Status: I'll be posting another chapter soon...Keep an eye on this one ;)

I Run...


Living in the apartment was a dream compared to where I'm living now. I had my own room, with a closet, and I at least had a bathroom. There were no bugs, no mice...nothing. For me, it doesn't sound like how an apartment should be. Some people think they're small, overcrowded, and has some sort of animal living in it. Although, that's not what makes a home, but my apartment wasn't a home... not exactly.

A home has a nice sense to it: welcoming, warm, and comfortable. The apartment I lived in had rough, cold, steel structuring; unfiltered water in its veins, and a large mouth for a door. Once you went inside, it would just chew you up and spit you right out.

Since we're evicted, me and my brothers now live behind the apartment building, where the dark alleys are and the dumpsters are placed. Typical, no?

Evan and James didn't have jobs anymore and I was still too young and inexperienced at the time to have one. They were busy enough, though, to keep us afloat.

James, being his au naturel self, stole from markets close by to keep us from going hungry. Evan, being a neat freak, kept stealing clothes, soap, and quarters from random places. And me? Well, I just made sure nothing was stolen from us. My brothers kept telling me it was the "most important" job, and I didn't really believe at first.

It was another random day and Evan and James went out to get stuff to eat. I was sitting there, playing with my jacket (used as my blanket and pillow), when I saw this old lady down the street.

We both noticed each other, no doubt. She looked in my direction and there's no one else here in the alley but me. She carefully walked over in my direction. I noticed, as she came closer, she wasn't really that old. I guess you really can't judge a book by its cover.

She stopped five feet away from where I saw sitting. "Hello. I'm Margarette." She spoke softly, as she stepped forward a little.

I didn't look at her. I blocked her out of my thoughts and tried thinking about Eve. It's been a while since I spoke to her... to anyone really. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to try and talk to Margarette.

I looked up, willing to see the lady again, and surprisingly, she was still there. She seemed sweet and nice enough to have a good conversation with. When I got up, I saw her eying my stuff... I take back what I said before.

If this was a challenge, I really was in no mood to accept. I had no training in self defense. If anything, the only experience I had was through watching the Karate Kid movies.

When that last thought was in my mind, she struck my neck. What the hell? I thought.

I noticed, though, she hit my nerves. She just figured out all my weak points. Knocked me down, one move at a time. I collapsed onto the ground, not able to move a muscle. My body was in shock. I tried to move my fingers, but I couldn't. My eyesight was deteriorating. I was only able to see black spots and certain rays of light. I heard blood rushing through someone's veins. I heard a bell, knelling in the distance. A final shot rung through the dry air.

Maybe it was my time. Maybe God wants me in his arms today. Maybe my brothers are better off without me.

I was submerging into death. It sounds like being underwater. A dark ocean, filled with a black, cloudy ash. I enjoyed it while it lasted.

When I slowly woke up, I saw James, who was holding me. I couldn't tell if his tears were falling on my face or if I was the one crying.

Evan was standing above us, straight and tall, with a gun in his hand. "Where did you put her?" He asked James.

James put his arm around my body in order to support me. "Don't worry, Evan. It's done and over with".

I couldn't help but feel humiliated. I was beat down by an old lady. She hit me and I collapsed... but she died for it. I felt anger boil over quick. I believe that people's death should not be determined by others. Margarette sure was crazy, but my brother didn't have to shoot her.

I shook off James. "Why did you kill her?" I turned around to my brothers, who had the craziest looks on their faces.

I tried again. "She wasn't meant to die yet. You didn't have to-"

Evan, always the one with a rebuttal, said, "She deserved it. She almost took everything we had left." He stood there, looking at me and waiting for me to bite back.

I thought for a moment. What did he mean by "almost"? I guess that's not important now. "Where did you get the gun?" I randomly asked.

Evan pushed past me and left James and me standing behind him. I turned to look at James, who had a hurt look on his face.

I took his hand and he gave mine a little squeeze as we walked behind Evan.

I would soon realize that all the lessons and things I believe in will soon come together in the end.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this... though, it might sound rushed.

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