To Throw My Cares Away And Look Ahead.

This is a dream I had last night after wathicng Life On The Murder Scene (kick fucking ass movie by the way). Basically if you really wanna know this is about MCR only coming home for different weeks while they are on tour. Basically it's like I'm living with them but it's not what you are all thinking. Not one of those whores who live with the band. In my dream I was living with them because I went to school with Gerard, Mikey, and Ray. Frank and Bob I didn't know till they joined the band.

There is a little romance, not much in the first part. Just a little. Its not one of those sex stories with all the guys all the time. Its just kind of a step down from all the stories I've read on here and I think you will (pointing "you" at you the reader) will like it.

So here we go...
  1. It Just Starts Like This...
    By the drink and wake up in a room thats not yours than you know you have a problem.
  2. Where Are The Socks?
    I think that will speak for itself.
  3. Babysitting
    Well this is the day...