Status: Last Updated: 14. August. 2010

We Were Lost and Broken Until We Met You Guys

Getting To Know Clark Kent... Or Not

I awoke with a smile on my face. Not only did I get to see Katherine outside of school && get to spend some time with her she called me her superman after saving her from that jerk that tried to- No don’t think of what he tried to do. I tried to get my breathing back to normal. I didn’t want to think about anyone or anything hurting my Katherine. Dude she’s not yours yet so don’t call her that. I mentally scolded myself. I sighed.

After mentally arguing with myself whether or not I should call Katherine I got out of bed && searched for some clothes. Once dressed I grabbed my phone && went downstairs. I noticed that the house was oddly quiet. Upon entering the kitchen only Nick was at the bar eating some breakfast. He seemed deep in thought. I couldn’t help but ruffle his hair. He jumped like five feet in the air. I couldn’t help but laugh. He glared at me. I just smiled innocently at him && made me some breakfast as well.

We ate in silence. Once I was half way through my toast when I decided to break the silence. “Where is everyone?” He shrugged. “They’re out somewhere. All I do know is that Kevin is with Bree. Considering she drank a lot last night.” I nodded my head. Remembering last night made my fists && teeth clench. I also remember smelling a hint of alcohol on Katherine’s breath. It made me even madder that a guy would take advantage of someone while the slightest bit intoxicated. But then again she did seem pretty much sober.

Nick had noticed how tense I got. He looked at me like “What happened last night?” I sighed. “Katherine was a little on the tipsy side last night && some guy tried taking advantage of her.” Then I smiled remembering that she called me her superman. “Then after I saved her && she called down she called me her superman before she fell asleep for a little while.” Nick smiled at me. “It’s good to see you happy bro.” With that he patted me on the back && took his dishes to the sink && washed them. As he was walking towards the front door he told me he was gonna go && see Francis. “Dude wait up && I’ll come with you!”

We were there within fifteen minutes. I didn’t see Bree’s car so I didn’t know if that meant Katherine && Francis were out with her. I was hoping they weren’t. Upon arriving at the door Nick knocked first. Yelling could be heard before the door was even opened. The door was opened abruptly. A mean looking man just glared at Nick && I. “U-uh we’re looking for Katherine && Francis. Are they home?” The man continued to glare at us. “They’re out with they’re cousin Bree. Even if they actually home I wouldn’t tell you. Now leave!” With that he slammed the door in our faces. “Wow. Remind me to never visit Francis while he’s home. Wonder whose father that was?” I stuck my hands in my pockets. “Katherine’s. She looks just like her dad. Only she has a kinder face.” Nick nodded. We got back into the car && sat there for a moment. “You text Kevin while I text Katherine && see where they could be.” Nick nodded his head. Hey! Are you busy? I waited for a reply. Nick got a reply from Kevin before I got one from Katherine. “Kevin said that they were at the beach. He took the girls. He also said that Katherine was acting really strange. Not even Francis && Bree know what’s wrong with her. She hasn’t said a word to them all morning.” I nodded my head but then snapped it in Nick’s direction when he told me about Katherine. I still hadn’t gotten a reply back from her. “So I guess we go back home && get our beach gear” Nick smiled && nodded his head.

Upon arriving we spotted Francis, Bree, && Kevin in no time. I didn’t see Katherine. As we got closer they spotted us. They waved && I noticed Francis smiled hugely once her eyes landed on Nick’s. I smiled. I looked at Kevin && saw that he had a huge smile on his face. It’s so good to see my brothers happy. Especially Nick after Jenny. I thought to myself. When we got closer I asked them were Katherine was. They pointed a long ways down the beach. I saw a figure in the distances with her flip flops in her hand.

As I got closer I smiled. Katherine was dancing randomly in the sand. I then noticed that she had head phones in. I thought she looked beautiful in her quarter length sleeve button down && shorts. Her jet black hair was still in curls from last night. Just then I saw the most beautiful greenish-hazel eyes. “H-how long were you standing there?” I smiled before I spoke. “Not long.” She blushed. We stayed silent for a few moments. “What are you doing here?” Her voice was so soft I didn’t know if she had actually spoken. “I-I wanted to see you.” Her eyes held disbelief. She then snorted && rolled her eyes while sitting down in the sand. I looked at her confused. This wasn’t the girl I had been talking to all week nor was she the girl from last night. The girl sitting below me looked broken, weak, && alone. I sat next to her. “Yeah, I did. I told you I wanted to get to know you better. I meant it.”

Neither of us spoke for a while. “Why would you want to get to know someone like me?” He voice was soft && guarded. “When I first saw you something in me told me that you were someone I wanted to get to know. Even more so after I heard your southern accent.” She blushed but remained quite. We sat in another silence. When she did finally speak her voice startled me. “You don’t want to get to know me. I’m not as interesting as you may think. I can already tell you have this idea of me in your head. I’m not who you think I am. I would like it very much if you would just leave me alone.” With that she got up from her spot && started walking away. I got up to follow her. I grabbed the upper part of her arm. By doing that I made her wince in pain && rip her arm away from me. When she turned to face me she already had tears in her eyes. “P-Please don’t touch me.” I stood shocked. I reached for her again only this time I grabbed her wrist. “I’m sorry that I hurt you. I didn’t mean to grab you that hard.” She just nodded. Just then her cell phone rang. Well what I thought was her iPod turns out to be an iPhone. She sighed && began to slightly shake, you wouldn’t notice if you weren’t paying close attention, when she saw who it was calling her. “Hey daddy…Yeah were all at the beach…No I haven’t seen them…no daddy I didn’t tell them they could come over…I promise I will…Yes, I’ll stop at the liquor store on my way home… I’m leaving now… Bye.” With that she hung up. Without looking at me she left. I started to follow her. She turned around && stopped. “Please just leave me alone. It would be best if you && you left me alone. Goodbye Joe.” Like that she just left. She got into Bree’s car && left.

After a moment of standing in my spot shocked I decided to go to where my brothers, Bree, && Francis were to get some answers. Hopefully they would have some for me.
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Hey amazing readers!
So here's my chapter!
Hope you guys like it :)
Now there will be some changed made with the way we write our story.
A very faithful reader && commenter && also good friend, Jenna, pointed out that it seemed like we wrote about the same thing over && over again.
That is now going to change.
Instead of reading about the same thing but from different points of views whose ever chapter/ POV comes next will just take place where the previous one left off.
Hope that sounds a lot better than the orginal plan :)

Now I will let you get to commenting!
Please don't bea afriad to tell us if you find something wrong.
We welcome the criticisim!
If she wouldn't have told us that it felt like she was reading the same thing over && over again we would have never changed how we write so please, we encourage you to tell us what you think no matter how horrible or mean you may think it sounds.

Coming hopefully soon is Bree's chapter! :)