Sequel: Priceless & Broken
Status: Finished!(:

A Beautiful Mistake

The "Gift"


It had been four weeks, and I already thought I was going crazy. Miley had been over my house every day from eight to eight. She wouldn't let me do anything by myself, so I waited. I waited until she walked out of the door and got in her car, and then I would get up. Then, as soon as I would get going, Nick would come in and freak out. Then, I would have to head back to the bed.

I only got to leave the house twice a week, and that's to go to the doctor. The last time I got out of the house to do me was on Thanksgiving. I had to sit on the couch the whole time; everyone had to do everything for me. I didn't even get to go Christmas shopping; Miley and Nick went. Then, Miley and my mom went to shop for Nick. It was torture, and I was never alone. Someone was always at the house. I couldn't even take a shower by myself -- Miley would insist on helping, or if she was gone, Nick would help.

It was currently around nine-something in the morning, and Miley hadn't gotten there yet. Nick was snoring quietly in my ear, and I was just laying there. I knew that if I tried to get out of bed, Nick would catch me and give me another lecture.

I finally heard a car pull up in the drive way. There was some bumping before the lock downstairs clicked. I listened as she muttered to herself. A few seconds later, I heard footsteps on the stairs.

Nick's snoring stopped, and I knew he was now awake. Miley's head poked in the room, and her mouth spread into a bright smile when she saw that I'm awake.

"I got you something," she said, jumping up and down.

"Oh lord. What is it?" I ask, knowing that it's probably anything.

She ran over to the bed and helped me up, completely ignoring my question.

"Nick, are you coming?" I asked, looking back down at the bed.

"I'll be down in a minute."

I nodded and let Miley pull me downstairs. I threw my head back and groaned in frustration as soon as I saw what her "gift" was: a wheel chair.

"Really, Miley? Is this necessary?" I turned to go back to my room when she grabbed my arm.

"Come on! It's supposed to be a good thing. You can finally go out now. You don't have to stay cooped up in your room and rot away."

"Fine, but we're getting rid of it as soon as this baby is out of me," I said, pouting.

Miley started jumping up and down clapping. I heard Nick come down the stairs and come behind me.

"Sweetie, look what Miley got me," I said, trying to keep the bitterness out of my words.

Nick chuckled in my ear, "Well, maybe we should put it to good use. Let's go get breakfast and go baby clothes shopping."

"This is going to be humiliating," I muttered, going to get dressed.

Miley didn't push the shower that time and let me do it by myself. She did pick my outfit, though. I took my time in the shower and let the hot water loosen my tense muscles. I got out and dried the stuff I could and let the rest air dry.

I walked out of the bathroom with my hair wrapped in the towel. At this point, I didn't care who saw me naked. I didn't even care how I looked. I put my clothes on before sitting down and doing my makeup. I got Miley to do my hair and put on my shoes.

I walked downstairs and got into the car. We went to IHOP to eat breakfast. So far, I hadn't had to use the wheel chair, but I knew I was going to have to as soon as we left. Paparazzi were already starting to gather. Nick paid the bill, and we were off to the car.

"This is going to be all over the news," I mumbled as Nick drove to Babies R' Us.

"It'll be all right," Nick said with a comforting smile as he took my hand in his and gave it a light squeeze.

It seemed like time was passing so quickly. It felt like we had just gotten in the car, and now we were at the store which meant I had to get in the wheel chair. Miley jumped out of the car and pulled the chair out of the trunk and rolled it to my door.

"Don't try anything funny," I said as I grumpily got into the wheel chair.

"I won't! Chill out, mama bear," Miley said, pushing me to the entrance of the store with Nick following beside us.

"Have y'all decided on a name for the baby?" Miley asked as we looked through racks of clothes.

"Nope," Nick answered.

"I like the name Stormy for a first name," I said, looking at a dress.

Nick looked at me. "What about the middle name?"

"I'll let you pick that one."


"Stormy Sofia Jonas," Miley said out loud, "that's a really pretty name. It's unique."

Nick and I smiled at each other.

"She'll be unique," we said together.

"Awww! Y'all are so cute!" Miley squealed with a goofy grin.

I shook my head and went back to looking at clothes. We weren't planning on getting much since the baby shower was in January.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aubrey's Outfit

OMG! It's been sooooooo long since I've wrote. I am extremely sorry. I just didn't know what to write. But I'm back. I'd appreciate it tons if I got some comments. I comment back. I hope you enjoy it. :D