Sequel: Priceless & Broken
Status: Finished!(:

A Beautiful Mistake

The Birth


Several weeks had gone by. Christmas was amazing; the baby shower was fun; Stefanie left for Arizona, and I Skyped her once a week. Everything felt normal.

I was at the very end of my pregnancy, so I had to visit the doctor twice a week. She said I was due any day now so we were kind of just sitting around waiting. We got the nursery ready in February. We also took birthing classes; it was Denise's idea. Her and my mom had helped me a lot. I was so thankful for them.

I had decided I wanted everyone back there for the birth. It was too hard to decide on a certain few. Miley was going to be filming it all -- she insisted on it. We had a bag packed and waiting by the door.

Every day was passing by so quickly. My due date was supposedly April 4, 2011, but that day was long gone. Nick freaked out every time I got up to use the bathroom during the night. I had this feeling though; I had a feeling it would be soon.

I got up from the bed and slowly made my way downstairs. I couldn't see my feet so I had to make sure I didn't fall. I noticed that my stomach had dropped, too. It wasn't sticking out and perky; instead, it was low and getting hard. My doctor said it was normal around the time of birth so I didn't worry about it. I reached the bottom step, and I could smell Nick making coffee; only a few more days until I can drink it again.

I walked into the kitchen and made my way to the refrigerator. I opened the door and began looking through the contents. That's when it happened. I felt something, and then, it felt like I pissed myself. Nick jerked around and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Code RED!" I yelled. I slammed the door shut and waddled to the living room. "Could you go get me some shorts? I don't like this feeling." I asked Nick, referring to my wet sweat pants.

He took the stairs two at a time and was back in no time with a pair of shorts.

"Call everyone while I put these on." I let the sweat pants drop before stepping out of them. I grabbed the shorts and struggled putting them on. I slipped on a pair of flip flops that were by the door and made my way out to the car.

A few minutes later, Nick came rushing out with the bag in tow and jumped in the car.

About fifteen minutes into the ride, I started getting contractions. I rubbed my stomach hoping to get my mind off of them. Our families were already there when we pulled in. My mother and Denise talked the hospital into going ahead and getting a room ready for when we got there. My mom took the liberty into filling out the papers for me. A nurse sat me in a wheel chair before rushing me off to my room to put the ugly gown on. I closed my eyes as they hooked all these IV lines up to me and I didn't enjoy it. It was awful.

They eventually let the family into the room, and Miley came in with her stupid camera rolling.

"Say hi to the camera, Aubrey!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Hi," I said bluntly.

My contractions started getting closer together and becoming more painful. I reached for Nick's hand and began taking deep breaths.

"I'm extremely sorry in advance for everything you guys are going to hear today," I apologized for what was about to come. I knew everyone was about to hear my colorful language spill from my mouth.

They all laughed.


Hours went by, and the pain only got worse. The nurse said I was only six centimeters dilated. They wanted me to wait a little bit longer before I got an epidural. I rolled over on my side to see if it would help any.

"This hurts!" I cried out.

Another contraction came, and my eyes got watery.

"Get it OUT!" I screamed.

A nurse came in and checked me again, "You're nine centimeters dilated. I'm going to go get the doctor for the epidural, and then, we'll begin pushing."

Before I could say anything, she left the room. A few minutes later, the nurse and the doctor came in. I sat up as she jabbed a needle in my back and my lower half became slowly numb. When I couldn't feel much, she said it was time to start pushing.

Nick was on one side, and my mom was on the other. Miley was at my feet with the camera recording.

Everything went in slow motion after the first push. The doctor was yelling at me to push, and I was pushing and yelling. And then, it was all over.

Nick cut the umbilical cord, and the doctor handed me our seven-pound, eight-ounce baby girl. As soon as I got her, she was gone. The nurse took her away to clean her. Nick went back with her to watch. My dad wiped the sweat off my forehead with a cold, wet towel.

Moments later, Nick walked over holding the baby. He handed her to me and wiped the tears from his own eyes. I looked down at her and saw her big brown eyes looking back up at me. She looked a lot like Nick. I saw some of my features, but mostly Nick's.

"Do you have a name chosen out?" A nurse with a clipboard asked.

"Stormy Sofia Jonas," Nick blurted out immediately.

The nurse giggled and walked away.

The doctor explained that we, Stormy and I, would have to stay in the hospital for two days before we were allowed to go home. Later, they would teach me how to breast feed. Then, we would learn all the basics and work on them over the two days. I was just so glad that the nine months were over, and we could finally be a family.

Just to think that all of it started with a beautiful mistake.
♠ ♠ ♠
Stormy Sofia Jonas

Stormy's Nursery

This is the official last chapter. I'm going to post the epilogue tonight. I'm going to give everyone a day after I post a name for a sequel. I may or may not use it. Thanks to everyone who's stuck with me through thick and thin. I know these chapters are rushed, but it's because I wanna start on the sequel.
