Joe. A few minutes later, his car pulled up to where I was standing, and I walked around and got in.

"Now, what's really going on?" Joe asked after a while.

"Nick ditched me for Nicole. Things haven't been right since we got back from New York. He won't talk to me, and he won't sleep in our bed. I don't know what's going on. I'm beginning to feel like I made a mistake for coming back," I droned on as a few tears began to spill over.

"How about I take you to your house so you can get some clothes and get little Misty, then you can come stay with me tonight?" Joe offered.

I thought it through before silently agreeing.

The rest of the ride was silent. I quickly unlocked the door and rushed in. I threw some clothes and some needed items into a bag before grabbing Misty and her things. When I was sure I had everything, I rushed back out to the car.

"Are you still hungry?" Joe asked once I shut the car door.

I blushed before nodding my head violently

Joe chuckled, "I thought so."

We stopped by a fast food place and got a bunch of food to take back to the Jonas'.

I changed into some comfortable clothes and stole one of Joe's sweatshirts. I picked up Misty and took her back downstairs with me. Joe was busy stuffing a cheeseburger in his face when I sat down at the island. I gave Misty a fry before eating one myself.

"Do your parents know I'm here?" I whispered to Joe.

He nodded his head while chewing. "You're going to talk to mom tomorrow about you and Nick," he told me before taking another big bite.

My eyes went wide. I loved Denise, but I found it weird talking to her about her son. I quickly ate my food, giving Misty some too, and threw my trash away.

"I wish you could give me a piggy back ride, but I'm too big now," I said, pouting.

Joe laughed loudly as we trudged up the stairs and went to his room.

"What movie?" He asked as I sat on the bed.

"Paranormal Activity 2." I watched as he put it in and walked over and sat on the bed beside me.

He skipped through the previews and pressed play.

I moved closer and wrapped my arms around his torso and laid my head on his chest. I concentrated on his breathing as the movie played on the flat screen hanging up on the wall. I soon fell asleep without even noticing.

I felt someone shaking me awake. I opened one eye and saw Joe.

"Breakfast is ready."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "All right. Help me up."

He chuckled as he put his hand on the small of my back and helped push me up.

"I hate being pregnant."

"I'm ready for my niece or nephew to get here."

We walked into the dining room with Misty on our feet. I walked over to the back door and let her outside to pee before sitting down. It was only Joe, Denise, Paul, and I at the table. Turns out, Frankie was at a friend's house.

No one said anything as we ate. I got up and rinsed my plate off as soon as I was finished. As I was walking out Denise stopped me.

"Go get dressed, and we'll go shopping. You can leave Misty here with Joe. I'm sure he won't mind watching her." She had a soft smile on her face.

I let Misty in and watched her try to climb up the stairs. Joe was already playing C.O.D. when I got upstairs.

"Don't let Misty do anything stupid while I'm gone," I told him before going into the bathroom with my stuff to get ready.

About an hour later, I took one last look into the mirror before walking out. I put my sunglasses on the top of my bangs, pushing my bangs out of my eyes while walking down the stairs. Denise was at the door grabbing her keys out of the bowl they kept at the door.

"Ready?" She asked once I reached the last step.

"Yes ma'am," I said as I followed her out to her car.

"So, what's going on?" She asked lightly after we had started down the road.

"Nick and I are having some issues," I said, looking out the window. I didn't like thinking about it.

"Go into detail, sweetie."

"Well, it all started when we got back from New York. Everything was fine, and then, that night he didn't come to bed. Then, the next day -- which was yesterday -- he wouldn't even talk to me. Last night, he decided to take me out to dinner. I thought things were finally going to get better. Nicole Anderson was at the restaurant. I asked him if we could leave, but he insisted on staying and he went to sit with her, leaving me to stand at the door by myself. And, he didn't push her off of him when she was touching him and rubbing his arms."

Denise pursed her lips before stating, "That doesn't sound like Nick."

"Tell me about it," I muttered, leaning my head up against the window.

"Do you think we made a mistake by getting married so soon?" I pulled my head away from the window and looked at Denise, waiting for her answer.

"I knew you guys were ready for a commitment like that, so I do think you made the right choice by getting married. There's just something going on in Nick's mind that isn't making sense. His dad and I will have to talk to him. How about you guys come over tonight for dinner?"

I looked at all the cars in the mall parking lot. "That sounds great. I just hope he doesn't get mad at me for bringing his parents into this. He's funny about doing things on his own."

We slowly walked toward the entrance.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aubrey's Outfit

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. The next few chapters are drama filled so be prepared.
