Sequel: Priceless & Broken
Status: Finished!(:

A Beautiful Mistake

The Planning

I went home later that night so I could sleep in my own bed. I took my make up off and threw on an over-sized t-shirt before climbing into bed. The next morning I woke up and I checked my phone first thing. I had two missed calls and four new texts. I looked at the clock. It was only 9:30. I got up and took a shower and got dressed. I threw on some makeup and straightened my hair. I slipped on my shoes and left the house. I walked over to the Jonas’ and rang the door bell. I was busy fixing my skirt when someone opened the door. “Well don’t you look beautiful.” I looked up at the sound of the angelic voice speaking to me. Nick reached out and grabbed my hand and made me twirl in a circle for him. I was blushing the whole time. Then he stepped in and gave me a very passionate kiss. When he pulled away, I was a little dizzy and almost fell. “Whoa there.” Nick said holding me up. “Don’t flatter yourself. Where’s your mom?” I said fixing my hair. “Her, Danielle, Stefanie, and Miley are in the kitchen. I knew when you didn’t pick up this morning you would forget to call. And by the way, Joe is drooling over Stefanie; do you think you could see if the feeling is mutual?” Nick said standing in the middle of the living room. “And what would I get out of it?” I said seductively walking over to Nick. “Well-” He was cut off by his mom. “Aubrey! You’re here. Come on, darling. There’s a lot of planning to do.” And with that I was pulled off into the kitchen. We had everything planned out. Now we just had to make appointments, and Denise and Danielle offered to do all that. Stefanie, Miley, and me were just talking amongst ourselves. “Stefanie, do you like Joe?” I asked bluntly. “Is it that obvious?” She asked in a hushed tone. “I don’t know. Nick asked me to ask you if the feeling is mutual because Joe is practically in love with you.” I said like it was nothing. “Really?!” “Oh so you do like him? Nice to know.” I said getting up and going to find Nick. I found him hanging out with Joe and Kevin in the living room watching ESPN. “Nick, I have something I would like to tell you.” I said sounding casual. Nick got up from the couch and walked with me outside. “Did you ask?” He asked as soon as the door was shut. “I did. She didn’t come right out and say it but her eyes lit up as soon as his name was mentioned. So tell Joe to go ahead and make his move before he has a heart attack.” “Okay.” Nick said nodding his head. “Tell Joe to come out here whenever you go in. I have to talk to him.” I sat on the porch waiting for Joe to come out. A few minutes later an excited Joe stepped out on the porch. “So Stefanie really likes me?” “Yes and let me tell you something. If you hurt her or ever think about hurting her I will personally remove your balls. Okay?” His hands slowly went down and covered himself. And I think I saw pain flash through his eyes. He nodded his head quickly before going back inside. I walked inside after Joe and went back into the kitchen. “Do you guys wanna go shopping?” I asked when I entered the kitchen. “Yes.” Stefanie and Miley said at the same time. I looked at Danielle. “Wanna come?” I watched her carefully. “I do.” She said smiling softly. “Then grab your purse.” We walked past the living room on our way to the door. “We’re going shopping. Be back later!” I said. “Wait! I have something I need to ask Stefanie!” Joe said getting up and running to where we were at. Nick and Kevin got up and walked to where me and Danielle were standing. “Stefanie, would you like to go out on Friday?” Joe asked nervously. “I would love to.” Stefanie said blushing. “Now we have a reason to go shopping!” I said happily. “See you soon?” Nick asked looking at me. I nodded my head before pecking him on the lips. After that we were off to my car. Stefanie and Miley sat in the back while me and Danielle sat up front. We drove to the mall, taking forever in the L.A. traffic, with the top down and our hair blowing in the wind. I had the music on some pop station. We had to park all the way in the back of the parking lot. I had a bad feeling about this. I locked the doors once everyone got out. We went into Forever 21 first trying to find something for Stefanie to wear on her date. When we had picked out a bunch of dresses, we sent her into the dressing room. We all got chairs and watched her come out in each dress. After thirty minutes we found three dresses that we all liked. We paid and then left. We went into Bakers next to get her some shoes. After trying on every shoe in the store, we bought five pairs and left. When we left the store we noticed the paparazzi had found us. We ran to the car and left. “Are you guys hungry?” I asked hearing my stomach growl. “Yes!” Everyone in the car yelled. “Red Lobster?” I asked in the mood for seafood. “Yes!” I found the nearest Red Lobster and parked. We put the bags in the trunk and locked the car. We ran inside and ate. Then we went back home to the guys. Miley had to leave because Liam was coming over. Stefanie went home to show her mom what she bought. Danielle and Kevin left after we got home to get ready to eat with Denise and Paul. I wanted to get in my pjs so I went home and laid in bed with a bucket of ice cream watching Pretty Little Liars. Today was awesome. I thought about what happened until I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
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I've had this one written a long time as well!