Status: Complete

Summer Air

"I met a girl; I must admit she seemed kinda tipsy at the time"

I slowly slipped into consciousness from my prolonged slumber. I brought my hand to my face; wiping the cloudiness from my eyes. A tiny yawn escaped my lips as I sat up in my over-sized bed. My eyes drifted over the red-lit numbers of my alarm clock, for me to realize it was noon. I shrugged, supposing I might as well get up. My body slipped from my bed, and my feet landed on the deep wood floors. I stumbled over to my closet, and placed my hand on my hip as my eyes scanned the pile of clothes in front of me; I picked up a pair of shorts and a tank top, changed and was then on my way down the stairs. My feet sounded as I bounced down each step. Once I reached the main level of the cabin my eyes examined the surroundings for my cell phone. Once my sight was set on the small cellular device, I took a dive to get it. The moment it was in my hand, I was instantly dialing a number.

A groggy voice answered after several rings, “What do’ya want?”
“Good morning to you too,” My voice chirped at her, “What’re your plans fo’today?”
“I’unno...” Her voice replied.
“Okay then –you, me, downtown. I’ll pick you up in ten, be ready.”

I ended the call, and slipped back upstairs to finish getting ready. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and applied my makeup. After doing the listed, I fixed my hair-making it become pin straight. I did a double take in the full length mirror, before heading back down the stairs. I grabbed my keys off of the counter. I bounded out of the building, locked the door, and entered my car. I stuck the keys into the ignition and started it up. I slowly backed out of the drive way, before turning and driving down the old dirt road.

After a few minutes, I reached the town. It was a small place where beach goers often vacationed during the warm months. I made a few quick turns and ended up at the old house where my friend was staying.

I jumped out of my car and walked up the stone pathway to the house. Once I reached the porch; wind battered, pain curling –I rang the doorbell.

As I waited I looked up at the old place that my friend called home during the summer months. You’d think of it as a battered up place, probably inhabited by ghosts, but really it was nice. Old and worn, but homey nonetheless. The door creaking open snapped me out of my thoughts. Allison, stood infront of me, pulling at her purse. I took a step down from the porch and waited for her and she fumbled with her keys before managing to lock the door.

I let out a small laugh as she clumsily stepped down the stairs, “Still feeling it from last night?”
The girl let out a sigh before replying, “Yes. Remind me to never have a drinking contest like that again.”

I nodded, knowing how far she got in over her head last night. Don’t get me wrong, Allison could hold a lot of alcohol, but nothing compared to that guy last night.

The two of us opened my car doors and got in.

As I pulled out and began driving, Allison toyed with the radio before finding a station that was clear. The girl turned it up and started singing completely off pitch. I laughed silently at her as we trekked through the main streets. Once we found an empty parking spot, I quickly pulled in, parking parallel.

The two of us exited the car and stepped out onto the boardwalk style walkway. Our feet fell into an unknown sync as we window shopped through the busy town.

“Hey, Chevy, let’s go in here.” My friend spoke.
I looked up at the store entitled, ‘Summer Set’ and nodded, “Sure.”

We stepped up in the concrete stair and entered the store. I took my sunglasses off my face, before gently placing them on the top of my head. The two of us split up. I slowly walked through the store. It was fairly dim lighting, aside from the brightness near the windows due to the overpowering sun. A few overhead fans were circulating the air on this humid day. I started browsing through the array of items, ranging from bikinis to shot glasses; two of my favourite things. I continued my search through the old store before coming across a red beanie. Deciding I needed to buy it, I picked it up from the other ones and approached the counter. After I paid, and received my item, I found Allison who was ready to leave as well. While making our way down the boardwalk I displayed my new purchase to my friend.

The two of us continued our way of shopping before returning to the place Allison was staying. Since we had nowhere to be, we decided to participate in one of our favourite activities; clubbing. I eagerly used some of her makeup, reapplying what I had done earlier in the day, and adding a few more touches. She did the same. Our outfits were switched from being in shorts, to her: a skirt that would keep the guys wondering and me a playful dress. After making sure we were finished, we exited the house.

For this being a small town, the clubbing was far from that. This place had one of the best clubs out there, and that was saying a lot coming from me.

We made our way to my car and took it to the club; on the edge of the downtown area. As soon as we reached the rapidly filling parking lot, we filed out of the car and walked together into the building. I flashed my ID, showing that I was in fact twenty-one –no more fake ID from me. Allison got through security as well, and we headed in towards the large room of throbbing music and glistening lights. We headed up to the bar and sat in neighbouring stools.

“My normal,” I shot a smirk towards the bartender, who returned it the expression.
Allison ordered as well. The two of us sat drinking, several, drinks and chatting it up with the bartender who had taken quite a liking to us.

A little while later, someone approached me. “D’ya wanna dance?” He gave me a teethy grin.
“Sounds good.” I grabbed his hand, sweaty from this hot night, and equally hot club.

The guy led me onto the dance floor, filled with an uncountable number of people. I got pulled up against my dance partner, his front on my back. Our bodies moved in sync with the music, and soon his hands found mine. My body grinded harder into his, and soon I felt a pair of lips on my neck. My head flew backwards as he hit my soft spot. I let out a quiet moan.

“Wanna get out o’here?”
I turned myself to face him. Biting my lip, I nodded; anxious.

Moments later, I waved back to Allison, who was body to body with someone as well. My dance partner and I connected lips as we waited, quite impatiently for a cab. Once one pulled up, we got in and my address slurred from my lips. As I spoke, the boy’s lips were attacking my neck, easily leaving hundreds of markings.

Later than what would have been preferred, the cab pulled up to my cabin. I fumbled with my keys before getting them in the slot. The two of us fell into the dark cabin, attacking each other with our lips
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