Status: Active.....

The Dark Woods

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Mindy

Mindy was taken off guard. He's... leaving? No! He can't leave her here!
“What? Why, Ambulic?” Mindy gaped.
Ambulic bit his lip. “I have to go. I need to be with others of my kind. If I stay here I'll become human... and... please, Mindy, you have to understand that I want to stay here! Sam is kicking me out.”
Mindy gasped. “Sam? Why? He can't do that! He's like your father!-”
Ambulic sighed.
“You know he's not really my father, Mindy. We all knew he'd do this sooner or later. I mean if you want realistic; living with a teenage vampire is NOT realistic.”
Mindy narrowed her eyes; in thought. “Well, he's still been there for you! Why did he just kick you out? Oh, you can live with me!”
Ambulic gave her a questionable look.
“I... guess not. You will come and visit right?” Mindy went on.
Ambulic smiled and pulled her into a hug. “How could I not visit you, Mindy?”
Mindy smiled. “I'll be waiting for your return.”
Ambulic stopped hugging her and looked at her. “I'll be back for you. Until we meet again, goodbye Mindy.”
“Goodbye.” Mindy whispered.
Ambulic gave Mindy a quick kiss on the lips and walked away, walking on the dirt road. Mindy watched as he left; seeing him as he disappeared through the market crowd.

She sighed and thought she could go to the market for her mother. They did need more bread. It's always bread! Mindy thought as she headed towards the market, Why is it that we're always out of bread?
She was also worried about Ambulic... what if the other vampires' didn't except him? What if they attacked him and... well, hurt him?
She was deep in thought about Ambulic when she bumped into someone with a hard chest.
“Oh! Sorry!” She yelped in surprise, and took a step back to find that it was Johnathan.
He smiled. “Oh don't worry about it.”
Mindy did a quick smile and started to walked away from him but he grabbed her by the arm. “Wait! Mindy!”
She turned and looked at him. “Yeah...?”
“Would you like... to go get lunch... with me...?”
Mindy frowned. What about Ambulic?... Surely, he wouldn't care...
“Yes, I'd love to.” Mindy replied.
Johnathan smiled.
“Great. I'll meet you back here in maybe a half an hour?” Johnathan asked.
Mindy nodded. “Yes, I'll see you then.”
Johnathan smiled and did a nod and walked away, into the grocery market.
Mindy thought about going to Dr. Nights' house and seeing if he was okay. He is 64, Mindy thought, He could use some help right now...

She turned and walked east towards the gray bricked bridge. She walked across it and saw his old cabin.
She walked up to it and knocked on the wooden door.
“Hold on a second!” He rasped from inside.
It took moments before he opened the door. His once brown hair now turning gray, but he still had his smile on.
“Ah, Mindy. I believe Ambulic just went to look for you.” Dr. Night said.
Mindy smiled. “I know. He left about twenty minutes ago, for the Dark Woods... I was just wondering if you needed help with anything...”
Samuel frowned, and his eyes were full of sorrow.
“He... left? Today...?” He whispered. “And... he didn't come back to say goodbye...”
He wasn't saying it to her, he was making a statement of disbelief to himself.
Mindy was now frowning.
“He... told me you kicked him out...” Mindy told him, in a whisper, but loud enough for him to hear. How could Ambulic lie like that?
“Well, I just told him he should go and have an adventure in the Dark Woods, maybe find out who his parents are or something.” Doctor Night replied.
Mindy sighed. “I'm sorry, Sam. I know that he didn't just abandon you, though. He loves you, not that you kept his secret about being part vampire, but for being the best father to him.”

Doctor Night did a quick smile. “Thank you, Mindy. That means a lot to me... and while you're here, how is your father doing?”
Mindy stiffened. Her father, Christopher Perkins, was very sick... they didn't know what was wrong with him.
“He's... okay, but not better.” Mindy replied.
Doctor Night nodded.
“Well come get me if he gets worse.” He went on.
Mindy smiled, a fake smile, and nodded a little, then she remembered Johnathan; waiting for her at the market.
“I'm sorry, Sam, I forgot my mother needed me for something. I'll come back later, if you want.”
Samuel laughed. “You can come back any time, Mindy, you're no bother to me.”
She smiled at him and walked away from the house and waved to him as she walked, then stopped after seeing him wave back and shut his door.
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