Status: Last Updated: 14. August. 2010

We Were Lost and Broken Until We Met You Guys

My Superman

The first week of school was surprisingly okay. Although sadly between the mandatory hanging out with Leslie && Sam, school, && homework I never really got to see my cousins. But what made my week at least okay on the sucky meter was getting the nerd in my US History class’ number. We’ve been texting non stop. So when Friday came around I was ecstatic. Then I realized there was a mandatory party at Leslie’s. I reminded my cousins of this && the three of us cringed. We hated her parties.

Leslie’s parties consisted of heavy drinking, heavy make out sessions that turned to one night stands, && just overly drunk teenagers trying to be cool. Bree would be with her boyfriend, who Francis && I know she hates, probably having at least one alcoholic drink; I would be trying to keep drunk teenage boys off me while having one alcoholic drink, while Francis would be defenseless without us there to protect her. These parties we never fun for us. We really hated that HAD to go.

Unfortunately Friday went by faster then I would have liked. Especially my US History class. It was so hard being mean to Joe. Sam was in that class with me. I think she knew something was going on between Joe && myself after I let myself laugh at something funny Joe had said. I fear what will happen to Joe more then what could happen to me.

When it came time for lunch I tried to slowly walk to my usual lunch table, which sadly Sam sat at. “So what’s with you && that nerd in history?” Before turning to Sam I made my face blank. “What are you talkin’ about? Me && the nerd? Hell no! I was just humoring him && making him think I though that joke was funny.” Sam rolled her eyes. Shit she doesn’t believe me. Just then my cell phone went off signaling that I had a new text message. I excused myself from the table && went to the bathroom. Little did I know Sam was following me.

When will I get to see you besides in school? I sighed reading Joe’s text.
I don’t know Joe. Joe’s reply was fast. You shouldn’t let those girls control you. You’re a much better person then all those girls put together. I couldn’t help the smile that came to my face reading those words.

Soon the final bell rang. I met Bree && Francis at Bree’s car. I got in the passenger seat without looking up from my cell phone. I can’t wait to see your beautiful face Monday morning. My smile grew as I was reading the words. I heard Bree ask us how school went but I just ignored her. When I heard Francis reply “fine” I knew something was wrong. So I looked up from my cell phone && looked in the rear view mirror back at her. “Cupcake, is everything okay?” She just smiled at me. I knew that smile all too well, hell I invented that smile. But I knew that she didn’t want to talk about it so I didn’t press her any further. So went back to texting Joe.

When we got home I greeted my so called parents && went up stairs to get ready for the party && do the weekends homework all the while texting Joe.

After getting a shower, curled my hair, dressed, put make up && jewelry on I headed out my bedroom door after hearing four knocks on my door. When I opened I was face to face with Francis. She looked amazing. She took a locket out of her purse && handed it to me. Wordlessly I told her to turn around so I could put it on her. Once it was clasped she kissed it.

I then felt my hip vibrate. I had a new text from Joe. When I was done with the text Francis told me how amazing I looked. I blushed. “Thanks Cupcake, you look amazing yourself.” She thanked me. When she turned to go get Bree I answered another one of Joe’s texts. When Bree came out she told us how amazing we both looked && smiled a real smile for the first time in a long time. We smiled && thanked her.

In the car on the way to Leslie’s I could tell that even though Bree thought we looked amazing she also thought it made us look more adult than we really are. I already don’t look my age. Everyone has always thought I was younger then I actually am. I could also tell she was worried about me && Francis at this party. She has this look when she’s worried about us && something that involves Leslie && or her parties.

Fifteen minutes later we arrived. Once the car stopped moving I got out of the car && towards the backyard where I knew few people would be. I sat on one of the swings & texted Joe until some guy walked up to me with a beer in his hand. I sighed && took it knowing that if I didn’t I would never hear the end of it.

Before I knew it I was tipsy. On my way up the stairs to the bathroom I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist. I turned around to see Riley. Every time I look at him I think of Jensen Ackles. “Hey baby, why don’t we have our own little party.” He began kissing my neck. I tried pushing him away, I mean I wasn’t to the point I couldn’t think straight. “No thanks Riley.” This seem to anger him. He grabbed me roughly && forced me into the nearest room. I began to panic. After shutting the door he pushed me roughly onto the bed. “I always get what I want. Right now I want you underneath me naked.” I tried to make a run for it but he caught me before I could really go anywhere. He threw me onto the bed. He straddled my waist && began kissing my neck again. I tried to get him off me but he was too strong. Just as his hands were getting my shirt off the door opened. Someone pulled Riley off of me && started beating the living crap out of him. When Riley was unconscious the person came over to me && wrapped me into their arms. I was in too much shock, I guess you could call it, to realize whose arms I was currently in. “It’s alright, I’m here. It’s gonna be okay.” The second I heard Joe’s voice I broke down.

After a while all the rubbing of his hand && his soothing voice put me to sleep. Before completely drifting off to sleep I mumbled, “My superman.” Joe smiled before picking me up bridle style && leaving the room to search for my cousins so he could take me home.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am soooooooooooo sorry for not updating!
I've been so caught up with my stories && some personal stuff that I never had time to update.
I hope you can all forgive me.
Hope this chapter makes up for it!

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Much Amor,