Status: Last Updated: 14. August. 2010

We Were Lost and Broken Until We Met You Guys

There's Beauty In Everything


Stupid locker wouldn’t open. I thought to myself on my way to first period, which was history. As soon as I stepped into the classroom the bell rang. I breathed a sigh of relief that I wasn’t late, especially for the first day of school.

“Nice of you to us Mr. Jonas. Please take an available seat,” Mr. Carter told me while looking up from his podium. He looked oddly like Nick Carter, ya know the guy from the Backstreet Boys, weird how they have the same last name. Although he did have brown hair && he was shorter then Nick Carter.

The only seat that I could find was next a beautiful girl. She made my heart stop she was that beautiful. Once I got to my seat I heard the teacher talking, “Everyone while I write down today’s assignment && tonight’s homework I would like everyone to turn to the person next to you && introduce yourselves, because that person will be you buddy for the remainder of the school year.” I looked over to the beauty next to me && introduced myself, “Hi I’m Joe. I’m new here.” She looked at my hand for second before taking it. “I’m Katherine but you can call me Kat. I’ve here my whole life.” I just feel in love with southern accent. Without thinking I said, “I like your accent it’s kinda cute.” She blushed && then looked down at our still intertwined hands. “Um, could I have my hand back?” She asked me. It was my turn to blush. I took my hand out of hers instantly missing the feel of it. She had the softest hands I had ever felt.

Then Mr. Carter started speaking, “Alright everyone here’s your assignment for the day so get started so you can finish before the bell. I promise once we get this done we’ll start havin’ some fun.” We all groaned in response but the teacher just kept smiling.

When I looked at the board there was so much that we had to do. We had to read chapters 1-3 && take notes out of our history books then for homework we had to write a 5-7 page paper on one our favorite historical events. Thank goodness that was due in two days. At least we have some time for that paper, not much but it’s still time. I thought to myself. When I looked back at Kat she had already started the assignment. I couldn’t help but stare at her. She had medium length jet black hair with the most beautiful hazel eyes I had ever laid eyes on. She wasn’t stick thin she had a lot of meat on her bones. It was the perfect look for her. The more I stared at her the more I noticed things. Like she had a to scars on her forehead, one in the kind of the middle while the other was closer to her right eye. She had lots of tiny freckles.

The sound of Mr. Carter’s voice brought me out of my thoughts. “What ever y’all don’t finish will be for homework,” He told us. This once again earned him groans from the entire class, except for Kat. I looked to see where she was at in to history book && she was already on chapter 3. I looked up at the clock to see that it was almost the end of class. Wow. I thought about her the whole time without realizing it. I really need to get to work. I thought to myself.

For the remainder of class I worked completing the first chapter && half of the second. I saw that the bell was about to ring so I decided to talk to Kat. Before I could utter a word she was out the door with her things already packed into her side bag. I couldn’t help but wonder if she would be in any of my other classes. With that last thought I left for my second period as well.
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I am sooooo sorry for not updating as quickly as my co-authors!
I've just been super busy.
Every time that I had the chance I would either be too tired or I would have to do something else.
I hope it's as good as the previous ones.
*gives out a brownie to anyone will to forgive her*
So please comment && let us know what you think!
Mucho Amor