Status: Complete

Summer Air

"I won't be satisfied 'til I'm tongue tied with you"

My eyes opened slowly, reviling a blurry room. With further inspection, I realized it was my living room and kitchen. My clouded eyes glanced to my hand, gripped tightly around a near-empty bottle of an unknown alcohol. I shrugged my slumped form on the couch, and pulled the bottle to my lips, drowning the rest of the liquid.

When no more of the stingy liquid made it’s escape to my mouth I tossed the bottle to the side.

Upon hearing booming cracks I turned, seeing the bottle and several others in a cracked mess lying on the floor.

Who cares?

I pressed backwards on the couch before launching my body up. With a sudden jolt of dizziness though, I fell back onto the couch in a heap. I waited for a moment, calming my head and stomach before attempting again. This time though, I managed to stay on my feet as I wandered through my kitchen.

My body halted in front of the fridge. I paused before reaching for the handle and yanking the door open, causing me to stumble backwards.

Once I regained my composer, I looked into the fridge. Not finding pickles, which I presumably had a craving for. In my drunken state I had decided to go to the store.

I looked down at my outfit as I made it to the door; an oversized shirt displaying my college logo, with a pair of hot pink P.J. shorts. I slipped on a pair of dusty, old runners, and exited the cottage.

I walked down the driveway and turned right; heading towards one of the main streets. As I reached the street, I turned to walk down it. The dim streetlights of this early morning hour seemed overpowering, causing me to cover my face with my hands; leaving only tiny finger spaces for my eyes. My walk continued down this street, unbothered minus a few stray cars honking their horns. Just as the grocery store came within vision, my body came crashing to the ground.

“I’m so sorry!” His voice spoke.

I uncovered my eyes, and looked at the boy sprawled out on the ground as well.

“Why’d did’yah do that?!” My voice yelled, slurring.
The boy’s eyes widened as he got to his feet. “Chevy!?” He reached out his hands to help me up. I stumbled before falling into his chest. "Why are you out wandering the streets? You’re fucking trashed.”
“No I’m not,” I started to walk away from the boy’s body. “I’m goin’ to th’store. Stop botherin’me!”
The body tightened his grip around me, pulling my body closer to his. “You are not going anywhere right now besides bed Chev. You need to sleep this off.”

At first I disagreed, but then decided it took too much effort. And a sleep sounded good anyways.

The boy picked me up bridal style, and a fury of giggles escaped my lips. He started walking in the opposite direction from which I came.

“That’s not which’ay my house is!” I laughed.
“Because we’re not going to your house Chevy.”
I wrapped my arms around his neck, “Yay! Field trip.”

The boy shook his head as we continued to make our way to wherever we were headed.

Within about ten minutes we reached a house. It had a familiar vibe to it.

I jumped from the boy’s arms and ran [fumbling several times mind you] up to the porch. I sat down on the top step looking at him. There I awaited the boy to come up and unlock the door. And he did so.

I jumped up from my place on the step and spun around. Then, I skipped –drunkenly- into the boys house.

He let out a small chuckle from beside me. “Chevy, come here.” I listened, making my way over to the boy. “Here,” His arm wrapped around my shoulder; guiding me. “We’re going upstairs so both of us can get some rest.”

I nodded.

We made our way up the stairs and into a room; presumably his. “You take the bed, and I can take the flo-” He started.

But I cut him off.
With my lips.

I pressed my lips to his, in a hungry kiss. He tasted like a slight hint of alcohol, but nothing compared to what mine were probably like. At first he didn’t respond, but eventually I felt a reaction. His arms pulled me closer to his body as I cupped his face. I opened my mouth a bit further, as the boy did the same; allowing our tongues to battle. I soon released my touch on his face, bringing my hands to the bottom of his shirt, beginning to tug it; cueing what I wanted. The boy stopped suddenly, and placed his hands on me, pushing me away gently.

He shook his head, “No Chevy.”

I gave him a small pout.

“You,” He spoke, pointing to me, “Go into the bed, okay?” I turned to see the bed right behind me, and nodded. “I’ll take the couch.”

“Nooooo!” My overdramatic voice slurred. “You stay with’e!”
“Chevy, no. I’ll take the couch.” He shook his head again.
“But I’ll be scared and lonely,” I reached for his hand, grabbing it gently. “Please stay.”
A loud sigh escaped his lips. “Fine.”

I smiled, happy with myself as I jumped onto the bed and laid down; wrapping the covers around my body. The boy gave me a small smile before laying beside me.

Before I knew it, everything went black and I fell into a state of unconsciousness.

My eyes opened slowly, and I quickly came to the realization I had a hangover. A bad hangover. As I finally came into my right mindset I gasped.

“Patrick?!” I screamed, in shock.

I saw a body laying beside me; arm tightly around my waist.

I glanced under the cover and let out a sigh of relief realizing I had my clothes on.

But how the fuck did I end up here?

I heard a small chuckle, “You can’t remember anything from last night...can you?”
♠ ♠ ♠
This story is winding down, as summer vacation is.
I'm thinking one or two more chapters are left.

What do you think's going to happen next?
Leave me a comment here!

Also, check this new story of mine out.

Thanks, :)