Blood Brothers


Tom's POV

My body got use to the ice water I was alone I was gathering my thoughts Bill is acting like mom. I got out of the tub ice water I walked to get a towel I walked back to my room and got dressed sun was up I sighed. “I won’t be able to go out still with out I am still sensitive to the sun!” I sighed I fell back on my bed and sighed. I pulled out a smoke and lit it I heard a knock on my bed room door “Yes?” I answered already knowing who it is. “Can I come in?” He asked “Yeah come on in” I said he walked in I looked at him. “Want a smoke?” I asked him he shook his head he sat down on my bed “Your body won’t heal for another week and the scars won’t be gone for years” He said he touch on of my scars. I winced he moved his hand away quickly “I am sorry!” he said the pain was horrible even the slights touch hurts.

I looked over at him I saw that he was very worried “Dork it is nothing” I said I stood up to show him I was fine but such as heck I wasn’t. When he touched that scar it triggered some chain of pain all my scars started to hurt at once. Though I held my pain in so I won’t make Bill worry “Are you sure you are alright?” he asked me again he laid his hand again on my back. More pain shot through me “Uh yeah I am fine! Hey I am really tired and I want to get some sleep.” I told him he nodded he gave me a hug and left. My body was flowing with pain I fell on my bed and covered my head with the pillows.

I let out a loud scream to reveal pain “Shit that hurts whenever he touch me I have awful pain!” I told myself. Note to self make sure Bill doesn’t lay a hand on me till my scars can heal right.