Status: Hey ya...Check out my other stuff....

When Touching the Edge of Her Skin

Tap Dancing Down the Hallway

"So, Harry, mate." Ron said grinning. "You shagging Leana, huh?"

This was just Ron so I don't know why my cheeks were painted a slight pink. "Yeah." I said unsure.

He laughed and placed his hand on my shoulder. "Good for you mate."

"What about you and Hermione?" I taunted, knowing it bother him.

"Me and Hermione what?" He said quickly, trying to play it off. "Why would I fancy her? She's so...Hermione.

"Hermione what?" she said coming into the room.

Then Ron darkly muttered, "Speak of the Devil and the Devil shall appear." Hermione growled back and they began to argue.

Leana, who was following behind, had a goofy smile on her face. "You'll never guess what."

I rolled my eyes. "Let me guess; Lupin jumped up and started tap dancing down the hallway?"

Her eyes lit up brightly. "I wish!" She laughed, "Actually it's better than that. Little Peter has a crush."

Hermione completely turned away from Ron and gave all her attention to Leana. "Oh really?"

I'll never understand a girl's gossip. "Ginny!" Leana yelled clapping her hands. "He's been following her around like a little puppy. So sweet it's quite gross actually."

"Wouldn't know what that's like or anything." Ron muttered as my arm wove around Leana's waist.

"Oh piss off Ronald." Leana laughed.

Molly entered the room, staring at Leana and me. Her eye's fixated on my arm, almost as if she were burning a hole through it. When I became uncomfortable under her gaze, I moved my arm causing her to smile. "All right you lot, it's time to clean again. Ron, Hermione if you don't mind I want you to tidy up around here, and Harry I want you to go upstairs. Leana," I couldn't help but notice how she almost growled her name. I must be hearing things, "I want you to clean the room next to Harry."

"Mum that's hardly fair!" Ron exclaimed, "Why do Harry and Leana have to do so much more than us? We could easily help the-"

"RONALD!" Molly yelled. "Worry 'bout yourself please." My lord, all he did was ask to help.

Leana and I reluctantly started up the dusty stairs and to our designated rooms to clean. "I'll help you, and you can help me." she offered, causing me to follow her into the dingy room. Once the door shut she added, "I don't think Mrs. Weasley like me much."

So I wasn't the only one who noticed. "Sure she does." I lied, in an attempt to make her feel better. We began to clean and almost had it done. Leana vacuumed everything when I noticed she missed a small spot. Apparently the vacuum was switched to blowing it's contents out, instead of sucking them in and I'm too much of idiot to notice.

The black gunk, fuzz, and dust bunnies went everywhere. "Harry!" Leana yelled laughing. "You got it everywhere!" It completely covered her and me, as well as the room. "We're going to have to clean this all over again! But first a break, I'm taking a shower." I sat on the bed, awaiting for her to shower to and come back out. To my surprise she stopped at the door and smirked, "Want to join me?"


Despite the fact Harry and I found ourselves in a shower, what we were doing was so unclean. My back was pressed against the cold shower tiles as the scalding hot liquid poured down over our skin. My lips started at his jaw line and kissed down to the sweet spot on his neck.

"It's not nice to tease." Harry growled huskily. He made me look up at him so he could kiss my lips. His hands gingerly ran down over my breasts, causing me to moan in response.

"What happened to not teasing?" I replied pulling away after a while. "My Lord Harry, if you don't hurry up all ready I'll kick your arse."

"Tell me what you want." He whispered in my ear.

"Just fuck me." I whined. He chuckled and we stayed in the shower till the water ran cold.

Later that evening I was in the kitchen, cleaning silver with Ron and Hermione. Mrs. Weasley made it a point to put Harry and I in separate rooms. Every time Ron and I mad contact a deep blush covered his ginger cheeks. After a while I finally just asked, "Dear Lord Ron, what's got your knickers in a twist?"

Hermione giggled, placing a delicate hand over her mouth. "Well, erm.” She stated, evidently answering for him, "Ronald may of accidentally went in the room you and Harry were supposed to be cleaning. He may have over heard you all."

My eye brows furrowed. He heard us sweeping the carpet? "Doing what?"

"BLOODY HELL," Ron yelled, "I heard you shagging!"

"Shit, um sorry?" I whispered running my hand through my long hair.

By this time Fred, George, Sirius, and Molly came into the room. "I didn't hear that." Sirius said immediately turning back around and walking out. Fred and George immediately started cracking up.

"Fred, George go help Sirius. Hermione, Ron I want you two to find Harry and tell him we are starting dinner soon." The others looked curious at the elder woman, but did as told none the less. She then turned on me, "And you. Who do you think you are?"

I stood startled, and mouth agape for a moment. "Excuse me?"

"You just step in here and expect things to go wrapped around your finger. You wealthy, pure blood tarts strut around like you own the place, and then follow the Dark Lord-"

"Hold it right there." I spoke, my voice low. As for most, your inner power is connected to your emotions. So with me being as angry, hurt, and offended as I was, I wasn't at all surprised to see the lights flicker and the furniture shake. "I am a member of one of the most prominent family's in Europe, let alone the wizardry world. We have a long blood line of witches and wizards who have worked hard for what we have today, never given anything. And as for the cowardly Lord Voldemort, that is all he is: an egotistical, cowardly, bully. Just a name, which no one should fear."

"Well your still not good enough for him." She sniffed, crossing her arms. She sounded almost like a ten year old that needed grounding. "He's deserves better than the likes of you."

"Better than what?" I asked, almost afraid of what she was referring me to.

"Better than an easy tramp."


I don't know what happened, honest.

Leana came into the living room where everyone was and I just said hello. The girl burst into tears and ran up the stairs, slamming the door behind her. "What the hell was that, mate?" Ron asked curiously.

"I don't know." I said unsure. I scratched the top of my head, confused. "Did I miss something?"

Everyone shook their heads no. "She was fine a bit ago." Fred shrugged.

Sighing, I stood and began up the stairs to my crying girlfriend. She was huddled up on the far corner of her bed, her head buried deep in her arms with her knees pulled tightly to her chest. I sat beside her and tugged lightly at her folded arms. They didn't budge. "Love, what's wrong?"

She didn't say anything for a moment, but eventually looked up and wiped her eyes. "I had a talk with Mrs. Weasley today. Few minutes ago, actually."

"Really?" I asked eyebrows raised.

She nodded and sniffed. "Apparently she doesn't like the way we spend our free time."

What is she talking about? Then I thought of the shower earlier. "Oh. She's just saying what she think's best."

"Well it's not her place," Leana growled. Her pointed between herself and I, "Our love life should concern us and only us."

"What did she say that's left you so flustered?" I asked, gently pulling her over to my lap. Leana mumbled something that was utterly incoherent. "Sorry babe, I couldn't quite catch that."

"I said she called me a whore!" Leana yelled looking up at me then turning to stare at the wall.

I felt my blood begin to boil, "She did what?" I asked through gritted teeth. She didn't answer, just continued to stare elsewhere. I slid out from under her. "I need some air, I'll be right back."

I didn't know what I was going to say to Molly once I reached the kitchen, but I knew I had to say something. I can't believe sweet Molly would say something so ghastly to Leana, she didn't do anything wrong. "Molly can I speak with you?"

"Sure Harry." She said wiping her hands on her apron the turning to face me. My face remained composed, but my anger was trying to escape.

"Mrs. Weasley I'm more than grateful for everything your family has done for me, really." At this Mr. Weasley looked up from his paper at the table. "But I love Leana as well."

She nodded, "Where are you going with this Harry?"

I took a deep breath. "I will not tolerate any one saying anything of an offense to her. I appreciate you trying to protect me but I will not stand by and let you say hurtful things to her. You were out of line." My voice remained calm and not at all disrespectful through out my speak. She stood quietly, looking ashamed while Mr. Weasley looked deeply confused. "Now if you excuse me, I have cleaning to attend to."

I felt quite accomplished and exasperated all at the same time. Never had I had to chose between the people I think of as my family, or the girl I love. Never have I been more ready to return to Hogwarts.
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it's long, almost pointless really. Giant ass filler. Next chapter they will be at Hogwarts.

