Status: coming soon. (:

My Heart Will Wait


Tristan Samantha Barakat noticed several things about Alexander William Gaskarth. She took in the way he smiled, and how he carefully flashed those pearly whites with unwavering confidence, more like cockiness she assumed. She took in the way he stood not with elegance or poise but with slouching, trying-to-get-in-your-pants typical body language. His brown hair was appealing partially due the rolling out of bed look, and a part of her literally could believe he rolled out of bed every morning, ruffled it and walked onto the set. If there was one thing that caught her eye the most it was his charm that came out in sexual innuendos and well carried out cliché pick-up lines. A challenge.

Tristan pursued her lips before turning to walk towards her brother’s dressing room, and as she entered the room it went quiet.

“Rian,” whined Jack, “I can’t find my gorilla suit. I wanted to wear it tonight.” A smile touched her lips at her brother’s words, and she shook her head slightly scattering her brunette waves around her shoulders. Jack Barakat was the silliest, most immature man to ever grace the planet but he was the only one who had ever truly captured her heart, and she loved him, in a non-incestuous way of course.

“Jack Barakat,” she paused a second before finishing with, “Why in the world do you need a gorilla suit?”

Her voice had the boy in the styling chair turn and as his eyes landed on her he was out of his seat before she could open her mouth again. Laughter bubbled up and out of her mouth as she captured in tight hug that lifted her off the ground, “Tristan! I can’t believe you came!”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world, little brother.”

As her feet firmly hit the ground she looked up at her little brother, and she took in the way he seemed to cleaned up but he still was the child-like boy she had grown up with. She let her fingers brush back his hair before ruffling into a mess and watched as he instantly pouted. She winked at him before he walked towards the vanity in the dressing room and restoring his hair back to natural order. As if suddenly remembering something he turned to her and smiled sheepishly, “I didn’t get a chance to introduce you to everybody.”

“Jack, I’ve met them seven times.”

Tristan watched as her brother’s eyebrows furrowed and as if a light bulb went on in the attic his face lit up, “Right. I knew that,” he mumbled. She couldn’t help but laugh as she stepped towards Zack and Rian, and embraced each boy individually. Alex was still probably conquering anything that had long legs and vagina, and the single thought had her stomach churning. As if right now cue the man of the hour walked into the room looking more disheveled then she had just saw him only fifteen minutes ago.

“Too busy getting laid to say hi to an old friend?”

Tristan watched as his eyes scaled from the black heels and up her tanned long legs that were clad in dark blue denim skinny jeans. His eyes seemed to pause at her boobs before meeting her eyes, and her heart almost stopped for a minute before she mentally yelled at herself.

“We’ve met before?”

“Alex, this is my sister, Tristan.”

“Oh, wow,” his words coming out in a low voice as she heard Rian chuckling behind her. “I don’t remember you looking this good last time we met.”

“It was probably because you were too busy getting drunk and screwing anything within a mile’s radius.”

A smirk came to her pink lips as his eyebrow raised, “Sassy, I can dig it.” She laughed as she walked over to kiss Jack on the cheek before heading toward the door, “Keep dreaming, Alex.”

As she stalked from the door she knew she had left the cheetah with a challenge, and she also knew once that cheetah looked his gaze on a gazelle that he’d never give up pursuit.

Mission one accomplished.
♠ ♠ ♠
The first chapter is always kinda short, it's the introduction. Sorry. They'll get longer I promise. Sorry for the suckiness, I'm finally get back into the swing of writing.
Stick around, it'll get better, promise. (:
Let's see what happens next chapter. (;