Status: Last Updated: 14. August. 2010

We Were Lost and Broken Until We Met You Guys

The Edge of My Seat


I wondered if Nick and Joe were having a good day. I wouldn’t know; I was away from them for most of the day so I could only assume. The only people I know in this whole school, one that is like a whole different world, are ones I hardly see. One class is all I had with Joe, if you call Study Hall a class. It was more of a high school version of Nap Time in preschool and kindergarten in my opinion. Of course it was well needed, but oh well, you take what you get here.

I made it to AP Calculus early because I wanted to get a good seat, one that I always liked to have in a class that didn’t have assigned seating: The seat in the middle of everything, which in this small classroom (compared to the other classrooms filled with twenty or more students) was the third desk in the second row.

I sat down, made myself comfortable, and set my binder on my desk as I looked at the clock. I wasn’t that early, but I was the first to come in. I sat on the edge of my seat because I wanted to be ready to get out of this class and into the other (which is History) quickly because that was probably my favorite class. Other students had just started to come in and I pushed my glasses up my nose because they were starting to slip. As the students came in I grinned and nodded at them. I wanted to at least make one friend, or an acquaintance, or something. Some smiled and said hi back, others hunched their shoulders and sat down without a word. Some of those screamed typical high school nerd. I wondered if they were ever made fun of. I felt bad for them if they were.

Class was going to start any minute and I looked curiously at the door when I heard the clicking of heels. I saw curly hair, the back of some girl’s hair - a woman really. She was wearing a white skirt with a red blouse and a guy. I assumed that was her boyfriend because they were kissing rather intensely. Either that or he had lost something in her mouth. I tried to look away to give them some privacy but I kept on thinking they should have gotten a room. When I looked back the guy had patted the shocked girl on the behind and I saw a slight blush on her cheeks and the teacher’s face turn red.

The girl looked around the room carefully, trying to find a seat. I would know how carefully because I watched her carefully. She was, in simple terms, stunning. It was not like she had a super model's body, but she wasn't too chunky and was obviously . . . mature. I had to make myself focus on the important things, things that helped me learn. She began walking over to me and I felt my heart beating faster and faster. For some strange reason I thought she was going to come over and talk to me, say hi, and smirk. But that was my own weird fantasy and she just sat down in the empty seat next to me. I grinned at her and turned back to the board as the teacher began saying something about Calculus. I tried to pay attention but I felt her eyes on me.

I was on the edge of my seat even more this time. I had to make myself pay attention to the math so I nodded and shrugged - anything in response to what our teacher said. I am expressive and energetic (the Energizer Bunny to my brothers), and fiddling with my pencil and reacting to what our teacher said helped my energy and helped distract me from the stare coming from the beautiful girl next to me.

I kept on fantasizing about her throughout class. I imagined shaking her hand, talking with her. From then it went on to the two of us sitting at lunch together and laughing, hugging, sharing a shake with two straws and a cherry on top. My imagination went wilder and it went to walking hand in hand down the shore with her. In that daydream she wore a flower in her hair, a smirk on her face, and a red dress, one that was really an extension of the low-cut red blouse she was wearing. Undoubtedly her low-cut shirt was not helping my concentration. Is the “I‘m a guy” excuse getting old yet?

Already the teacher, Mr. Bates, had us working on something really easy. At least it was until I got to the graphs. Oh those graphs. The only person I thought of turning to was the princess next to me. Princess seemed to fit her: beautiful, giving off a royalty feel, and if she wore a tiara I wouldn’t be surprised. She gave off the vibe that she probably is the royalty of this school.

I took a chance and leaned in closer to her, immediately smelling the perfume she put on. It was intoxicating. Her brown eyes bore into mine and it was like she could read everything that was going on in my mind, every part of me. I was glad I picked the cologne I did this morning and put a lot of it on, like I usually do. I wish I could have changed my shirt and wore my contacts, though.

“Hey, um, could you help me with this problem?” I asked in a whisper, my voice unable to get any louder. I tried to grin and be a bit funny, something my smooth brother Joe might do. “For some reason Pre-Cal problems have jumped ship.”

For some reason Pre-Cal problems have jumped ship? What the heck was that Paul Kevin Jonas II? I doubt that is something Joe would have done. He would have been more casual, funnier, and smoother. Definitely more confident. My goofy grin probably screamed lack-of-confidence.

But she giggled. I didn't know a simple giggle could send my whole world upside down. If it wasn't obvious, I was the hopeless romantic brother.

Suddenly she stopped giggling and her expression was blank. I could tell she was mulling things over at that point. She sighed and started telling me how to do the problem. My jaw fell slightly slack and I was mesmerized. I thought she would scoff and completely ignore my request, but no, there she was helping me. I listened intently but focused more on the sound of her voice than on the math problem she seemed to do so easily. The sound of her voice would definitely haunt me in my dreams.

She had finished helping me and the bell rang. I gathered my things, began putting my things in my bag, and I straightened up to say goodbye to the princess. Her clicking heels were moving fast and she was at the door already.

“All right then,” I said. This was confusing. Some part of me hoped she was in a hurry to get to the next class, not away from me. “Bye.”

She had just passed the door but when I said goodbye she turned around rather reluctantly. She put her hands on her hips and, acting completely nonchalant and like she doesn’t care, smirked. It was the same smirk I daydreamed about before I even knew she actually did that and I grinned at the sight of it. And I grinned because of how she was acting: Total princess. It was entertaining. I wondered if she faked it or if this could really be how she acted.

She checked her nails and I put my hands in my pockets, acting just as casual and nonchalant as she was. She muttered a goodbye before turning her heel and high-tailing it out of the class. I chuckled once more at her demeanor before my breath caught in my throat, completely and utterly falling for that girl already. I stood there for a few seconds just admiring the beauty that had walked out of the door. Needless to say I was hoping I had more classes with her. A lot more. As I walked out of the classroom with my backpack hanging off by one strap on my shoulder, binder at my side with my hand, I seriously considered finding out her schedule and making mine like hers so I could have all my classes with her. Then I realized that was creepy and shook the thought from my mind. I also shook the thought of me being the boy she was chomping on before class started out of my mind. That would probably haunt my dreams as well. Darn it.
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Hey guys! So I hoped you liked it. I would have updated sooner but I was on vacation with my dad. I already had a chapter written out and everything. Two, actually. I was deciding on which one would best fit the flow of the story, which one I liked best, and this was it. I had Boy Meets Girl (And Vise Versa) by FM Static stuck in my head and it helped me write this chapter. I was originally going to have it take place in a different place, but since my co-authors wrote the chapters based on their P.O.V.'s through the boys' eyes, I figured I do the same so it would flow. If that doesn't make sense, it's okay. It made sense in my head, as usual, haha. :D
Don't you just love Kevin? I know I do. And I loved my co-author's chapters. AWESOME. ^_^ Keep a look out for the next chapter!
Love, Bree ^_^