Status: Active.....

The Dark Woods

Chapter 9

Ambulic walked up the stairs to the royal palace and opened the two huge doors as he walked in.
"Ambulic!" Someone called. Ambulic turned to see John, a vampire like himself, walking toward him.
"John." Ambulic panted. "You scared me there, for a second."
He nodded. "As always. We were about to leave for the village. I was hoping you'd be in my attack unit."
Ambulic did a fake smile. "Sure, I'd be happy to."

The sun was almost down and Ambulic walked down the palace stairs, towards the huge forming group near Dark Paw who stood on a log; talking to the group.
Ambulic joined the huge cluster of vampires and werewolves. "Get ready to leave! Come line up at the gates for Facheeta and White Paw's blessing!"

"Here, this is for you." John said, handing Ambulic a medium sized sword, with a brown handle with so many markings on it.
"John... this looks really fine. Who made it?" Ambulic asked, with astonishment that John would be giving him a nice sword.
"A friend of mine made it. I want to give it to you, since it's your first battle." John replied with a shrug. "I have another sword for myself, don't worry."
They headed for the gates where Dark Paw stood with red paint, and an ink pen; with paper beside that.
"Sign here, for battle, then receive Facheeta and White Paws markings!" Dark Paw announced loudly.
Ambulic signed his name on the list, and knew what he was signing for. If anything happened to him, the guards would post a paper on his home door saying he had died in battle. Oh... that would scare Mindy so bad... He had to protect her parents if possible.
Ambulic received Facheeta and White Paws' blessing and walked out of the gates with John and a few others who were in his group.
"So, Ambulic. Your first battle, how do you feel?" John asked.
"I'm nervous." Ambulic replied.
"Don't worry, I was too, my first battle. Everyone usually is." John told him.

Once everyone was in the village, Dark Paw ordered them to attack. Ambulic, John, and Terran all saw the same man walk out of his home. John ran; to kill him, but Terran killed him first, slitting the mans throat.
"That was my kill!" John complained.
"Be faster next time." Terran growled at him.

Ambulic slipped away into the woods and started heading towards the CR camp. He was going to get Mindy and show her what he saved her from...


"You knew this was going to happen- so you came and saved me?" Mindy gaped, and Ambulic nodded.
"I didn't want to see you get killed." He told her.
Dark Paw saw this and walked over to Ambulic with narrowed eyes. "Ambulic?"
He jumped when he heard his name being called. Mindy frowned, and looked at Dark Paw.
He was much taller than Ambulic and herself.
"D-Dark Paw..." Ambulic gasped.
"What's going on here? Why aren't you killing this human?" Dark Paw asked, him.
"I- I... I can't kill her, Dark Paw..." Ambulic told him. "She is the girl I love, and... I'd rather die than kill her, sir."
Dark Paw frowned. "Hm... Well then, would she accept it if I offered her a place in the tribe?"
Ambulic glanced at Mindy and she nodded.
Dark Paw smiled. "I will go tell Terran. We are going to travel to the Moon Tree."
"Why must we go to the Moon Tree?" Ambulic asked.
"For you two. You're going to meet Facheeta and White Paw." He told Ambulic, and glanced at Mindy.
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