Status: Last Updated: 14. August. 2010

We Were Lost and Broken Until We Met You Guys

First Impressions Can Be Deceiving ;)


I glanced across the courtyard and groaned seeing the millions of eyes on me.
My cousins and I have only been in the school for about five minutes and people were already staring at us and talking about us.

My cousin Brianna, or Bree as she preferred to be called whipped her head to the side and asked me, “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” I replied plastering a fake smile on my face.
Besides her my other cousin Katherine, or Kat, turned around and stared at me.
“Hon? Are you sure?” She asked.
”I’m fine seriously. I’m good, don’t worry.” I assured them knowing how upset they were by seeing me like this.

They both sighed frustrated and shook their heads.
“Well, we’re gonna go and meet up with Leslie, Samantha, and the other girls. We’ll meet you in the cafeteria when you’re done, at our usual table, okay?” said Bree.

“”Sure guys, I’ll meet you there. Love you!” I replied giving them each a hug.
“Love you too!” They chorused as the three of us broke into giggles.

“Okay see you.” I said walking away slowly toward the locker room.
Everybody was basically watching me while I walked; there were glares, sympathetic smiles and looks, unsure awkward smiles, and scowls.

I looked down afraid that I might explode my mouth off at them. I hated doing that, especially crying. I hated showing emotion and talking about my feelings. I knew Bree and Kat were trying to be nice and all but I still felt guilty for pushing them away. Kat, Bree, and I have been inseparable since we were kids… we did everything together and as we got older nothing about that changed. We were tighter than glue. These two girls were my life, they were completely amazing.

Being popular isn’t an easy thing: people judge you before getting to know you. People in the past who’ve had to work on projects with, mainly girls, would get to know me and once we knew each other on an okay level they’d say,”Ohhhh you’re so nice. I used to think you were a snobby bitch.”

I mean… that’s so stereotypical, the kind of thing you see in movies. I hated how people thought my cousins and I were bitches just because of Leslie and Sam’s influence on the school, if you wanna talk about bitches you look at those two girls and their followers.
Leslie and Sam didn’t care about anyone not even one another, all they cared about were themselves. They were cruel mean witches who couldn't stand the chance to see other people happy.

I was so in my thoughts I didn’t notice that I had slammed into another body and while we crashed to the ground, the stranger wrapped their arms around my waist preventing me from hurting myself: I somehow ended up on him while my head on top of his chest.
His arms were strong and muscular.

“I am extremely sorry!” I exclaimed trying to lift my head off his chest but failed miserably.

I tried again and looked down. I let out a small gasp as I stared at the beauty in front of me.
This guy was an absolute beauty with fully parted lips, luscious curly brown hair, tan-olive skin, and chocolate brown eyes.

He looked into my eyes and then blushed.
I swear it was like the most beautiful sight ever.
“It’s alright. I should’ve been watching where I was going. So I’m sorry.” He responded in a sweet velvet voice.

“Don’t worry about it. Are you new here? Because I’ve never seen you around before.” I questioned as I got off him and grabbed my bag.

I offered him a hand and he graciously accepted it.
“Thank you and as a matter of fact I am new here. I moved here from Texas. My dad is a pastor and he got a job transfer. I have two older brothers who come here and a younger brother who goes to Jersey Elementary School. I’m Nicholas Jonas but I prefer Nick. You?” He responded and asked as he bent down to pick up his book bag and scattered papers.

“Ohhh oops. I’m Francis Garcia, I know a dude’s name, but what can you do? I was bored one day and looked up what my name means; it means deck of the ships, very weird. I hate my name.” I responded.

“I like it. It’s unique just like you.” He responded with a timid smile.
I blushed and tried to avert my eyes elsewhere.
“Thank you.” I responded

“You’re welcome. Do you mind showing me around?” He asked hopefully.
He looked so darn adorable I just wanted to ruffle his hair and pack him in a little bag to recycle.
“Awwwww don’t be. You’ll do fine; I can assure you that everything will be great. As a matter of fact, I can-“I started but stopped once I noticed him bend down and pick up a guitar case.

“Is that yours?” I asked in fear that he’d say yes.
“Yes it is. I’ve been playing the guitar since I was thirteen and the piano since I was ten (I don’t really know).”

“That’s cool.” I said gulping a bit.
“Are you okay? You are starting to look pale.” He asked and commented genuinely concerned, trying to read me.

“Yup I’m fine. I really would like to help you but I promised my cousins I’d wait for them in the cafeteria and they’d walk me to homeroom, sorry.” I said feeling guilty for lying to him.

He looked crushed but managed to nod his head and say,” Sure, maybe later or another time.”

Sure, let’s go with that.
I gave a quick nod and ran to my locker.
That was a close one.

“Francis Marie Garcia! Where the hell have you been?” Kat asked me as I reached my locker.
“Sorry I got held up.” I replied emptying out my bag and putting the necessary stuff inside of it.

Band Nerd.
Band Nerd??
Band Nerd?!!!

“Its fine, just hurry up. Why do you look all flustered?”
“No reason, I got held up, bumped into someone, and ran all the way over here.” I lied once again putting a fake smile.

She eyed me suspiciously but said,” Bree, Leslie, Sam, and the other girls are waiting for us, come on, hurry up.”
“Okay.” I said locking my locker and running a hair through my dark brown short curly hair.

I felt guilty lying to Kat but she didn’t need to know that I broke one of the rules: Never associate with a Band Nerd.
Not even a Band Nerd as hot as Nicholas Jonas.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hiya guys :D
Francis here:)
Well here it is!!
Please tell Kat, Bree, and me what you guys think.
We promise not to bite, lol.
We love to hear from you.
Sorry for the long wait :)
The next chapter I write will be in Nick's P.O.V.
Kat's P.O.V will be the next chapter and that's for all you Joe lovers<3:)
Then Bree's up with Kevin :)<3 (I love him so much)
Hope you guys liked it:)