Sequel: Priceless & Broken
Status: Finished!(:

A Beautiful Mistake

The Blood


"How're things?" Miley asked.

We were currently sitting in my living room talking while Nick was somewhere in the house.

"A lot better; Nick's parent's talked to him, and he's been fine ever since. I need to tell him something, but I don't want to make him mad again. I feel like I should, though." I looked down at Misty who was asleep in my lap.

"What do you have to tell him?" Miley bunched her eyebrows together.

"Well, when I was staying at the Jonas' last weekend," I whispered at the end, "Joe and I accidentally made out."

"You did WHAT?" Miley yelled.

I shushed her, but I was too late. Nick came down the stairs.

"What happened? What did you do?" Nick asked, looking directly at me.

"I think I should go now..." Miley said quietly.

I twisted my head to look at her and gave her pleading eyes.

"Don't," I mouthed.

She sighed, but sat back on the couch.

"Aubrey, what's Miley talking about?" Nick asked, walking closer.

"Just something that happened last weekend," I said softly, looking down.

"What happened last weekend?"

I continued to look down, hoping he would drop the subject.

"What are you not telling me?"

"Last weekend, when you were still mad at me, Joe and I made out. It's not something we planned. It just happened." I looked up to see his expression. I could see a mixture of hurt and anger in his eyes. "It didn't mean anything. I swear."

I slowly began to get up from the couch when he didn't say anything.

"So you're telling me that while you were bringing my parents into this, you were hooking up with my brother also? Good to know. I'm glad you waited a week to tell me. I'm gone." Nick grabbed his keys and slammed the door on the way out.

I had stood there in shock as I listened. I heard Nick crank up his Mustang, and then, his wheels spinning as he took off down the road. I collapsed on the ground and began sobbing.

Miley jumped off the couch and quickly began to comfort me.

"Why?" I screamed out. "Why is it always us? Why can't Nick and I be happy for once?" I felt this sharp pain in my abdomen and my hands immediately went to cradle my stomach.

"Come on. Let's get off the floor," Miley whispered, helping me up.

I stayed slouched over, cradling my stomach.

"What's that?" Miley asked -- her voice thick with panic.

"It's blood," I whispered, "I think I lost the baby."

I had no emotion. I automatically felt numb.

Miley rushed me to the hospital. As soon as she gave me off to the doctor, I blacked out.


I slowly opened my eyes. I could tell it had been a few hours since I blacked out. My hands went straight to my stomach. Surprisingly, it was still.

I looked around the room and saw a bunch of red eyes staring back at me. I looked over at Miley, who was sitting right beside me.

"What happened?" I asked weakly.

"They saved her. The doctor said that if you didn't come in when you did, you would have miscarried, but they saved her. They went in and detached the cord from around her neck, but you're on bed rest the rest of the pregnancy. And, no more stress!" Miley said, making me smile a little.

I was having a girl!

I looked back around the room and saw the curly head I loved the most in the very back corner. His eyes were red and swollen just like everyone else's. I looked down and played with my hands. I heard a knock on the door and raised my head in time to see the doctor coming in.

He told me everything that Miley had told me a few minutes before. I nodded at the right times to make him think I was listening. The part I did hear was that he was going to let me go this afternoon after they ran a few more tests.

He gave me a few minutes to talk to all my visitors. My mom and dad came up to the bed first and gave me a speech on how I shouldn't scare them like that. Denise and Paul did the same before leaving. Joe gave me a weak smile before leaving, and Stefanie just looked at me. Something told me she knew.

I was left with Miley and Nick. He didn't move from his little spot in the corner. He didn't look at me either. A few minutes later, some nurses came in and began doing all this stuff to me.

When they were done, they said I was free to change, and they would have the results when I was finished. Miley shut the door and began helping me change into some clean clothes that she had someone go back and get. I slid on some slippers and sat back on the bed to wait for the results.

About ten minutes later, they came back in and said I was good to go. They forced me into a wheel chair and pushed me into an elevator. Nick took the stairs. Miley helped me into the car and drove me home. I wasn't surprised to see him already there.

As soon as I got into the house, I tried to clean the blood off the floor.

"Nope, we're going straight to your bedroom. I'll clean it up once I get you settled," Miley said.

I pouted, but didn't argue. I climbed into my bed and wrapped the covers around me.

"I'm staying until around eight, and then, I'm going to go home, but I'll be back tomorrow."

I nodded and closed my eyes.


I heard someone knock on the door. I slowly opened my eyes and turned toward it. My mouth dropped open when I saw Nick carrying a tray of food in.

"Miley made dinner before you left," he muttered before setting it on the night stand to help me sit up.

He took one plate off, sat beside me on the bed, and turned the T.V. on. Of course, we were the talk on the news. Sometimes I wondered why our life was so interesting. He quickly turned the channel to sports and began eating.

Nick took the plates back once we were both done, and I expected it to be the last time that I would see him that night. I was thoroughly shocked when he came back in a few minutes later. I curled back under the covers and watched him as he watched T.V.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled.

Nick looked down at me; his features were soft.

"Don't worry about it. It's done and over with. But, from this point on, I'm not leaving your side for anything."

"I would understand if you wanted to stay mad at me a little longer," I said like a little girl.

"No, I'm fine. I don't want to. I forgive you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohkay, I would like to thank everyone for reading this story. I know I've told the ones that have commented, but now I'm telling everyone. It's been almost nine months since I've started it. To the ones who have stuck with me since the beginning and the ones who have never stopped reading since they started, thank you. If it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't keep writing. I've grown to Aubrey and Nick. I was looking at my story info or whatever that stuff is and I realized that over 200 people have read my story. I have 25 subscribers and 40 comments. I was smiling from ear to ear. (Sorry I'm from the south so I say stupid sayings like that.) I am truly blessed. I love seeing when I get a new comment or subscriber. It makes me feel important. And some of the comments make me feel like I've known that person for awhile and we're good friends. It's a wonderful feeling and I hope you all continue to read and comment on my stories in the future. Thank you so much! And this is NOT the end of this story. I just wanted to say thank you. :P
