My Worst Nightmare

Why did I come home, cause I hate it here.

I was getting on my plane; it was time to come to terms with my past. Well isn’t that just peachy? My roommate had come along on the ride with me, she wanted to adventure around while I did my thing.

“Are you ready?” She grabbed my hand as the plane started to go up in the air. I could feel my stomach float up to my throat; well that’s what it felt like. I couldn’t feel my hand anymore because of Janelle; her fingers were digging into my skin. It would be about four to five hours until I arrive to North Richland Hills, Texas, my dad would pick us up there and take me and her home. I couldn’t wait to see my parents, it’s been a year since I’ve seen there faces. My heart was racing as we rode the plane. I am afraid of heights.

Five hours had passed; it was time for us to get off. We grabbed our bags from the cabinet above our heads. She grabbed my hand and helped me get through the people, wearing heels wasn’t such a good thing. As soon as I walked out of the door my dad was standing against the car.

“DADDY!” I ran to him.

“Drella, sweetheart.” He kissed my cheek. “It’s been a while.”

“Yah, tell me about it.” I smiled and looked at Janelle as she stood there uncomfortable. “Dad, this is my roommate Janelle.”

“Nice to meet you.” They shook hands. “Well, let’s go so your mom doesn’t freak out and think that your plane crashed. The whole time I was waiting she called every five minutes saying ‘is she there yet?’ ‘Call and make sure she isn’t dead.’” He laughed as we opened the doors.

I smiled and got in as I had finished putting the bags in the trunk. We were off to start the war that had been settled exactly one year ago.

“So how is college for the both of you?” He looked at her and smiled, “yes, I’m talking to you.”

“Oh…well…uh…its ok I guess, I’m a junior in college.”

“And, Drella, you’re only a sophomore right?”

“Yes…of course.” I sighed and looked out the window to see all of the old buildings that were replaced with new ones. “What happened here?” I looked at my dad.

“They wanted to change everything, now we have better systems.” He chuckled turning on the radio to Bob Marley.

I smiled and watched all of the city people walk, it was so not North Richland Hills anymore, this was like Dallas.

When we had arrived to the house, I saw that is stayed the same before I had left. “No repairs?” I looked at him.

“Nope, I and your mom like it the way it is. Speaking of the devil, here comes your mom.” He watched the door open.

“HONEY!” She attacked me to the ground.

“Uh, hey mom.” I smiled and stood up.

“You’re so grown up, how is everything?” She smiled.

“Good,” I smiled awkwardly.

“Who is your friend?”

“This is Janelle, my roommate.” I smiled and walked her into the house; Janelle was shy around people she didn’t know, so I showed her the room she would be staying in.

“Your mom seems a bit psychotic.”

“She can be, but you’ll get use to it trust me.” I laughed and put her bags down as I walked into my room to see a note on my bed. I cocked my head to the side and looked at it. “Hmmm.” I opened it to see a disk and a letter inside. I put the DVD in the player and watched. It was Jonathan and the band, he didn’t look very happy.

“Hey Drella, we heard you were coming back and thought maybe we would say HI! Before we actually saw you.” I laughed but saw that Jonathan hadn’t said anything. I frowned and turned it off. I had grabbed the letter, opened it but saw nothing. “Uh…” I put it in the garbage and started to put my clothes away.

“OMG it’s like, it’s, like, uh, wait what?” I heard Austin question. I laughed and faced him to see it was only him.

“You made it.” I hugged him.

“Damn right I did.” He hugged me back, and then pulled away. “I wouldn’t miss this day for the world.” He smiled then walked out like it was nothing.

“Where are you going, leaving just like that?” I followed him down the stairs.

“HELLO!” All of the boys were standing at the bottom holding boxes.

“Hey guys, it’s been a while.”

“Do you feel loved?” Kent said with a poutie face.

“No.” I looked at Jonathan, he smiled but didn’t say a word. I smiled back and looked at Austin.

“So…” I said looking down.

“Want to walk around?” Austin grabbed my hand.


God I hated it here already. Jonathan wasn’t going to talk to me until I apologized for something I hadn’t done. He thinks I cheated on him but I accused him for cheating on me. I caught him doing it with someone else in the bed that lay in his room. I had turned on the webcam and there he was, screwing some other girl, didn’t know I was watching and that’s how our engagement ended.
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