Status: Active.....

The Dark Woods

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Terran

Terran walked down the hall looking for Jodi; his girlfriend. They were both werewolves. Terran's father; Dark Paw and his mother; Angel were ruling the werewolf tribe. He was next in line for the thrown after his father had passed away.
“Jodi...?” Terran called as he neared the stairs.
“I'm still dusting; hold on!” She called from downstairs.
Jodi was the maid of the Royal Palace in the Tribe, but Terran didn't care. He still loved her. He smiled knowing he'd found her and rushed down the stairs.
“Jodiiiiii!” He whined. “When do you get off? It's been five hours since you started working!”
She laughed. “You sound like a newborn pup, and I told you I get off when Dark Paw wants me to get off, you of all people should know that. Besides, your father is really stressed this week, for some reason. It probably just slipped his mind.”
Terran sighed. “I hate it when you work.”
She rolled her eyes. “Maybe you should help me?”
“TERRAN!” Dark Paw yelled from another room. “SOME OTHERS AND I ARE GOING ON A PATROL, YOU ARE TO COME WITH US!... NOW!”
Terran growled and looked towards the room his father had called him from. “Coming!” then he turned back to Jodi. “Sorry, I'm assuming your still annoyed with me?”

Jodi nodded. “Very. Go get some fresh air and maybe you won't get on my last nerves as much.”
Terran stalked away mumbling. “It's not like there isn't fresh air inside!”

As Terran entered the room, Dark Paw brushed past him followed by three other guards.
“Terran, come on!” He growled, putting on his black cloak, as he walked.
“Dad- Dark Paw? Why are we patrolling at this time of day?” Terran stammered.
Dark Paw snarled with the annoyance of hearing the name 'dad'.
“You should know we go on patrols at any time, Terran.” He snapped. “Now, hurry up, I sensed something cross the land mark between the Dark Woods and the human Village. But the sense was not human. That is why we are going on a patrol.”

Terran sighed and ran up the stairs to his room where he grabbed his black cloak from off his bed and ran out of his room, quickly putting it on as he walked downstairs.
At times like these, he really wished his father was like any other father. Not surrounded by guards. Dark Paw was always in meetings with the high counsel members; the followers and believers in Facheeta and White Paw, the first vampire leader, and the first werewolf leader. So, Dark Paw was never around for his son. Terran was also in line for the throne and so everything in his life had to be just perfect. Terran remembered when he was found playing with a vampire child who had ran from its home...


Terran was six, and had decided to go into the Dark Woods without his father knowing. They were trying to make a Peace Treaty with the humans but things weren't looking bright. Red Paw was leader then, Dark Night was his only son and only ere to the throne.
Terran was curious of what might have been in the Dark Woods so made his way into all the different kinds of tree's and bushes that had been the boundary between human land and savage land (or so the humans called it).
As Terran went deeper into the vast forest, he became confused on which direction was north, and was lost. It was not long before he found a vampire boy who looked the same age.
“Hi, my names Terran!” He had blurted out to the strange creature he wasn't familiar with.

The vampire smiled a shy smile and had replied, “My name is Duke, want to play Facheeta and White Paw? No one will play with me back at my village... so I left.”
Terran was so excited that moment. He had found a friend! Sure, there were werewolves his age in his traveling group (thats what he had decided to name it) but not one werewolf wanted to play Facheeta and White Paw in group his, either!
“Yeah! I want to play! Um... how do you play? No one would play it with me either, so I don't know the rules...” Terran had told him.

Duke had laughed at his words. “There are two rules. We can't go past that tree over there,” He had then pointed to a nearby tree that was six yards away from them, “And you have to act like a true leader. That's it- let's start! I'll be Facheeta 'cause I'm a vampire, and you are gonna be White Paw 'cause he's a werewolf. Any questions?”
Terran was going to ask if they could have any weapons or bases but Duke was already speaking.
“Okay- let's start now!” He yelled, with his six year old voice squeaking, and had climbed up a tree.

Terran stood on a rock smiling. “'We must have peace with the vampires or perish!'”
He had quoted what White Paw had wanted when he was leader. That never happened, though, but at the Moon Tree, Facheeta and White Paw were together in one land; awaiting leaders no matter where they came from. They had also wanted peace among the humans as well... but Red Paw had been working on that.
Duke had been sitting in the same tree he had climbed up in and was talking to his imaginary followers. “'Separated we are weak, but together we are strong!... we shall be friends even after death!'”

He had been quoting Facheeta, and what he had said when he was about to die.
A couple hours had passed when Dark Night finally found them together laughing, and had been furious! He had yelled at Terran and even yelled and growled at Duke.
Moonsle had also joined the yelling as well, when he had smelled a werewolves scent, and had followed it.
“Don't you dare come near my son again or I will end you! You don't have the right to come in these woods and let your son play with my son! That is ridiculous!-”

“Excuse me? It is not my fault your son went missing the exact time my son had! We were just passing through- I just came looking for my son. That's all.”
Moonsle did not believe his words but had taken his son and had left.
Dark Night didn't say a word to Terran as they walked back to camp but all that was going through Terran's head is that Dark Night would never be the same again, after that.
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