Status: I'll be posting another chapter soon...Keep an eye on this one ;)

I Run...

In the Beginning...

I'm not the one to say life is not fair. I'm also not the one to say karma's an ass. I can say, however, that MY life isn't right.

I was adopted into a family of six. Two parents, whose lives were mistakenly taken; three sisters, who fought constantly yet stilled loved each other; and three brothers, who taught me everything.

I wouldn't have expected this day. I wouldn't have expected what happened.

I was walking home with Eve, my closest friend and guardian angel. She kept rambling on about something that happened at school. I couldn't pay attention with the sirens blaring in the background. I had the feeling that something was wrong. My legs were about to give way when I saw it. Eve never stopped talking 'til she saw my house, drenched in flames. The old, Victorian home that smelled like lilacs every day. I just stared at it. I couldn't react: move, speak, cry, blink... breathe. My family was in there, waiting for me to come home. I couldn't hear anything except for Eve's voice. She shouted out something... so blurry, I couldn't hear it. It was annoying, too. It was like a high pitched tone, ringing out of no where.

I suddenly find the ground with my knees. I tried to breathe through the rough tears streaming out. I couldn't grasp the reality. Someone shook me. My younger brother, Ted, was next to me, trying to say something. Maybe I was dead too. Maybe this was a nightmare. Maybe he's trying to wake me. I see, past him, my other siblings, faces smeared, running towards me for comfort. I look around and feel them. Kiley's soft, brown hair between my small fingers. Hope's small cheek against my palm. My arm's were around my older brothers, Evan and James. They were the treasure that was closest to me, my only family ever to enter my memory.

My oldest sister, Hailey, was sitting at the curb. I couldn't help but wonder if she was hurt. I didn't want to approach her. I was scared. I looked at her for a good five minutes, hoping my eyes would drill some sense into her. Had she not noticed, then that our parents were gone? Had she not noticed that we needed her, now more than ever?

The funeral was all it took for her to walk away from us. My brothers and I were the only ones left to take care the family. All was lost within in that week, and I didn't even try to bother fixing things this time.

A couple of years later, some people came by and took Ted, Kiley, and Hope. I didn't know if they were even part of the government or something, but all they told us was that we were "incapable of handling under age people". I couldn't do anything to stop them. Evan and James told me we can't do anything. The sight of my younger siblings, screaming my name and being dragged out... It will never escape my nightmares.

I prayed, every night 'til then, that someday things will be right again.

Apparently, God had a different plan.

Me and my brothers had rented an apartment and a year after, we were evicted.

I didn't understand most things when they happened. I just knew that they happened and I couldn't do anything to stop it. Now, I know that this isn't always the case.

How I explained it is just how it happened: fast, confusing, a blur.

My main goal will be to reveal the truth about what happens when a woman from the "JPO" group will do when you say the word "Yes".
♠ ♠ ♠
First off, this is not a true story or a story for those who are weak in heart... Meaning, if you cry during a movie, you're not ready for this.

My story will be intense later on. I caution you readers, if at anytime, now.

I hope, for those of you who are reading, that you enjoy the chapters I write overtime.

Thank you :)