Status: Last Updated: 14. August. 2010

We Were Lost and Broken Until We Met You Guys



It was the first day of school here at Jersey High. Everyone was scrambling around to find friends before the official start of the day. All but three girls, the popular girls, I guess you could call them. They were the ones who ran this high school. They stood under the big oak tree nearest the doors reminiscing about their fun summer with their group of friends.

All the teachers and staff loved them while most students hated them, only because they were jealous. The three girls were family, they were cousins. They were all very close, they considered each other sisters.

The eldest’s name was Brianna, Bree to people she was closest to. The middle was Katherine, Kat to the people closest to her but Kay to the most important people to her. The youngest was Francis. All three of them lived under the same roof. They each had a personal reason why they didn't live with their own families, except for Katherine, who the other two girls lived with, and her parents. They’re a very close nit, tight unit. You mess with one of them,you mess with all three of them. Where you find one you’ll always find the other two, they’re inseparable.

This particular first day back at school will be different then all the rest. Why you may ask? There will be three new students, boys. Brothers in fact, that will change their lives in more ways than one. One will teach Bree that life isn’t just full of work that it should have some fun added to it to make it more interesting, another will teach Kay that not all guys are bad and that it’s okay to trust them && that falling in falling in love isn’t as painful as she may think it is, the last one will teach Francis that it’s okay to miss her parents but not to let that get in the way of her living her live for her and not for the people in her past and to move forward. All three of these boys will teach these things to each girl in their own way. Bree will not only learn to have fun but to love as well, Kay will learn to love and trust as well as letting the past go and living in the present. As for Francis she will learn how to live for her and how to have fun doing it, not being dependent on others to make her happy.

As the bell rang, signaling the beginning of the first day back, the three girls went their separate ways until lunch. Unbeknownst to them that they would each meet their soul mates who would change them for the better in the forms of a nerd, a band geek, && band nerd…
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We hope you like it :^D
Comments and feedback is great appreciated thanks :^D
Francis will be doing the first official chapter so be on the look out for it soon!