Sequel: Priceless & Broken
Status: Finished!(:

A Beautiful Mistake

The Engagement

I took a shower, shaved, and got out. I put my robe on and while I was waiting for my body to dry, I picked out what I was gonna wear. When I was dry I started on my make-up. After I finished, I got dressed and did my hair into simple curls before sliding my shoes on. Then the doorbell rang. I walked down the stairs and seen Nick standing in front of the door. He walked over to the stairs and took my hand in his when I was on the last two steps. My parents were standing there with big smiles on their face. My mom had tears welling up in her eyes. I looked at Nick and he was looking at me with my favorite crooked grin. I blushed and looked down. “Well we have reservations to catch.” Nick said breaking the silence. On our way out the door I turned to see my dad giving Nick a look-a look I didn’t understand-but I turned and pretended as if I never saw it. Nick opened the door of his mustang for me before going and getting in the driver’s seat. “You look extremely beautiful tonight.” Nick said looking at me before pulling out of my drive way. “Thank you. And you look handsome in your suit.” I said back. Nick laced his fingers with mine as he drove to the restaurant. Nick opened my door after we parked. I looked up at the building and noticed it was an expensive Italian restaurant-very expensive. Nick said something to the man in the front and then we were off to our table. Our waiter came by and took our order and then came back with our drinks. Nick took a sip of his diet coke before taking his hands in mine. We talked about nothing in particular while we waited for our food. Nick even bought dessert for us to share! I thought we were about to leave when Nick stood up and walked over to my side of the table but when he got down on one knee I knew we weren’t leaving just yet. I watched as he pulled a box out of his pocket. Before he even I asked I started crying. Stupid hormones! He opened the box and there was a beautiful diamond ring in there. “Aubrey, I have loved you since I first laid my eyes on you. I promise to never hurt you. I want to wake up everyday and see your beautiful face lying next to me. So would you do the honor and marry me?” I looked in his eyes and knew he wasn’t lying. “Yes.” I whispered. “Yes?” “Yes!” I squealed. And he did one of those cheesy moves and picked me up and spun me around. The tears eventually stopped and I started laughing. Everything now made sense to me. What he said in the shower, the talking downstairs, and the look my dad gave him. Nick paid the bill and we ran out to the car. We went to my house first. My parents ran into the hall when they heard the door open. “I’m engaged!” I screamed. My mom screamed with me and we danced around for a little bit. My dad and Nick were standing off to the side.

Nick’s POV
Me and Aubrey’s father were standing by the door while Aubrey and her mom danced around. They were absolutely alike in almost every way. I was standing there watching them when her dad started to whisper. “You sure you want to marry her?” He joked. “Of course.” I said chuckling a bit. When Aubrey was finished she bounced on over to me. “I’m ready to go to your house.” She said. She was really hyper. “Yeah? Let’s go.” We said goodbye to her parents before walking outside. I parked my car at my house since I lived right beside her. I opened the door when we got on the porch. I noticed Kevin and Danielle were here. We walked into the living room where everyone was at. “So what’d she say?” Kevin said getting up giving us both a hug. “Yes.” Aubrey squealed. I went over and gave Danielle a hug. “When did you want to have the wedding?” Danielle asked giving Aubrey a hug. She looked at me and then shrugged. “I always wondered what it would be like to have a wedding on Halloween. You know? Because there have been wedding on Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day, and even Independence day!” I nodded my head at what Aubrey was saying. I actually liked the idea. It would kind of be unique. “I like that.” I stated. Aubrey smiled that smile that made my stomach do flips. My mom came over and gave us a hug. “So what would the color theme be?” She asked when she hugged Aubrey. “I thought the bridesmaid dresses could be orange and black and the men’s tuxes would be black with an orange shirt.” Aubrey said going and sitting on the love seat taking her shoes off. “We need to start planning right away if it’s going to be on Halloween.” My mom said going back and sitting beside my dad. “We could start tomorrow?” Aubrey said sounding like a question. “Great.” Danielle said smiling. Aubrey looked at me with a small smile on her lips. “I need to pee!” She stage whispered. “Then go!” I whispered back. She got up and ran into the bathroom.

Aubrey’s POV
When I got in the bathroom I did what I had to do. When I was finished I washed my hands and got my Blackberry out. I three-wayed Stefanie and Miley they both picked up at the same time. “Hello?” They said in sync. “Guess what?” I said into the phone. “What?” They asked at the same time again. “You guys are really going to have to stop doing that. But any ways, I’m engaged!” “Oh my gosh. Really?!” Miley asked. “Yep.” I said looking at myself in the mirror. “When?!” Stefanie was the one to ask the question. “Tonight.” I let them squeal because I’ve done enough squealing for one night. “But um, I have to go. I’ll call you tomorrow to help plan.” “Okay. Bye.” I shook my head because they said it at the same time again. I put my Blackberry up and walked back into the living room. And I found my way into the conversation.
♠ ♠ ♠


Aubrey's Room

Living Room


I just couldn't wait. I've had this chapter written for awhile now.