My Worst Nightmare

So I push you until you do, now check it out.

Kent and I had arrived to the store a little while later, as we were walking to the door he starts to finally talk.

“So, what’s going on between you and Jonathan?” He looked at me to see that I had my head down.

“To be honest, I don’t know.” I looked up at him. “He broke up with his girlfriend, and then Austin said it was my entire fault. I just don’t know what to do.”

“Well, to be honest with you, Jonathan could never seem to get you off of his mind. The girl that he was with, well he was using her to try and get over you. I guess it didn’t work since he left her after you arrived.” I heard a chuckle leave his mouth. “How do you feel about him?”

“I really don’t know, my mind is getting the best of me.” I just looked at the food we passed. “Oo can I get this?” I pointed to the Combination Pizza that sat on the shelf in the freezer isle.

“That’s Jonathan’s favorite ha-ha.” He got it and put it in the basket. “So how long are you staying?”

“Till after Christmas, I’m leaving the day after.” I just kept looking at the food, I knew he was upset. “Please don’t tell Jonathan.”

“He’ll find out one way or another.” He laughed again. “Why are you leaving so early?”

“Just don’t want to be here, I’ll come and visit you guys.” I smiled. “It’ll be ok.”

“Alright, whatever you say.” After that we didn’t talk, I hurt him badly. When we finished our shopping, we loaded the bags in the trunk then headed to his house. No word had left his mouth, neither did I say anything. We had arrived in front of his garage, honked his horn to tell the guys we were here…well to them he was here. I guess they didn’t know I was here because this is what I got when they walked out, Austin had an angry expression, Jonathan was hurt, but the rest were happy. Jonathan turned around and walked into the house. I sighed and followed him.

“Jonathan?” But he didn’t answer, I walked up to his room, he was lying on his bed with a pillow over his head. “Are you ok?”

“Go away.”


“Leave my room!”

“NO! Tell me what is wrong!” I stood next to the bed looking down on him.

“I said to leave!!” He was angry when he looked up. I went wide eyed and started to walk to the door.

I turned and looked at him as he watched me walk. “I’m leaving and I won’t come back.” I opened the door and slammed it shut. When I walked down the boys saw me.

“Where are you going?” Kent followed me.

“Home, I’m packing my things and I’m leaving!” I opened the door; he just stood there looking at me. I shut the door and started to walk home.

“Drella wait!” I heard someone call my name; I turned around to see Austin running to me.

“Go away.” I started to walk again.

“God damn it Drella listen to me!” He grabbed my wrist but I pulled away and kept going. “Please.”

“No, I’m tired of you bull shitting with me.” I admired the beauty around me, even though I was angry.

“Please don’t leave. Jonathan needs you, we all do, and you’re the reason why we are here.”

“Don’t lie to me. I’m done.” I walked in my house leaving him outside. My phone kept ringing but I let it go. A couple of hours later, I had ten voice mails and 30 text messages but I ignored and deleted them all. I walked down the stairs to make a small lunch.


“Drella…” She said from the dining room.

“I’m leaving.”

“But you said you would stay.” She didn’t get up from the table.

“I’m sorry but I have to leave.” I walked in there and hugged her. “I can’t be here. I’ll visit in a couple of months and then we can have the perfect Christmas, I promise.” I kissed her cheek and walked out to my car. My dad was at work so I couldn’t say goodbye.

This was my last day I would be here, and it was over, I was never coming back home. New York was my home.
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