Status: Complete

Summer Air

"I've fought it for a long time now. While drowning in a river of denial."

My eyes were closed as I let the sun soak into my skin. The crisp sand around me comforted me like a child with their baby blanket. Suddenly, everything darkened. Even with my eyes closed I knew it. Confused I opened my eyes. As quickly as I opened them, they fluttered shut; the sun burst out from behind a cloud. That explained the short lasting darkness. I took in a deep breath of the warm air. The sand tickled my feet, and the rest of my body –bare aside from my bikini. And the beach grass and waves together formed a crystal clear melody. My sunglasses attempted to slide down my face, but I pushed them back up with my index finger effortlessly. I laid in the sun for God knows how long before a rush of frigid water greeted my exposed stomach. The cool liquid sent a shiver down my spine.

I jumped up from my spot, leaving me sitting up with a confused look upon my face. My head shot up, looking high up, at the person who must have done this; got me soaked, after I had finally dried off. My eyes met another pair, and I shot them a glare. Undoubtedly they couldn’t tell though, as I was still wearing my dark sunglasses. My suspect stood, towering about my sitting frame; soaking wet from the icy water of the beach. A volleyball in hand. I scanned his face seeing a cocky smirk gracing his lips. My glare was still in place, as I waited impatiently for an apology to come from those smirking lips.

Taking the hint, the boy spoke, “Oh sorry,” Overconfidence was clear in his voice, “My bad.” He ran his hand through his curly blond hair before turning and walking away.

My eyes followed him as he made his way over a few feet, to a group of people gathered near a multicoloured beach umbrella. I shook my head, and laid back down, resting my head on the pillow-like sand underneath my head. My peaceful tanning was once again disturbed, but this time by Allison.

“Here’s your beer.” I opened my eyes to see her standing above me, with my beer and her drink in hand.
“Thanks,” I sat up, smiling, and taking the bottle.

I brought the drink to my mouth, drowning down a few gulps. I set the bottle down carefully on the sand before staring out onto the water. I thought I was staring out mindlessly, but really my eyes set on someone, the boy who had just soaked me. He was with is group of friends, passing around the volleyball in the water.

“Why are you still wet by the way?” Allison’s voice shook me out of my thoughts.
“Oh,” I snapped into reality, “Some idiot got me soaking wet when he came to get his volleyball or something that came over here.”
She nodded, “Him?” Allison pointed over to the water at the blond haired boy.
“Yeah, him.”
Her eyes inspected him, “Damn he’s fine.”
I rolled my eyes, “Yeah, and he seems like a cocky bastard.” I took another swig of my beer.

I pushed the large wooden doors open, and the music pounded out.

Back at the club scene.

I weaved my body in and out of dancing people, with Allison behind me, sneaking over to the bar. I jumped up onto a bar stool and spun it to face the bar.

“Normal.” I shot a smile to our bartender.

My eyes examined the surroundings as usual, waiting for my drink. As it was set in front of me, I picked it up swiftly. The glass was to my lips, and my eyes continued to roam. Soon, they set on the person on the other side of me. I almost spit out my drink when I saw who was sitting beside me, casually flirting with several girls.

The guy from the beach.

I tried to ignore the fact that he was beside me. I turned the other way and started chatting it up with Allison and the bartender. Not too long later though, I heard the conversation happening behind me end. I took a quick glance back to see the boy sitting at the bar alone, drowning down his drink. He caught my eyes with his own.

“Hello,” His cocky smirk was back, toying at his lips.
“Hello.” I replied, simply. I was swirling around the drink occupying my glass; cutting off the eye contact with the boy.
His voice was playful, “ ‘Nd what’s your name?”
He nodded, and took my hand in his, “Patrick. Nice to mee’you.”
I pulled my hand away from his, and nodded, not showing any interest in him.

But that was a lie. I was interested in this boy named Patrick.

“So,” His hand was set on my thigh, regaining my attention, “Would you like to dance?”
My eyes moved from their place on the table to look into his. I scanned his facial features before replying, “No thanks.”
He looked taken aback at his denial, but nodded nonetheless. “Well then, I’m sure I’ll see you around Chevy.” He sent me a wink before making his way to the dance floor.

“Why’d you turn him down?” Allison’s shocked voice came from behind me.
I turned around to face her, “Seemed like a jerk,” I shrugged.
Her look was skeptical, “Because he accidentally got you wet at the beach, yeah...” Her voice faded.
I rolled my eyes and turned back to my drink.

After many, many more drinks Allison had managed to pull me out of my barstool and drag me out onto the dance floor. In my drunken state my body was thrown all over the place; "drunken dancing" in the words of many. And my speech was completely slurred, making it hard for me to even understand what I was trying to say. After I had danced around the floor alone for a while, someone put their hands on my hips and pulled me into them. My back was tightly pressed against their front, and my body grinded drunkenly to the music booming through the club. When the song started to come to a close, I spun around and grabbed the boy’s hand.

My voice slurred, “Lets g’t outta here.”

He nodded and held me around the waist, leading me outside. He’s state seemed much more sober than mine.

We waited for a cab, which only took a few minutes.

The boy led me into the cab, and spoke an address to our driver. The drive was surprisingly short, and soon I saw the guy hand over a few bills to the driver before we both got out. Even in my drunken state, I took in the appearance of the house; the regular beach styled building. But there was something about it that seemed so inviting. I started wobbling towards the house, but was stabilized by an arm around my waist again. I stood on the front porch awaiting the boy unlocking the door.
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