Sequel: Priceless & Broken
Status: Finished!(:

A Beautiful Mistake

Birthday Ideas?

Over the next few weeks, Nick and I had been busy with the wedding. We barely had any time to ourselves, but Nick's birthday was coming up; I wanted to do something special for him. He was turning eighteen, and you only turn eighteen once in your life. So, I figured I would get Denise to help me. After all, she knew her son just as well as I did - if not better.

After my shower, when I was deciding what to wear, I realized I was already two months along and gaining quite a bit of weight. I wasn't round or fat, but my jeans were getting tighter, and my boobs had gotten a little bigger. I was also beginning to get a little baby bump. (Not big enough where anyone knew I was pregnant; it just looked like I couldn't quit eating.)

After I picked out my outfit, did my hair and makeup, and got dressed, I slid on my shoes before walking out the door. I told my mom that I was heading over to the Jonas' before slipping outside into the summer heat. I didn't see Nick's car in the driveway, so I knew he had already left for the studio. I rang the door bell as soon as I reached the door.

I heard some shuffling from inside before the door opened, revealing Denise with a smile on her lips.

"Why, hello there, Ms. Aubrey. Why don't you come inside out of this heat?" She opened the door wider, allowing me to enter. We went and had a seat on the couch.

"Now, what brings you over here when Nick isn't around - besides wanting to see your soon-to-be mother-in-law?" She said with a smile. Denise was so optimistic. She never had a bad thing to say about ANYONE.

I looked down at my shoes, blushing, before looking back up to meet her soft, brown eyes.

"Well, I was wondering something. You know how Nick's birthday is in a week? Well, I wanted to do something special for him since he's turning eighteen, and I was wondering if you could help me," I said, hoping she would say yes.

It was quiet for about two seconds before I heard her speak again.

"I would love to. Do you have an idea of what you would like to do?" She asked.

"Well, I thought about having a party and inviting everyone we both know..." I trailed off, leaving Denise deep in thought.

"How big did you want to go?" Denise asked after a minute or two.

"I don't know," I said softly, realizing I hadn't really thought that far into it. I just knew that I wanted to have a party.

"Okay. Do you think you could get all the contacts out of his phone by either tonight or tomorrow?" Denise questioned again.

I nodded my head.

"Then that's where we'll start. Then, after we know who all to invite, we'll begin planning," Denise said, smiling.

"Thank you, Mama J," I said, leaning over the couch to hug her.

After we pulled away from the hug, I told her I was going to go hijack his phone while he was in the studio. She laughed and wished me good luck. I thanked her before leaving the house and making my way to the studio.

When I arrived, I looked around the parking lot until I found Nick's car, confirming that he was indeed here.

I walked in, the cold air hitting me immediately, and walked up to the front desk. She gave me directions to which room he was in before sending me on my way. I opened the door and sat down as quietly as possible. Papa Jonas was the only one who noticed me. He smiled at me, and I smiled in return. I motioned with my finger for him to come over to where I was sitting. He looked in the recording booth before walking over to me discreetly.

"Do you know where Nick's phone is?" I mouthed to him, trying not to make a sound. He shook his head, and I knew then that this wasn't gonna be easy.

I heard a door open, looked up, and realized that I hadn't heard Nick stop. He made his way over to me with a smile on his face. I returned it as I stood up.

"What are you doing here?" He asked when he reached me.

"Can I not come see my boyfriend at work?" I asked.

"Well, um, I guess you can," he said, stuttering a bit.

"Now, do you have time to get lunch or do you have to get back to work?" I asked, trying to come up with a plan in my head. Nick looked down at his dad for an answer. I smiled when Nick's dad told us to go, but to be back in an hour.

Nick and I walked out to my car in silence. I handed him my keys before going to get on the passenger side. I agreed to let him choose the restaurant, and before I knew it, we were pulling into Ruby's Diner's parking lot.

We ordered our drinks and food before beginning conversation.

"Okay. We both know that you didn't just randomly decide to come to the studio. What's your reason?" Nick asked in a low voice. I looked down not wanting to answer him.

"I just wanted to see you," I said softly, still not looking up.

"Is that all?" Nick asked skeptically. I nodded my head.

We changed the subject and began talking about something else. I knew I was just going to have to take his phone in his sleep; that would be the safest way.

When we finished eating, we went back to the studio. I told him I would see him when he got home before I climbed in my car and went back home. I parked my car in the driveway before walking back over to the Jonas'. I knocked on the door, and Denise opened it.

"I couldn't get it. He was already suspicious about me showing up to the studio randomly. I figured if I asked to borrow his phone, it would lead him over the top," I admitted, walking in.

Denise nodded her head in understanding, "So, I guess we'll just have to take his phone in his sleep." I nodded my head agreeing with her.

"Were you gonna stay the night here or were you wanting me to take it?" She asked.

"Do you think it would be easier if I stayed over here and did it?"

"Probably," she said after thinking about it, "He would probably hear me go into his room, but if you were already in his room, then he wouldn't know a thing. After he goes to sleep, you can just take his phone into the bathroom and send everything to your phone."

I nodded my head again, "What time would you like me to come over?"

"Six. We'll have dinner at 6:30."

"Okay. I'll be over here then."

We said our goodbyes, and I went back over to my house. I looked at my cell phone and noticed that it was only 1:17 P.M. I decided to call Stefanie and Miley and see if they wanted to come over and hang out. They both agreed and within ten minutes, all three of us were in my room. I was sitting at the head of my bed, Miley was at the head, and Stefanie was in a chair, spinning around, trying to get dizzy.

"So, how are you and Nick?" Miley asked, turning her head towards me.

"I guess we're alright. This wedding stuff has just been really stressful."

Miley nodded her head in understanding. I looked over at Stefanie, and she had her head in her hands.

"Are you alright over there, Stefanie?" I asked.

"I got a headache now!" She groaned.

I climbed off the bed, grabbed some Tylenol and a cup of water from the bathroom, and gave them to her. She gladly accepted it and climbed out of the chair to lay on the floor.

"I never got to ask you, Stefanie. How was your date with Joe?" I asked as I climbed back into my spot.

"It was wonderful! He's so sweet and funny," was all that she said.

"How are you and Liam?" I asked, directing the question to Miley.

"We both decided it was best if we broke up. Things just weren't the same anymore."

I gawked at her, realizing I have really been out of it.

"Why didn't you call me? Why didn't you come over? I wasn't there for you. I feel horrible. I'm such a bad best friend!" I exclaimed, freaking out.

Miley and Stefanie looked at each other with wide eyes before Miley jumped up and sat beside me, saying, "You are NOT a bad best friend. I didn't tell you because I knew you already had enough stress."

But whatever she said didn't matter. I wasn't there for her, and I feel bad about that. She's always been there for me. She was there for me when I found out I was pregnant, and I feel terrible that I wasn't there to comfort her during a break up.

"Don't worry about it. I wasn't upset. The feeling was mutual. We didn't feel the spark anymore so we broke up. I don't want you to feel bad about anything. You have done nothing wrong."

I was always gonna feel bad about this. I had to make it up to her, "I'm gonna make up for it. Whatever you want to do, I'm in!"

"You don't have to do that, really," Miley reasoned.

"But I want to." I looked at my cell phone again, and it was only 2:30 P.M., "What do you want to do? I have until six."

"What are you doing at six?" Stefanie asked.

"I'm staying at the Jonas' tonight. I have to hijack Nick's phone to get his contacts," I explained.

"Why?" Stefanie asked, scrunching her eyebrows.

"Because I'm throwing Nick a big birthday party, and I don't know who to invite." Stefanie nodded finally understanding.

I looked out the window trying to think of something to do for Miley.

"I got it! Tomorrow morning I'm going to take both of you out to breakfast. Then, were gonna go shopping. And then, I'm going to take both of you to dinner," I explained.

Miley shook her head, "You don't -- "

"But I want to. I'm picking you guys up at 9:30 in the morning, so be ready," I said strictly.

About 5:30 P.M., the girls left, and I got up and began to pack. I packed my outfit, my makeup, my personal belongings, and my hair straightener. When I was satisfied, I zipped it up and rolled it downstairs. I told my mom everything that was going on. She smiled and wished me luck before I rolled my suit case out the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aubrey's outfit

I know it's been a long time. I decided that I wanted to be the one to finish this, so I'm gonna. Updates depend on comments. I already have a ton of chapters written; thanks to snow days! Um, I'd like to thank Stefanie as always.(: And I've had one other friend come on here and read my story so I would like to thank him. This is the first update for this year!