The Coffee Expires At Noon


Kaye came in and sat down across from me. I smiled and she copied.

I watched as she took off her sunglasses, and coat and pulled her hair out from her bun. She looked gorgeous.

"Sorry I'm late. The husband was home and I had to make an excuse up fast." I shook my head and chuckled a little before asking, "What'd you say?"

She rolled her eyes at my nosiness but answered nonetheless. "That I was going to watch a movie with my friend Ava all the way across the state and wouldn't be back until tomorrow."

I grinned and leaned over the table, pressing my lips to hers. I could feel her smile and I ran my tongue over her bottom lip in which she gladly opened her mouth.

As we pulled away, she frowned and said, "I feel horrible lying to him though."

Don't get me wrong,
I know you've got your life in place

Eventually we left and returned to my place to watch a movie.

"Alex," Kaye started as she entered my apartment, looking around. "Yes?" "Were the guys supposed to come over today?"

I stuck my head through the doorway with a confused look until she held up a piece of paper with Jack's writing on it.

We came. We left. We're gonna kick your ass for forgetting about us. Be back later. Oh and we stole your beer and cheesecake.

I laughed until she held up another piece of paper with Zack's writing on it.

We'll come back around 2. If you're not there, we'll wait.

I raised an eyebrow and asked, "What about it?" She pointed at the clock and then put her hands on her hips. It was 2:08. The guys would come any minute.

Tonight is alive with the promise of a street-fight

"Alex, you have to get rid of them." "Why? We can all hang out." Kaye gasped and sarcastically said, “Yeah because they’re obviously OK with you sleeping with me. I mean I’m only married. To your friend, my husband, KYLE BURNS!!!” She screamed the last part and I glared at her. “How will they know we’re sleeping together?”

She widened her eyes and angrily said, “Because they’ll fucking talk to my fucking husband about my fucking visit and he’ll figure out I fucking lied and he’ll put it fucking together dumbass.”

A knock at the door pulled us out of our fight and I opened it to see Rian, Zack, and Jack. Jack was holding beer and eagerly said, “Let us meet your lady friend!”

I sighed and shook my head saying, “You guys have to go.” Zack frowned and replied, “Dude, we’re not going. You ditch us and then you tell us to leave? What the hell is going on?” Zack was smart but I looked behind me at Kaye and turned around.

“Nothing’s going on. I’m just busy right now. Come back tomorrow.” I shut the door in their faces, obeying Kaye’s directions.

Make all of my decisions for me
I've never taken the fall for deceit


Kaye screamed in delight and moaned my name and I thrust harder into her.

"Alex," She moaned, pressing her self against me. Make-up sex was always the best.

I stopped before I came and rolled off her.

Kaye got up and looked at my still hard erection. She placed one hand on it and started rubbing up and before placing her other around it. She rubbed harder and harder until I gave in and screamed her name.

She removed her hands and slowly bent her head down. My breathing picked up speed anticipating what was coming.

Kaye placed her mouth on top on my erection and started to suck and lick.

She went faster and faster until I finally came and she collapsed right next to me.

For more than just a moment of truth between the lies told
To pull ourselves away from the lives we leave back


"We shouldn't be sneaking around Alex," Her voice said from behind me. The pressure was getting to her.

I was always snappy at this topic as I replied, "Then tell him."

She started to sniffle and cry silently before I wrapped my arms around her, burying my face into her neck. I muttered, "It'll be alright. I'll still be here as long as you are."

The flavor of your lips is enough to keep me here, keep me here

She threw my arms off and said, "No Alex, it won't be alright. I'm going home. And when I get there I'm going to tell Kyle about us. I'm going to beg for his forgiveness and never do this again. The only question is if you're going to come with me or not to tell him." Kaye looked at me questionably and I shook my head.

I hissed out, "You're just gonna back out at the last second. I know you. If you do tell him, I'll go to the tabloids and tell them all about how you seduced me."

Kaye let out a harsh laugh and replied, "I seduced you? Try the other way around. I was drunk and you were sober the first time this happened."

I narrowed my eyes and said, "Fine. Get your slutty ass out of my house."

15 Months Later

Looking at the article I now knew this was a bad idea.

It read,

"Kaye Burns's affair was heart-breaking to ,her husband, Kyle Burns's heart but he later told us, 'She had the guts to tell me. Which means she knew she was wrong and that if she kept it covered up I would be even more hurt. She wanted me to be happy so I decided to give her another chance.' The couple has been taking therapy and seems to be healing very well. Kaye recently told us, 'I feel horrible about what happened. I decided to tell him and beg for forgiveness. I got it and now we're doing better than I ever hoped for.' With the arrival of their baby boy coming, the couple seems to be forgetting all of this.

This wasted time on you,
Has left me shaking in waiting
For something more
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about the bad sex scene. Never had sex so I can't really write about it.