Sequel: Priceless & Broken
Status: Finished!(:

A Beautiful Mistake

The Pregnancy Test

A week a later, I woke up due to the urge to vomit. I had been doing so for the past three days. I had no idea what was going on.

I sent a text to both Miley and Stefanie telling them to come to my house. And about three minutes later, I heard the doorbell. I went downstairs and answered the door since both of my parents were at work.

After greeting each other, we all went up to my room so I could tell them about my symptoms. Before I had even finished saying what they were, Miley already had my laptop and was on Google. I was shocked when I read the results.

Miley asked the question I had been dreading to hear, "Did you and Nick have sex at the cook-out?"

I looked down and put my face in my hands. After a few seconds of silence, I answered, "Yes we did... And we forgot to use protection. We didn't even think about it. We were in the heat of the moment."

Stefanie, who was at my closet picking out my outfit, rushed over to comfort me, "It's alright."

I decided to jump in the shower and rush through everything. I didn't bother putting on make up because I just wanted to go to Walgreens. I slipped on the sunglasses Stefanie had chosen, and we walked out to my car - a black BMW M6 convertible.

I drove a few minutes before coming to the closest Walgreens. Once I parked, we all headed into the pharmacy. We literally picked up every single pregnancy test that we saw, paid, then ran out to the car.

I raced home, and when we finally arrived, I drank I don't know how many cups of water in order to take six different tests. When I finally had to use the bathroom, I began them.

It seemed like forever when I waited for the test to tell me if I was pregnant or not. But when it finally did tell me, it's wasn't exactly what I wanted it to say: positive.

After all six tests, I figured they each had a malfunction of some kind since I was in denial. I decided to see my doctor instead. So of course, Stefanie, Miley, and I piled into my car once again and drove to the doctor's office.

I signed in and waited. About fifteen minutes later, I was called back.

"So this paper says you're here for a pregnancy test. Is it true?" Dr. James asked once she shut the door.

"Um, yes, it is, Dr. James," I said, looking down.

"Okay, I would like you to go pee in this container for me," she said, handing me a little circle container.

I went into the bathroom and did what I had to do. Then, I went back and waited for the results anxiously.

Ten minutes later, my doctor walked in and told me that I was indeed pregnant. I nodded my head and walked out muttering a quick, "Thank you."

When I got back out to the waiting room, I nodded for the girls to follow me back to the car. At first, they bombarded me with questions, but once they realized I wouldn't be saying anything the whole drive home, they shut up.

Arriving at my house, we got out of the car and went up to my room. I laid down in my bed and covered up.

"So, I'm guessing your pregnant," Miley stated quietly.

"Mhm," I mumbled loudly.

"Well, when are you going to tell your parents and Nick?" Stefanie asked, taking it all in.

"Probably tonight. I would wait until I started showing, but then I would probably get bitched out," I replied.

"I'll be right back," Miley said, before grabbing Stefanie's hand and pulling her out of the house.

While they were gone, I laid in bed thinking of what I was going to do, what I was going to say; wondering how everyone was going to react.

About fifteen minutes later, Stefanie and Miley came back with big tubes of ice cream and three spoons. We sat in my room and ate ice cream all afternoon, discussing what I should say to my parents.

By the time my parents came home, we had finished nearly two tubes of ice cream. Stefanie and Miley each gave me a big hug before leaving.

Once they were gone, I walked down the stairs slowly. I kept my head down the whole time.

"Aubrey, are you alright?" My mother asked, noticing me.

"Um, n-not re-really. Can I-I, uh, please talk to you and dad?" I said, finally looking up.

We all headed into the living room. My parents sat down on the couch while I sat by myself on the love seat.

"Well, I really don't know how to say this, and if there was anyway to sugar coat this, than I would. But I can't, so I'm just going to come out and say it. Mom, Dad... I'm pregnant." I quietly said, looking down the whole time.

I was completely nervous as I sat there in silence waiting for them to say something. What if they abandoned me? The tears that had been waiting all day to come out finally rolled down my cheeks at the thought.

Before I knew it, my parents rushed over to comfort me. My mom pulled me into a hug and laid her head on mine as she whispered soothing words. My dad rubbed my arm quietly saying, "Everything will be alright."

We sat there for what seemed like hours. Finally, they asked me the question I've been expecting since I told them, "Who's the father?"

I took a deep breath and told them, "Nick."

What surprised me most about this whole thing was that my dad wasn't upset with me or Nick.

"Have you told him yet, sweetheart?" My mother asked.

"No, I just found out today. I thought I would tell you first before I told him," I replied.

"Well, I think it's time that you head on over to his house and tell him," she said, wiping any remaining tears on my face.

I went upstairs and splashed some cold water on my face, hoping to get rid of the red and puffiness before heading over to tell Nick. I slid my shoes back on and slowly walked over to the Jonas'.

I waited quietly after ringing the door bell, which felt like days. But finally, someone opened it. I look up and see - surprise, surprise - Nick smiling. I tried but I just couldn't smile back at him.

"Aubrey, what's wrong?" He asked frantically.

"Nick, I-I need to tell you something. Can we talk in your room?" I asked, trying not to look in his eyes.

"Yeah, sure, of course," He replied, grabbing my hand. He pulled me up the familiar stairs, and once we got in his room, he shut and locked the door so no one could interrupt.

We walked over to the bed and sat quietly. He looked me in the eyes and nodded his head signaling me that he's listening.

"I don't know how you're going to take this, but... Nick, I'm pregnant," I quietly said.

I looked down as the tears started to slowly roll down my face. He took my hands in his and asked, trying to take it all in, "Are you sure about this?"

"Yes, one hundred percent sure. I even went to see my doctor after taking six tests."

He chuckled a bit before lifting my face up, then pointed at the rings on our fingers and with a smirk said, "We're such rebels."

I could tell he was trying to lighten the situation. I smiled a bit before he gave me the most passionate kiss I had ever received from him.

"So I'm guessing you're not mad that I'm pregnant?" I asked in disbelief.

"Why would I be mad? It's my fault that you are. And besides, we were planning on starting a family anyway... It's just a little sooner than we thought." He grabbed my hand and began walking toward the door.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To tell my parents."
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohkay; I see how it is. I'm going to stop nagging about you guys not leaving me comments. I'm going to believe Stefanie and hope I get more comments and more views as I post. I'd like to thank Stefanie again for editing to make this chapter's grammar seem better.

Aubrey's outfit to go get the pregnancy test.
Aubrey's car.