Status: Last Updated: 14. August. 2010

We Were Lost and Broken Until We Met You Guys

Not So Bad After All


Life had been sorta hectic for me the first week of school so you could guess my complete and utter happiness when Friday came.
At breakfast Kat reminded Bree and me of Leslie's party starting at nine and my happiness disappeared.

A definition of Leslie's parties; people getting drunk, loud obnoxious music, people grinding against each other, and then they carried their little 'parties' upstairs to one of the many bedrooms in Leslie's house.

I completely dreaded it. It was plainly a terrible attempt to hook up with people. There would be tons of rumors spread by Leslie and Sam and lots of boys/ girls cheating on their boyfriends/ girlfriends. Lots of fighintg and unwanted drama.

Aside from school, time spent with Leslie and Sam, and at home i hardly spent time with my cousins. They had been acting pretty strange lately; Bree was always with a worried expression clouding her face and Kat was always texting away furiously on her cell.

Nick Jonas. Every class I had he was in. Trigonometry Honors, World History AP, my guidance group, homeroom, lunch, basically any class you could name. When I had an unscheduled period and I passed by the music room I would usually see him with his friends- Araceli Signore, Aaron Baxter, Dante Mercaldi, and Grace Hernandez- from band laughing. He tried to talk to me but I usually ignored him. I felt guilty but he had to understand so way that he and I couldn't be friends.

At lunch, I sat with some girls from the group and pretended to be fascinated with some girl's story on how she lost her virginity to her boyfriend of four months. Did I care? Hell no.
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Nick and his four friends laughing. Nick noticed me looking at him and flashed me a small smile. I smiled back and turned my attention to the girl who was still felling her story about losing her virginity. I then locked eyes with Priscilla Lopez, Leslie's best friend ( besides Sam) and smiled sweetly.

She whipped her head to the direction of the person I had been looking at and smirked wickedly. I smiled back innocently but inside my chest my heart hammered furiously for fear that she'd tell Leslie and Sam. Throughout the entire remaining lunch period I tried to focus on what the stupid bimbos at my table were talking about.

Finally lunch finished and my last two period classes came and went.
After school I met up with cousins at Bree's car. Dropping my bag in the back seat I entered the car and in the process banged my head against the window.
" How was school?" Bree asked staring up to look at me through the mirror.
" Fine." I replied monotone hoping she'd get the hint that I didn't want to talk.
Katherine looked up from her cell phone and looked at me through the mirror as well.
" Cupcake, is everything okay?" She questioned concerned.
I plastered a fake smile and assured her and Bree that everything was fine.
She shrugged and went back to texting- who knows who- knowing that I wouldn't give out anymore info.

Bree sighed and shook her head but nonetheless continued to drive.
We soon arrived and after greeting my uncle and aunt I marched upstairs to my bedroom and slammed the door.
" Remember we have to leave at 8:40 to get to Leslie's house at 9." I heard Kat's voice say through my closed door.
I sighed annoyed and decided to get my homework down and over with. Two hours later at six o'clock I was finally done.
I then headed to take a shower. I relaxed as the warm water engulfed my body and I looked down to look at the scars on my stomach. I never wanted to relive that horrible incident ever again.

After my shower I contemplated on what to wear and finally decided on a cute white halter top, dark skinny jeans, and white pumps. My short curly brown hair rested on my shoulders and I putmon my big hoop earrings. I applied a bit of mascara, eye shadow, foundation, and lip gloss and finally I was ready to go. I glanced at the clock on my bed stand reading 8:25.
Staring at myself in the mirror I smirked.

I looked ah-maz-ing!
Satisfied with my appearance I grabbed my leather jacket and purse and exited my bedroom.
I headed toward Kat's room and knocked about four times until she finally appeared dressed in a pair of skinny jeans, a black tank top, and black pumps. Her straight dark hair was curled and she had gold hoop earrings. I opened up my purse and handed her a locket, she received and signaled me to turn around so she could put it on. Once she did I turned around and kissed it.
She pulled out her phone from her pocket and I caught a glimpse of the name Joe.
What Joe was she texting?

With a shrug of my shoulders I exclaimed, " You look amazing!"
She blushed lightly and said, " Thanks cupcake. You look amazing yourself."
I smiled and graciously thanked her.
When I turned my back I noticed she was continued to text. I ignored her and headed towards Bree's room.
Before I could knock, Bree opened the door and appeared in a cute red shirt, a pair of shorts, and red pumps.

" Wow! You guys look amazing. " She exclaimed with a bright smile. Something I haven't seen her give when she started dating Drake because Leslie told her.
Kat and I smiled and told her the same.

We were soon on our way to Leslie's house. The whole time Kat was texting and Bree of course had a worried expression.
Taking out my blackberry I noticed I had a new text from an unknown number.
I opened the text and it read;
- Hey Francis! It's Nick. The guy in all your classes; your friends Leslie and Sam invited my brothers and me to their party. So I'm guessing I'll see you there. She also gave me your number.
- Nick

Sighing I closed the text and dropped the phone in my purse. I gently caressed the locket and opened it up.
Inside was a picture of my parents and me and engraved were the words I love you. I smiled lightly and mouthed an ' I love you'.

Fifteen minutes later we arrived. Getting out the car I saw Drake make his way over to the car and draped an arm over Bree's shoulder and leaned down to make out with her.
Katherine was long gone so I tried not to watch as he played tonsil hockey with Bree. Having enough of the yuck fest I scoffed disgusted and walked to head inside.

Bree opened her eyes and pried herself from an annoyed Drake and said,
"Francis. Please be careful. Don't get caught up with the wrong guy and do something you'll regret."
I turned around and sourly replied, " That's good advice. Maybe you should use it Brianna."
She looked at me with a hurt expression as I turned on my heel and walked into the house.

I did feel guilty about what I said to Bree but she needed to hear that. She was making a mistake by dating Drake.
I grabbed a cup of soda from the kitchen and smelled it before drinking it knowing that sometimes the drinks were spiked.

I looked around and recognized Steve Callahan from gym. Steve was a jock and okay looking. He had a very huge obvious crush on me and tried anything to get into my pants.

He had a Corona bottle in his hand was leaning against a wall talking to some of his friends. I looked around some more hoping to recognize anyone but nothing. The only people I recognized were Bree and Drake who were still making out in a corner.
With a roll of my eyes I headed to find Leslie.

I pushed through crowds of people until I found her talking to Nick and two guys who resembled him.
She spotted me and waved for me to go over to her.
" Hey Francis. Nick over here was looking everywhere for you and his brothers were looking for your cousins." She said with a smug look.

I felt like taking the soda I had in my hand and splashing her in the face with it.
" Ohh well let me go get them." I replied.
Before she could say anything else I walked around pretending to look for Bree and Kat.
What have I gotten myself into?
Someone grabbed my arm and pressed me against the wall and kissed me.
I opened my eyes and saw Steve.

I tried to pry myself away from him but he would have none of that. I felt tears make themselves down but I refused to cry. Taking his bottom lip with my teeth I bit down hard and walked away once he released me mumbling something about ' stupid bitch'.

I ran outside to the yard pushing people out of my way.
Taking a seat in one of the chairs outside I let myself cry.
My cries escalated and pretty soon I was in huge crying mode.
Someone took a seat in the chair next to mine.
I glanced up and recognized the mass of curls.

" Why won't you leave me alone?" I questioned my voice hoarse.
He simply shrugged and replied, " Because you're interesting and I can see that you have stuff to let off your chest and so you need someone to talk to."
" So you're not gonna ask if I'm okay?"
" I'm not an idiot I can see that you're not okay so I'm not gonna ask you." He said tapping his thigh.
I clutched on to the locket and kissed it again.
Nick noticed and asked, " What's that?"
" A locket." I replied in a 'duh' tone.
" I know that but where did you get it?"
" My parents gave it to me on my fifteen birthday before we were in a car accident. They didn't survive. I was the only one who made it." I said astonished that I had told him that. I would never tell anyone that.
" I'm here if you want to talk." He said placing a reassuring hand on my thigh.
I smiled and took a hold of his hand and squeezed it.

As we sat there in the comfortable silence I held his hand and answered every question he threw at me and vice versa.
Sitting there with his hand in mine I realized that maybe he wasn't so bad after all.
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Hey guys!
I know this is over due and I'm extremely sorry.
I hope you guys like and please leave comments letting us know your opinions. We love hearing from you guys.
I love my coauthors chapters they were amazing!:)
I love you guys!(:
Keep the amazing comments coming!(:
~Francis Marie Guiselle~