Status: Active.....

The Dark Woods

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Dark Paw

As Dark Paw quietly stalked what was in the woods; he got a scent of vampire and human. Were there two creatures in the woods? Dark Paw got confused, for he had only sensed one go past the land mark. It was not possible for just two, to had crossed it, and for Dark Paw not to have sensed their images going past the land mark. He decided to go with what he felt rather than with his nose. It was not long before they caught up to the creature; and it was heading for their settlement. Was the creature going to attack? If it wasn't; it would have turned and ran away after smelling the powerful scent marks of werewolves.

“Father- I think that thing, whatever it is- is going to attack our village, we need to act now!” Terran chimed in.
“Yes. James and Elliot- surround that creature before it can reach camp, I know you two are fast enough. Do not fail me.” Dark Paw said; turning towards the guards behind him and Terran. “And Alyssa- you will stay with us and fight the creature off. Is that clear?”

All three of the guards nodded. James and Elliot ran ahead of them, focusing on only the target.
“Hurry- Maybe that thing is from Moonsle.” Dark Paw growled, starting to run.
Terran ran beside him, dodging trees that were in his way. “How do you know it's a vampire, dad?.... T- the thing could be human as well as vampire...”
Terran had slipped the word 'dad' but had kept speaking thinking he wouldn't notice. His father would be very displeased. In public he would only call him by 'Sir', or 'Dark Paw'. Terran did not know why but he started doing that the moment he became leader.
“I- It just feels like it's more of a vampire, son.” Dark Paw stammered, a little unsure of his answer.
Terran nodded and kept running along side his father.

Then Dark Paw stopped when he saw a vampire with brown hair and hazel eyes and was wearing a white linen shirt, and was in jeans, and his shoes looked very sturdy and they were a tanish color; with black laces.
James and Elliot stood near him, with James on one side of him and Elliot on the other. They had their paws on him; holding tightly to his arms.
“Sir, this vampire... I don't think he's from our lands.” Elliot told Dark Paw.
Dark Paw snarled. “Impossible! This one looks like he knows at least something about this forest, don't you?” He said, looking at the vampire.

The vampire showed no fear, as if he had expected this; and that irritated Dark Paw.
“Well?” He pressed on, when the vampire didn't respond.
“Yes, I know you are Dark Paw, and that there is also a Moonsle who is a vampire, like me. I know about the Moon Tree and that Facheeta and White Paw wait for all their sons and daughters to join them in the Moon Tree-”
Dark Paw interrupted; completely annoyed that an outsider knew more than a pup did, in his village.
“Who told you about us?!” He snarled at him.
“My-” The vampire stopped himself. “My friend. His name is Samuel Night. He told me about this forest... I know that you are trying to keep peace with the humans... but he also told me that it was Facheeta and White Paws' will that vampires and werewolves lived together in peace as well... so...”
“You think you can come in these woods and tell us how to run our lives?” Dark Paw spat. “Well you're wrong! Leave at once- James and Elliot will escort you back to where you came from.”
“Well- I can't. I can't go back... they'll kill me.... please... could I stay at your settlement?”
Dark Paw snarled. “Why? So the humans could come looking for you, if what you say is not true?!”
The vampire sighed in frustration. “Because I do not belong with the humans. I left everything to get away from them. They won't come looking for me, for I know they think I want to die for coming in here... they do not know I'm a vampire.”

Dark Paw frowned and considered having a vampire in the camp... One thing was for sure; the vampire would be laughed at. Most werewolves don't approve of White Paws' will, but some did. But the most important question: Who was this vampire and how come he was living with humans?
“What's your name?” Dark Paw asked.
“Ambulic.” The vampire stated. “Ambulic Ventary.”
Dark Paw nodded. “Well, Ambulic... Why were you living with the humans in the first place, hmm?”
Terran was becoming impatient. He wanted to go back to Jodi, and be with her for the rest of the day.

“I was abandoned on Doctor Samuel Nights' doorstep sixteen years ago, I have not one vampire friend, and I am loyal and-”
“I asked you why you were living with the humans. Not if you were loyal or not.” Dark Paw said, but he meant no offense. “If you're going to be living in my village than you have to learn to answer a simple question correctly.”
Dark Paw had smiled as he talked, and Ambulic smiled as well.
“Thank you, Dark Paw! I will answer it correctly, so you have nothing to worry about.” Ambulic said, as they began walking back to the village.
Dark Paw wasn't so sure of this vampire but he didn't want Moonsle to get a hold of him and use him as a weapon against him. He had already killed Angel... what more could he possibly do to him to make him more miserable?
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