My Worst Nightmare

But secretly I always want to make you cry

We had arrived at Jesse’s house; she was sitting out on her porch reading a book. I stepped out and stood at the end of the driveway looking at her.

“Who are you?” She looked at me funny.

I scoffed and took a few steps forward. “Baby doll, I love you.” I laughed.

She screamed and ran to me. I opened my arms and she jumped on me making me fall to the cement. “WHERE WERE YOU?!”

“In NY for college, what...did you forget?” I stood up helping her off her ass.

“And you finally came back. Wow what a surprise.” She laughed and just looked me up and down. “You sure have grown up.”

I punched her in the arm, “can me and my friend come in?”

She looked at my car. “Sure why not.” I walked over to Janelle and opened her door, led her to the front of the house then let her in first. I looked around and it hadn’t changed either, she got her mind from my parents.

“Nothings changed around here.” I twirled looking at the ceiling I had always admired.

“Of course not, I hate the new city they’ve put us in. It’s hell for me, that’s why I’m leaving.” She smirked and walked to the kitchen. “Are you guys hungry or thirsty?”

“No we’re fine.” Janelle whispered. She didn’t want to be in here, I could tell. “Hey…uh…Drella is it ok if I have Austin come pick me up?”

I smiled and nodded my head; she walked outside and called him. I stood there and looked at Jesse. “Wow.”

“What?” She walked out with two sodas in her hand.

“I miss the old North Richland Hills. It was such a quiet, loving, peaceful town and now it’s like I don’t even belong here.” I sat on the couch. “But enough about this old place, how has life been?”

“Great actually, I got married, I have a baby girl.” She laughed and held out her hand. “Isn’t it beautiful?”

“Gorgeous, where is she?”

“With her dad, he took her out to get baby clothes. When did you get here?”

“Uh…actually I’ve been here for I’d say…I don’t know…almost a week.” I laughed.

“When are you leaving?” She sat next to me.

“Tomorrow, I have to study for finals in college.” I really didn’t want to leave because I wanted to see what would happen between me and Jonathan but I knew nothing would. “When was your girl born?” I couldn’t get him off of my mind, the day he asked me to be his wife, the first day we met, our first kiss. Man.

“Two months ago.” She stood up. “Well you better go and get your things; I wouldn’t want you to be missing anything.”

I stood up and smiled, “alright…well I’ll come say goodbye before I leave.”

“Okay, see you then.”

I walked out the door and to my car, I unlocked the door and hopped in, as I was driving I heard something behind me. I pulled over and looked at the back seat but saw nothing. I shrugged it off and kept driving.

“Hey.” Someone whispered in my ear. I jumped and swerved on the road.

OH MY GOD!” I looked at Jonathan as he climbed to the front seat. “Why were you back there?”

“Just because, I was dared to follow you around…you know, like a stalker.” He laughed. “That was so funny; you should’ve seen your face.” He started to choke on his laugh.

I glared at him and kept driving.

“Where are we going?” He looked at me. The look he was giving me was burning into my skin; I couldn’t control the Goosebumps that popped out of no where.

“I’m dropping you off and then I’m going home.” I was irritated already.

When I had finally gotten home, I went up the stairs and into my room. I grabbed my suit case, packed my things, put it in my trunk then went back inside.


“Drella, honey?”

“I’m leaving.”

“So soon? But honey tomorrow is Christmas.” She grabbed my arm.

“Mom…I can’t do this.” I looked at my shoes; I couldn’t stand looking at her when she was upset.

“Please stay till after Christmas, just one more day is all I’m asking for.” She hugged me. “Me and your father haven’t had a real Christmas with our baby girl for one year and I want this year to be special.”

I groaned, “fine.”

“Yay! My guilt trip worked.” She laughed evily then went back in the kitchen to cook dinner. I went back upstairs and laid on the bed.

I really hate it when my mother does this to me, she makes that sad voice, then she gives you those big old eyes and you can’t do anything without saying “ok”. I looked at my phone to see I had one missed call, it was from Kent. I dialed his number and called him back.

“Hello sexy.” He laughed.

“What’s up?” I smiled.

“I’m going to the store, you wanna join?”

“Sure, where are you?”

“Outside your house, I’m stalking you.”

I growled and shut my phone, walked downstairs and out the door.
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