Status: Last Updated: 14. August. 2010

We Were Lost and Broken Until We Met You Guys

The Heart


Nick’s P.O.V.
“God!! How I miss Texas!! Remind me one last time why we moved from Texas to New Jersey," my brother, Joe, requested as me and my other brothers, Kevin and Frankie, piled into the car to go to school.
“Joe! For the billionth time. We moved because Dad got a job transfer here and he didn’t want to leave mom and us behind,” Kevin explained in an aggravated tone.
I sighed, wishing that I could be anywhere but here.
“Gosh, lighten up Nick, I mean it’s not our fault Jenny broke up with you. I mean, I know you’re a freaking stud but relationships usually do come to an end. And besides- she was cheating on you with Alex," Joe commented, and I tensed up.
Jenny was my girlfriend in Texas and we had dated for about three months. But then Dad got the new job transfer and she broke up with me to date one of my friends from the school's band, Alex.
“Hey hey!! Joe shut up; Nick don’t take things so seriously," my oldest brother said, intervening.
I looked out the window and waited until Frankie’s school came into view.
Kevin doubled parked the car and Frankie got out.
“Bye guys!” He yelled running to the school yard.
“Bye Frankster,” Joe yelled back as Kevin and I waved, rolling our eyes at Joe.
Kevin then started the car again and drove to our school.
The ride wasn’t long, but it also wasn’t quick so I had a lot of time to think about my relationship with Jenny.
I guess in some way I am happy that my dad did got the transfer so I wouldn’t have to deal with Jenny and Alex’s betrayal.But I was also angry because I had to leave a lot of amazing friends behind.
I must’ve been out of it, because the next thing I know, Joe is slapping his hand behind my head.
“Oww!! What was that for?” I asked rubbing my mass of curls.
“We’re here, Daydreamer.” Joe replied getting out the car.
I glanced around the school.
It was very huge, yet extremely organized.
I could see the jocks hanging out with other jocks, brainiacs hanging out with other brainiacs, etc. The cliques didn't merge, everyone had their place.
“Woah!” Kevin exclaimed, surprised. "This place is enormous."
“Well you know what we have to do," Joe said as we walked into the school, still gaping.
We walked to a very familiar room everybody has been to: the school office.
“Hello, I’m Mrs. Bryant. How may I help you?"
“Well I’m Kevin Jonas, and these are my brothers, Joe and Nick, and we’re new here," he answered shaking Mrs. Bryant's hand.
“Well sure. Nice to meet you boys. Let me get your schedules.” She replied after shaking Joe’s and my hand.
She walked into another office room as Joe, Kevin, and I waited.
She came back with three folders and a man.
“Hello boys. I’m Mr. Mendez, the assistant principal here. Welcome to Jersey High!” he greeted us and shook all our hands.
“If you boys need anything, don’t hesitate to come to the office and talk to us. We love hearing from our students.” He said
“Sure, will do sir. If you don’t mind, we’re gonna be going to look for our lockers.” Kevin said
“Sure bye boys.” Mr. Mendez said
We waved to him and Mrs. Bryant and walked out.
I shifted my guitar case onto my left hand while flipping through the folder, finding my schedule, some papers for my parents to sign, and a map of the school in case I got lost.
While trying to put all the papers back in the folder, I bumped into a slender body and wrapped my arms around the person to keep her from hurting herself.
The girl collapsed on top of me with her head resting on top of my chest.
Her hair smelled of strawberries and her skin of vanilla.
“I am extremely sorry!” She exclaimed trying to lift her head off my chest but not succeeding.
She tried again and looked down at me. She let out a small gasp while observing me.
She was indeed very very beautiful. She had short dark brown hair, brown eyes, and in general, a very sincere and genuine beautiful face.
The girl looked into my eyes and I blushed trying not to stare at her.
“It’s alright. I should’ve been watching where I was going. So I’m sorry,” I said trying to reassure her that it wasn’t her fault.
“Don’t worry about it. Are you new here? Because I’ve never seen you around before.” She asked while getting off of me and grabbing her bag.
She offered me a hand and I graciously accepted it.
“Thank you and as a matter of fact I am new. I moved here from Texas. My dad is a pastor and he got a job transfer. I have two older brothers who come here and a younger brother who goes to Jersey Elementary School. I’m Nicholas Jonas but I prefer Nick. You?” I responded in a ramble, bending down to pick up my book bag and scattered papers.
“Ohhh oops. I’m Francis Garcia, I know, a dude’s name but what can you do. It means deck of the ships, very weird. I hate my name," she answered with a grimace.
“I like it. It’s unique, just like you." I gave her a timid smile.
She blushed and tried to focus her eyes elsewhere.
“Thank you," she blushed.
“You’re welcome. Do you mind showing me around?” I asked hopefully.
She tapped her chin, smirked a bit and then said, “Awwwww don’t be. You’ll do fine; I can assure you that everything will be great. And as a matter of fact, I can-“she started but stopped once she noticed me bend down and pick up a guitar case.
“Is that yours?” She asked a bit scared, her smile fading.
“Yes it is. I’ve been playing the guitar since I was thirteen and the piano since I was ten (I don’t really know).” I said still wondering why she looked so scared.
“That’s cool," she said with a gulp.
“Are you okay? You are starting to look pale," I asked, genuinely concerned, trying to read her face.
“Yup, I’m fine. I really would like to help you but I promised my cousins I’d wait for them in the cafeteria and they’d walk me to homeroom, sorry.” She said quickly, not looking me in the eyes.
“Sure, maybe later or another time," I said with hope, although I was still crushed.
Yeah, maybe next time. I thought hopefully.
She nodded her head and practically ran off.
What the heck just happened?
“Dude, do you know who you were talking to?" Some random girl asked, coming up to me.
“Uhhh Francis Garcia?”
“Yeah! She’s, like, one of the most popular girls in school, dude. And she isn’t allowed to date Band Nerds," she told me in a duh tone.
“Band Nerds?”
“People who are in band are considered Band Nerds, even hunks like yourself," She rolled her eyes.
Ohhhhh now I finally understood why she was all uncomfortable when she spotted my guitar case.
Well I was planning on changing that.
Once I spotted Francis, I knew Jenny was done for.
I just needed to push down those walls Francis had built up and get to her heart.
And that was a promise I was planning to keep.
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I'm so sorry for the long wait guys!
I hope you guys enjoyed Bree's chapter, I know I did :)
I hope you like this one as well.
Next one will be Kat's chapter.
So be on the lookout for it.
Much love,