Status: Complete

Summer Air

"Don't care: who I am, what I got, what I've done, as long as she got me"

I moved closer to my body pillow, molding my body into it.

Ah, this was really quite comfy. I thought to myself, When’d I get this pillow?

Then it clicked in.

I didn’t have a body pillow.

My eyes shot open, and scanned my surroundings. I lay in a nice sized bed –probably a queen, in an equally nice bedroom. The walls seemed professionally painted a pale blue, with wooden ceiling beams above my head; our heads. The grip around my waist, which I hadn’t even noticed up to this point, suddenly tightened. My eyes quickly found the body beside me. The boy had curly blond hair, and was slightly tanned.

Then it clicked in.

It was the ignorant jerk from the beach. What was his name again? Mike? No. John? No. Perry? No. Patrick? Yeah, that's what it was.

Wasting no more time, I quickly slipped out of his grip, and bounded around the room quietly, looking for any articles of clothing that were mine.

Just as I was pulling up my shorts, I heard quiet mumbles escape from Patrick's lips.

Knowing I didn't have much time left before he woke up, I moved even faster, slipping my bra on and picking my up shirt. Just as I was pulled my shirt over my head, a voice spoke.

"And where are you going so quickly?" The cocky tone of Patrick's voice asked.

He sat up, and stared at me as I finished putting on my shirt.

"Ah, ya'know..." I even heard the nerves in my voice, "…How best friends can get. Allison is probably worri-"
I was cut off, "Nah, I don't think she's worrying. It's only eight, you have time for some breakfast."
I eyed him skeptically, "Is this a normal thing for you and your one night fucks, or am I an exception?"

He looked taken aback at my bluntness, "I just," he paused, "Just thought it would be nice."

Oh, so I was an exception.

A few minutes later, I found myself sitting at a wooden table in an old-styled dining area. I was twiddling my thumbs, and taking in my surroundings as I waited for Patrick –apparently attempting at making breakfast.

The house, as I previously thought, was nice. Sure it was old, but it seemed newly renovated, and had a homey vibe coming from it.

The walls down here were a combination of yellow paint, and matching wallpaper. The wooden ceiling beams were still present here as well.

A squealing of a chair snapped me out of my adoration of the old house. Patrick sat down across from me as he set two platters of food on the table, pushing one towards me.

“Bon appétit.” He smiled.

I was practically eye fucking the food in front of me, I had no idea Patrick could actually cook.

I picked up my fork from beside the plate, and dug into the selection of bacon, eggs, and toast.

Patrick ate too; slowly, keeping his eyes on me, as if worried I would suddenly run away.

A few minutes later, the two of us were done our meal.

"Well," I stood up from my chair, "I better be going." I pushed it in, "Thanks again for breakfast."

Patrick nodded, "No problem."

I took a few steps before realizing I had no memory of where the front door was.

A few chuckles escaped his lips, "Right over there." I looked back to where the boy was pointing, before heading in that direction.

"Bye." I spoke.
"See ya."

See ya? Would I really be seeing Patrick around more?

I shook the idea from my mind, and walked out the door of the house.

Now for getting home.

A simple task, correct?
Not so much.

Being in my drunken state last night, I had no idea where Patrick's house was located, and since we took a cab I had no way of getting anywhere.

Frustrated I decided to wander, hoping I'd find my way home -or at least back to the club, as my car was there from the night before.

I made my way down a few side roads, before being led onto the beach. Finding no harm in taking a detour, I drew myself closer to the water.

Standing at the shoreline, the water drew close to me, drowning my toes that were sticking out of my sandals, before retreating back. I stared effortlessly out to the skyline; tracing the clouds with my eyes. I walked leisurely down the shore. As it was early, this part of the beach was unoccupied for the most part, aside from a few runners and owners walking their dogs.

After a long walk, I reached a part of the beach that's connected to the downtown roads. Thanking a God that I didn't believe in, I walked along the familiar part of town. In just a few minutes I found the club, my car being the lonely one sitting there. My feet, growing achy took me across the parking lot to my car. I unlocked it, jumped in, and got ready to drive. Just as I started the engine, by phone vibrated in it's place on the passenger seat. Confused, I ignored the caller ID and answered.

"Hello?" My voice spoke, tired.
Allison's voice answered, "Chevy, where are you?"
"Uhm," I paused, "At the club -picking up my car, why?"
I could hear her smirk through the phone, "Oh yeah -cuz you went home with that guy last night. I'll press you for deetz later. I'm at your place, hurry up and g't over."
I agreed, and ended the call.

I pulled my car out of the empty lot and turned onto Main Street.

The drive home took about fifteen minutes, as it did previously.

As my car slid up the dirt driveway of my place. I saw Allison sitting on my front porch, seemingly deeply engaged in a text conversation.

Slamming my car door, took her out of her trance for a moment before going back to texting. I skipped up the front stairs and onto the porch.

Allison closed her phone, stood up and looked towards me as I unlocked the door, "Now it's time for questioning."
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Sorry it's taken so long,
Comments? :)